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Raw after WM |OT| Suplex City Bitch!


Someone GIF Reigns Wrestlemania fireworks, Rollins winning the strap followed by Ambrose's face right then at the end of the match.


Guys, look on the bright side, Ambrose is pounding the shit out of Renee every night. Da real people's champ.


Why are you guys saying he got buried? He apparently almost died last night and took cener to the wire. That made Ambrose look good.

You guys don't know what burying somebody really is. That was the opposite of a burial.
Why are you guys saying he got buried? He apparently almost died last night and took cener to the wire. That made Ambrose look good.

You guys don't know what burying somebody really is. That was the opposite of a burial.

Some people just like to complain. Ambrose got a good rub there.
Seth Rollins' finisher is the Curbstomp. He has not stomped someone's head on a curb once. You can't curbstomp someone without a curb. This bothers me so much.
Good match regardless...come on folks...Ambrose wasn't going to win the belt tonight.

Good matches aren't determined by how many finishers people kick out of. There was no psychology behind them match with Cena no-selling Liger Bombs and no story beyond the "Hey, look at this guy who lasts 15 minutes before losing to Cena!" ala Cesaro, Sandow etc...
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