So how did this 13 year old kid know what to say?
But okay, assuming I'm wrong and that porn is more harmful than I think it is, where are all the people demanding we ban or severely restrict, or censor in some way porn? Even among the highly religious it's usually just "Hey guys, we need to stop watching porn, it's not going to help you learn how to love your future wife, instead focus on some useful skills." I regularly listen to Catholic content that is very anti-porn, why are the people that as far as I am aware on the frontline of this not making these claims?
The attitudes I'm seeing in this topic about the dangers of pornography are more extreme than anything I've ever heard inside of a church. I just don't get it, if even a decent portion of the population has the views I'm seeing expressed, we should have a legit anti-porn movement in this country that actually has some political clout, if that exists I'm not aware of it.
I don't think you realize what you are asking there. At least the scope of it.
I am by no means am expert on this topic and can only speak from my experiences and what I have seen. Also before I say much more I want to pulling out anti porn movements are very much a thing. They actually got a resurgence during the start of Me too but like with many topics like this, such as anti alcohol, they are lost due to the public not paying attention to something that doesn't affect them.
Porn in nature is not a negative thing to many but what constitutes as "acceptable" is very much up for debate. But I liken to something like alcohol which very much has negative side effects on many people.
Adults can use porn is a positive way. A child, I find it hard to find positive ways for porn to be used. Especially considering how it's framed in the subject of the content. But like alcohol, its acceptable for adults even though it has so many negative things associated as well.
Tons of people are killed by it directly and indirectly every year. My father killed himself before he was 30 and literally destroyed his liver with alcohol. But like with porn you don't see people rallying all over to have it removed. Thats because it's so ingrained into the community for many that it's just not something that's going to change. We have accepted it. We know it's mostly bad but too many people enjoy it and make money off of it to have it go away.
Porn is similar. There's an entire industry built around it. Is nature is in sexual activity which is something that is physically impossible to stop humans from interacting with unless you are taking extremely drastic measures. It's not going to go away. It's a fight that not many will even attempt to tackle. People know some of it bad and minors shouldn't have access to it but like with alcohol it's too common to be able to hide it.
The problems stems from access to it and the public's willingness to look the other way. Parents are still treating it as minor things and would rather not talk about it after it's been discovered. They think if they remove the source the damage it also removed. But that's just not how it works.
Such easy access to it has also been linked to things being reported at much higher rates such as incest and sexual abuse. There's a correlation that is pretty hard to deny.
But to get to your question about why places like churches and folk that attend them not fighting against it more if it's so bad? Again, I don't think you understand the scope of what you are asking.
I could easily flip that around and say ask why humans aren't fighting back and being outraged against obesity and alcohol?
It all stems from knowledge. That knowledge and information has just now recently started to come to light about these things in the past 20 years or so about the harmful effects that porn can have. Until the information has spread to enough people and they choose to pay attention to it, the movements that do happen will continue to be small.