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Random thoughts.


Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!
When you just cleaned the toilet and need to poop
Angry Season 3 GIF by The Simpsons
I've been really into cooking this week. Usually I just throw some stuff in the air fryer or microwave and that's me but I've been taking the time out of my day to go cook something from scratch. I wouldn't say it's relaxing but it's satisfying and keeps my mind off things. Bought a lot of ingredients today! More chicken, rice, vegetables.

My favourite food right now is rice with chicken and prawns. God it's so fucking beautiful. I boil the rice in beef stock and miso, cut up mushrooms/onions and fry a couple eggs in sesame oil and scramble them into little pieces, then toss in pieces of chicken thighs (i hate chicken breast but chicken thighs....mmmmmm). Then i mix the rice and prawns in and put a little garlic/pepper/salt in with some soy sauce.

I'll make more of that but I want to do some noodles with prawns and vegetables. I was thinking of picking some beef or ham up to put in with it but i'll just use up the chicken I have. Maybe next week if I get something different. If I have enough chicken I might make a homemade curry too :messenger_smiling_with_eyes:

I'm trying to eat healthier so I guess that's why I'm cooking everything now. I still have a lot of junk in my freezer but I don't want to eat it.
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They are expensive as fuck I know!

It's like £4-5 a pack and you get next to fuck all in it but I love them. My local chinese restaurant used to charge £5 for prawn rice and now the rip off merchant cunts are charging £10 for a fucking portion of rice with some prawns in it!

I don't know why prawns are so expensive. I did for a while refuse to buy them but I really like them.
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I've been really into cooking this week. Usually I just throw some stuff in the air fryer or microwave and that's me but I've been taking the time out of my day to go cook something from scratch. I wouldn't say it's relaxing but it's satisfying and keeps my mind off things. Bought a lot of ingredients today! More chicken, rice, vegetables.

My favourite food right now is rice with chicken and prawns. God it's so fucking beautiful. I boil the rice in beef stock and miso, cut up mushrooms/onions and fry a couple eggs in sesame oil and scramble them into little pieces, then toss in pieces of chicken thighs (i hate chicken breast but chicken thighs....mmmmmm). Then i mix the rice and prawns in and put a little garlic/pepper/salt in with some soy sauce.

I'll make more of that but I want to do some noodles with prawns and vegetables. I was thinking of picking some beef or ham up to put in with it but i'll just use up the chicken I have. Maybe next week if I get something different. If I have enough chicken I might make a homemade curry too :messenger_smiling_with_eyes:

I'm trying to eat healthier so I guess that's why I'm cooking everything now. I still have a lot of junk in my freezer but I don't want to eat it.

Good for you man. Yeah making healthy food takes effort.

Currenly making lentil soup with added veggies.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
I've been really into cooking this week. Usually I just throw some stuff in the air fryer or microwave and that's me but I've been taking the time out of my day to go cook something from scratch. I wouldn't say it's relaxing but it's satisfying and keeps my mind off things. Bought a lot of ingredients today! More chicken, rice, vegetables.

My favourite food right now is rice with chicken and prawns. God it's so fucking beautiful. I boil the rice in beef stock and miso, cut up mushrooms/onions and fry a couple eggs in sesame oil and scramble them into little pieces, then toss in pieces of chicken thighs (i hate chicken breast but chicken thighs....mmmmmm). Then i mix the rice and prawns in and put a little garlic/pepper/salt in with some soy sauce.

I'll make more of that but I want to do some noodles with prawns and vegetables. I was thinking of picking some beef or ham up to put in with it but i'll just use up the chicken I have. Maybe next week if I get something different. If I have enough chicken I might make a homemade curry too :messenger_smiling_with_eyes:

I'm trying to eat healthier so I guess that's why I'm cooking everything now. I still have a lot of junk in my freezer but I don't want to eat it.


neogaf will also give you issues if you use the wrong keyboard on mobile.

Samsung's keyboard, which I use on tablet due to its great split keyboard layout, will completely mangle your post for example.

I'm on an old Samsung mobile. With DGG if i wanted to give a reaction it gave a pop up for example. Which i had to remove to chose anything else but the thumbs up. Which i rarely use.
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I want to stuff my face with popcorn. I have a bag of microwave popcorn but unfortunately my microwave is too small for the bag so it doesn't turn around when cooking which results in not a lot of corn being popped. I'm going to see if there are any good movies on tonight and if there is then I will go to the cinema and buy some popcorn. Usually I would buy the smallest popcorn bag available but I will buy a medium bag instead this time. I have a craving for popcorn. The popcorn I get is salty but I might be adventerous and get sweet popcorn instead. Welcome to my Saturday night.


With the weather starting to get a little warmer here, I'm now starting to look forward to going on more weekend walks with my sketchbook in my backpack.


No way.

You're a good poster from what I've seen.

You helped me with the Series S dev mode and make long detailed posts about tech stuff.

Never seen you've gotten personal as well. Chill.

yeah but I also sometimes go super hard on games/game elements that I can't stand...
and this, sadly, is sometimes seen as "fanboy" talk, as it happens to often be Sony developed games that I highly criticise and shit on 😑
and we are on Sony gaf here after all 😜
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yeah but I also sometimes go super hard on games/game elements that I can't stand...
and this, sadly, is sometimes seen as "fanboy" talk, as it happens to often be Sony developed games that I highly criticise and shit on 😑
and we are on Sony gaf here after all 😜

Well most bans occur on gaming side. Maybe give less a fuck about the subjects that make you want to post your opinion (passionately)

Got any warnings yet?

If not don't worrie
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Well most bans occur on gaming side. Maybe give less a fuck about the subjects that make you post (passionately)

I got away with creating a thread that shat on Halo Infinite to hard, that I ran out of characters and had to continue my OP in the second post lol...

I like to push boundaries 😅


In Christianity, it seems to be suggested that "6" is a number associated with evil, and "7" is associated with holiness. And I wonder if (not really joking) the 69 position is kind of symbolic of the nature of humanity. Both man and woman are imperfect, but together they come very close to that perfect state. You know, like if they help each other, they can somehow reach 7 together.

Like the ouroboros, a snake that eats itself. Which, when you think about it, kinda fuckin' sucks.


Costochondritis fucking sucks and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.

”Oh, you want to get things done today? Here’s some crippling pain in all the cartilages that connect your ribs to your sternum. It’s gonna be worse on the left side just to give you a heart attack scare. Because fuck you, that’s why!”

Christ I hate Windows 11. It's like Microsoft looked at Windows 10 and said "Everyone loves this. It's great. Now let's figure out how to make everything about it worse. I mean just awful. fuck our users. Fuck their stupid mouths".

I didn’t think I’d like Windows 11 when I got my new laptop but after setting it up I’m so very happy to see the entire Duplo block Metro UI Windows 10 trash relegated to the trash heap. Even if Windows 11 is very MacOS Inspired.


Hold onto your panties
Costochondritis fucking sucks and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.

”Oh, you want to get things done today? Here’s some crippling pain in all the cartilages that connect your ribs to your sternum. It’s gonna be worse on the left side just to give you a heart attack scare. Because fuck you, that’s why!”

I didn’t think I’d like Windows 11 when I got my new laptop but after setting it up I’m so very happy to see the entire Duplo block Metro UI Windows 10 trash relegated to the trash heap. Even if Windows 11 is very MacOS Inspired.
Many don't even know what costochondritus is until they've had it. I hit a low point in my life back in 2012. Too many bad things happened all in a short two month timeframe. It started is a sharp needle-like stabbing that would come and go every couple minutes. Then, the pulsing chest pain got worse. I thought I was having a heart attack and went to E.R.

They ran some cardio tests and even did a chest x-ray. Then the doctor comes over and explains with papers that it's costochrondritus. The nerves become like a plaque around the ribcage and sternum. Coupled with high stress levels -- the nerves become inflamed and all that. The only real solutions I knew for it were better diet, exercise, work (something long enough to keep your mind off whatever my be causing it to worsen), sleep, cut caffiene and on a similar note...best to cut any drugs and/or alcohol.
That's why you have great taste.

hollywood might GIF
Giant robos and mechas were great. I think the reason they died out was it became too overdone and there was very little new to be written.
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The only real solutions I knew for it were better diet, exercise, work (something long enough to keep your mind off whatever my be causing it to worsen), sleep, cut caffiene and on a similar note...best to cut any drugs and/or alcohol.
Yeah, and even with doing all of that, it can still randomly just show up to make life hell. For me, I get it a lot with weather changes. Cold and damp weather is particularly bad, but any significant change can set it off. Really fun in spring when pollen leads to sneezing which leads to costo.

Voltaren Gel is the only over the counter product that helps.


Costochondritis fucking sucks and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.

”Oh, you want to get things done today? Here’s some crippling pain in all the cartilages that connect your ribs to your sternum. It’s gonna be worse on the left side just to give you a heart attack scare. Because fuck you, that’s why!”

Yeah a decade plus of sciacitca nerve pain isn't fun as well. And that's only physical. Add Autisme. 35 years of PTSD. General anxiety disorder, OCD, depression and severe body dysmorphia. Jackpot baby.

Bless you
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I think low wages and crunch has bitten game industry in the ass when it comes to senior engineers. Games are buggier and custom engines were dropped because there wasn't enough engineers. Sure game needs to be big success to afford said engineers but still.
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