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Random thoughts.

I don't know much about them but I miss the old guard of tech like Bill Gates and Steve Wozniak. Don't know what Mr. Gates is up to these days but I hope he's well. Steve Wozniak recently spoke out against A.I. and found it sad that the forces who use money to get their way usually win out and he finds it kind of sad, which resonated with me.


I've heard some devious shit about Gates. Been awhile but is wasn't kosher in the least.

And yeah everything is about acquiring wealth. That is sad indeed.


Ok just asked the cashier if she had a boyfriend. She replied no and wasn't searching etc. Had a note with me with my number and name.

Bill Murray Christmas Movies GIF by filmeditor


Conversation that quite literally just transpired here:

Wife: If something happens to me, I want you to try to find someone else to spend the rest of your life with.

Me: Would buying a RealDoll count?

Wife: :messenger_pouting::messenger_pouting:

You'd think after seeing the absolute hell my best friend of 30 years has gone through trying to date in the decade following his divorce, she'd understand why I have zero desire get back into the dating pool. Especially at middle age and in this day and age. Hell to the naw.

Once is enough.


I've been learning digital art and Japanese for nearly two years and I think I need to drop one and focus on the other. I've always liked the idea of setting up an Etsy shop or something and selling small prints, stickers, and similar stuff or even streaming graphics. With Japanese, I don't think I'll ever properly use it; I feel like I'm learning because of games and because I've always wanted to learn a second language and perhaps prove to myself that I'm actually capable of learning something challenging and difficult. I really enjoy both, though. Argh.


I've been learning digital art and Japanese for nearly two years and I think I need to drop one and focus on the other. I've always liked the idea of setting up an Etsy shop or something and selling small prints, stickers, and similar stuff or even streaming graphics. With Japanese, I don't think I'll ever properly use it; I feel like I'm learning because of games and because I've always wanted to learn a second language and perhaps prove to myself that I'm actually capable of learning something challenging and difficult. I really enjoy both, though. Argh.

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I've been learning digital art and Japanese for nearly two years and I think I need to drop one and focus on the other. I've always liked the idea of setting up an Etsy shop or something and selling small prints, stickers, and similar stuff or even streaming graphics. With Japanese, I don't think I'll ever properly use it; I feel like I'm learning because of games and because I've always wanted to learn a second language and perhaps prove to myself that I'm actually capable of learning something challenging and difficult. I really enjoy both, though. Argh.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
I don't like how fuck ninjas want to come in my neighborhood and try do some shit like that.
Pussy ass ninja.
Coming down a ninja's block.
Now, if I would have did something , it would've been crazy, right?
But next time, it's gonna be that..


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I realized earlier today when I went to buy more glasses that I actually like going to IKEA. Fuck, I am so lame, I need more hobbies.


I've got a spare USB 3.1 external enclosure lying around here and I'm thinking about buying a cheaper DRAM-less SATA SSD just for data archival purposes. Backing up my data drive once a month kind of thing.

Think DRAM-less would be acceptable for that scenario?


Anyone else here lately unable to skip past the movie ads when watching something on Prime? Seems like the last week or so, they no longer have the "skip" option. And yet the fucking cost of a Prime membership escalates each year.
I hope @nightmare-slain doesn't find it weird that I marked his GAF return on my calendar.
Hello there! :) Glad to be back!! I'll be on my best behaviour from now on I promise :messenger_tears_of_joy:

EDIT: I see there is a new reaction on here thanks to kanjobazooie kanjobazooie

My gold expired during my banishment. I will maybe join again soon.
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