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Raw after WM |OT| Suplex City Bitch!


Why are you guys saying he got buried? He apparently almost died last night and took cener to the wire. That made Ambrose look good.

You guys don't know what burying somebody really is. That was the opposite of a burial.

Looking good in a loss means nothing if you continue to lose every week.

Cesaro looked great against Cena months back but it did nothing since he still lost every night.




Good matches aren't determined by how many finishers people kick out of. There was no psychology behind them match with Cena no-selling Liger Bombs and no story beyond the "Hey, look at this guy who lasts 15 minutes before losing to Cena!" ala Cesaro, Sandow etc...

It wasn't about the kick outs...it was just a fun match despite the lack of selling. It's weird that I felt it was ok for what it was...


Big Shoe main eventing in 2015

Who will Ortons partners be? Reigns? No idea who the second one would be.

Maybe Orton will use Cole's show and JBLs microphone as partners. Imagine the hot tag for Cole's shoe.

JR "Somebody stop the dayum match. Have ya got no sole??"
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