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Random thoughts.

I can't decide what to eat. I could make some "Poutine" or ramen or fancy ass rice. I can't be arsed cooking too much so I'm leaning towards "Poutine". Noodles aren't too bad to make and I could do some egg and shit to put in it.

I have a pure cheek to be hungry after stuffing my face with popcorn today.
My eye balls be acting weird recently. At first I noticed I was having to turn the brightness up on screens. Then I started seeing these black spots and lines flashing. Around the same time that started my eyes started shaking for second every now and then (maybe twice a day). It's like they go out of focus and they start shaking. It's not something I consciously do it just randomly happens. I know there is an eye condition called Nystagmus but my eyes aren't that bad that they are constantly moving.

Not sure if it's related but I have had this twitch in my neck/jaw for years now. Again it happens without me doing anything. My neck or jaw will jerk. Sometimes it's harmless but it can really hurt at times.

I don't know what's causing it.
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My eye balls be acting weird recently. At first I noticed I was having to turn the brightness up on screens. Then I started seeing these black spots and lines flashing. Around the same time that started my eyes started shaking for second every now and then (maybe twice a day). It's like they go out of focus and they start shaking. It's not something I consciously do it just randomly happens. I know there is an eye condition called Nystagmus but my eyes aren't that bad that they are constantly moving.

Not sure if it's related but I have had this twitch in my neck/jaw for years now. Again it happens without me doing anything. My neck or jaw will jerk. Sometimes it's harmless but it can really hurt at times.

I don't know what's causing it.
Eh, probably obvious, but...have you consulted a doctor about all this?


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I found out iBuypower has a mascot named Peepo




I found out iBuypower has a mascot named Peepo



Peepo isn't ibuypower's mascot, Peepo is a Twitch/Discord meme and very popular emote template on Twitch. Ibuypower simply made a plush version wearing their logo of him, and changed the basic design enough to not get into copyright issues I bet.

Peepo was originally just a badly drawn version of Pepe the Frog, but after a while basically became its own character, usually depicted as a cuter and more innocent version of Pepe.


with widepeepoHappy being I think the most popular Peepo emote,
as it basically became the default reaction to anything cute happening on stream
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Eh, probably obvious, but...have you consulted a doctor about all this?
Don't be silly. Of course I haven't! :messenger_tears_of_joy: I'm not really worried about the neck/jaw thing as I've had it since I was like 13. The eye stuff has only started the last few months and I'm going to mention it to my optician when I see them soon. Reading up on the Nystagmus apparently it can be triggered by alcohol so wouldn't be surprised if that's the cause. I hate going to the doctors cause all you get out of them is "Have you thought about cutting down how much alcohol you drink?" Nah I've never thought of that...

I know I'm an alcoholic and I have tried cutting it down but I can't do it on my own. I know I should go back to the doctor and ask for help but obviously I don't want it enough yet.


Gold Member
Did Goku’s spirit bomb become useless once he achieved SSGSSJ? I haven’t been following DBZ since early 2000’s, but did it become useless over time? Has he even used it since? I’d Google this, but I don’t feel like it.


It makes me sad that typically the first thing I end up doing when going back into the Gaming forum is start adding threads to my ignore list.

Maybe it's time to give that forum some subforums, like "Ranting," "Complaining," "Wah," "Sales Numbers & Penis Sizes," and then one lone subforum like "Gaming (you know, the things we do for fun?)."
I hate decorating. The kitchen is getting done now. The stupid fucking idiots who lived here before have put like 3 layers of wallpaper on the walls so you scrap one off and realise there is another and then after that there is another layer. Got the first 2 layers off and some of the 3rd. Can't be fucked with that shit I'd be here forever as it's really difficult to get off. Going to tile up what I can then stick some thick wallpaper over the rest of it. Usually do the wallpapering myself but I don't have the energy for it. I'd rather pay someone. Thankfully the kitchen is the last to get decorated.

EDIT: i actually found a use for ChatGPT. I absolutely suck at maths and I am showing how stupid I am here but I took some money out my savings last week and wanted to figure out how much I should increase my saving per week to repay the money I took out so that in 4 weeks I'd end up with the same amount of savings as if I had never taken the money out and kept saving the same amount. My stupid ass drunk monkey brain couldn't figure it out and after fucking about with a calculator I thought let's ask the AI overlords and yep they told me.

I swear this is going to be the downfall of humanity. If social media made us dumb apes then AI is going to fucking destroy us. No more thinking for ourselves!!!

EDIT: kanjobazooie kanjobazooie if I'm banned in the next day or two (i fear i have upset the mod gods) then I'll probably be gone for good. Remember meeeeee and every year on the date of my permanent ban please proudly display my Persona5 morgana go to bed avatar. I'll forever be watching over you as a lurker in a signed out incognito browser tab!

EDIT: i was going to say something "funny" but forget what it was just as I went to edit this post. Sorry to disappoint y'all!
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Has someone ever stolen your pet? I feel like I'd go nuclear if someone stole my dog.
No but if someone even looked at my cat the wrong way I'd get angry. If someone harmed my cat in any real way I'd kick their cunt in.

My cats bite and hate being lifted or touched so good luck to anyone who tries stealing them :messenger_tears_of_joy: One of my cats is not scared of anything. There is this big fuck off dog that gets walked by my house and she is always eyeing it up and ready to fight it. I love how fearless and bold she is.
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