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Rate how familiar you are with the poster above you!


0/10 looking at your history we don't enter the same threads

7/10 lol @ geting jr'd

i get that a lot

sorry, i don't recognize you :( so 0/10

0/10. Don't recognize ya either.

Remember the Avatar and some posts in OT. 7/10

I really like derpy Ellie btw, so cute! :3


Your username is The_Cat translated into English

ditto, bro

Übermatik;125539520 said:
Picsthatmakeyoulaff/10. And everywhere else. Also British. <3

zero suit swimmer? never heard of 'em, sorry :( 0/10

These are the people on this page that I Shrekognize. Not Strike though, sorry.
Ha, I guess we're the same in that way. :) You also tend to overuse the word "fucking", which lessens its impact.

really? I try to make sure I'm only dropping it when the extra emphasis is needed.

I also basically post exactly how I talk, so it might just be a matter of saying "fuck" too much. Which I probably do :)
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