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Rate how familiar you are with the poster above you!


Can't say that i'm familiar, sorry.

First time seeing you, I think. Avatar doesn't look familiar, at least. Apologies. I'd give you points for the name though.


Übermatik;171273656 said:
Avatar is familiar, mostly in OT. 6/10.

10/10 One of the most familiar posters to me, and posts good stuff on the image threads.

EDIT: Just noticed you've been juniored. What's the reason for that?
10/10 One of the most familiar posters to me, and posts good stuff on the image threads.

EDIT: Just noticed you've been juniored. What's the reason for that?

Back atcha Mechiah!

And I'm still not exactly sure why, but the just of it seems to be that I made to many threads about this fiasco:


I went from member to username change/getting a tag to junior'd in about 24 hours, 2 threads locked and no mention really of what it was all about.

never heard of, sorry.

Know the face and the name, but don't really know you... still, 7.5/10!


He thinks raccoons are cool.

Also, he made the funny pictures thread. (Before he was juniored.)


Unfamiliar to me. So 1/10.

Übermatik;171278696 said:
Back atcha Mechiah!

And I'm still not exactly sure why, but the just of it seems to be that I made to many threads about this fiasco:


I went from member to username change/getting a tag to junior'd in about 24 hours, 2 threads locked and no mention really of what it was all about.

The username change was hilarious. =) I take it, that you weren't exactly sober at the time. ;)
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