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RE4 boxart


Could this be the final one? From ebgames.


thanks to:



Gold Member
Yay for shitty photoshopping and amateurish compositions resulting in generic boxart!

You'd think that when you do a game of that scale, you'd have the budget to put the best movie poster designers to do the packaging. Unfortunately not everyone in games business work that professionally. Instead, they view boxart as a low-priority task that can be assigned to any summertrainee willing to do it.

Hell, Microsoft hired the same guy who did Indiana Jones and Basic Instinct logos to do the logo for Halo.

That said, I agree that Capcom Europe boxart is waaaaaay better. And there is a reason for that. They are using a sklled UK based design studio (whose name I have forgot) to do all their art and packagings. You can really tell the difference - it doesn't look like generic crap.


Unconfirmed Member
Deg said:
Whats with bad boxarts being in fashion on GC? I prefer Europe for Capcom boxarts.

Imagine the scene:

Capcom marketing head, probably female, knowing nothing about games. She farms out the work to an agency that took her out to lunch. The agency, although it has flashy offices in an oh so up and coming part of American City X, knows nothing about videogames.

So there is this creative meeting. The agency art director who knows nothing about games, says, “So, like, um who buys videogames about zombies and chainsaws and shit?”

There is a brief shuffling of papers. It is decided that ‘those youths’ buy videogames about zombies and shit. You know the ones – they are white but wear black kids’ clothes, albeit tempered with a Linkin Park T-shirt. They are middle class and like watching Jackass and wanking. So then decision is made – appeal to the lowest possible denominator of the videogame sectors perceived demographic.

Never a thought to the heritage of the series, what this incarnation means to the franchise or even a reflection of aesthetic of the game. Just put the bloke in the game, on the front with some other gory shit, spending as little time as possible. Then send the invoice off the girl at Capcom’s marketing department who thinks it’s a great job and pays through the nose.
Chittagong said:
Yay for shitty photoshopping and amateurish compositions resulting in generic boxart!

You'd think that when you do a game of that scale, you'd have the budget to put the best movie poster designers to do the packaging. Unfortunately not everyone in games business work that professionally. Instead, they view boxart as a low-priority task that can be assigned to any summertrainee willing to do it.

Hell, Microsoft hired the same guy who did Indiana Jones and Basic Instinct logos to do the logo for Halo.

That said, I agree that Capcom Europe boxart is waaaaaay better. And there is a reason for that. They are using a sklled UK based design studio (whose name I have forgot) to do all their art and packagings. You can really tell the difference - it doesn't look like generic crap.

Halo2 cover = generic crap i dont see it being any better than those above.


Gold Member
Rogerkiller said:
Halo2 cover = generic crap i dont see it being any better than those above.

Paradoxically, I have to agree. I'm not a fan of the Halo logo or art, although I love the game. I don't think the famous designer designed the composition of the rendered art, only the original Halo logo, and that was a few years back. But it shows that Microsoft at least tried using professional knowledge.
I hate that red. It looks almost Pinkish. Much better covers tahn Remake and Re0 (the latter was JUST POO).

funny how Leon's gun goes in the same arc as Samus' handweapon
Justin Bailey said:
While that's very cool, they're probably not allowed to put something that gory on a boxart.
I dunno, on the Prince of Persia cover he was all bloody and also had a gun if I remember correctly.
I think there were 2 covers, theres that one, where he is clearly drenched in blood, his sword is also very bloody. Then there was this other one with the same picture of the Prince but he had a gun.


works for Gamestop (lol)
DarkGiygas said:
I think there were 2 covers, theres that one, where he is clearly drenched in blood, his sword is also very bloody. Then there was this other one with the same picture of the Prince but he had a gun.

Ok, I thought you were joking but now I can't tell

Deku Tree

DarkGiygas said:
I think there were 2 covers, theres that one, where he is clearly drenched in blood, his sword is also very bloody. Then there was this other one with the same picture of the Prince but he had a gun.

Is that the one that scared the kid in Canada?


*wonders how Leon is fighting back when the chainsaw has cleaved through the base of his neck, several arteries and possibly his heart*


Leon doesn't really fit with it. I don't know...maybe a cool night shot of the woods would be better....SPOOKIER. This isn't bad.
Wow, looks pretty good! Much better than I was expecting. I especially like the horde in the background. This box art really gives one a sense of what the game is about.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
You know, for some reason I expected Resident Evil 4 to take up two discs. I guess not.
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