So, these are either people who were blown away because they had never heard of Red Lobster before or they genuinely want to eat there because Beyonce pretends to eat there....fuck
Mau ®;194734224 said:It kinda saddens me that I became a vegetarian and never tried Red Lobster. There's one that recently opened near my area.
Oh well.
Mau ®;194734224 said:It kinda saddens me that I became a vegetarian and never tried Red Lobster. There's one that recently opened near my area.
Oh well.
People are dumb for eating at a popular restaurant that is mentioned in a song?
Lobster is a vegetable. I promise.
People are dumb for eating at Red Lobster, regardless of motivation.
Going to Red Lobster for no reason other than Beyonce said it in a song is pretty fucking ridiculous
The painful part is the realization that I've never been taken to Red Lobster ;_;
All this time I thought I was doing work
No it's not. Its the same when a drink is mentioned in a song, or a celebrity and searching them on google etc. It's literally just free product or brand recognition and if the song is hot, yes there will be increase purchase numbers in said product or brand. This is not brand new.... Seriously... The reach is getting a bit much.
Or probably, when they heard Red Lobster in the song, some people said to themselves "Oh, I haven't eaten there in forever, I should go soon."
It's an impulse just like any other advertising. Beyonce or not
People are dumb for eating at Red Lobster, regardless of motivation.
Can she mention Dragon's Dogma please?
But it's not like Red Lobster is some hole-in-the-wall unknown restaurant that people weren't aware of
I get how advertisements work so I don't see why you're explaining what an advertisement is.
But it's not like Red Lobster is some hole-in-the-wall unknown restaurant that people weren't aware of, and it's not like Beyonce is mentioning some new dish served by Red Lobster. All she did is mention Red Lobster as a reward for sex, and people are flocking to Red Lobster following, I can only imagine, some laughable logic that goes something like "Ooh let's go eat some biscuts at Red Lobster then we #flawless like Bey!" Which is pretty fucking ridiculous.
I hope you're not losing any muscle mass because of this unfortunate decision
also the biscuits are meat-free and enhance the post-cum glow
You're worth over half a billion dollars by yourself. Can a brother at least get some Joe's Crab Shack? Damn Bey
Black people love Red Lobster. I don't care if you're in a city that's 99.9% not black, hit up the local Red Lobster and you'll find that .1% gum deep in those biscuits.
Black people love Red Lobster. I don't care if you're in a city that's 99.9% not black, hit up the local Red Lobster and you'll find that .1% gum deep in those biscuits.
Black people love Red Lobster. I don't care if you're in a city that's 99.9% not black, hit up the local Red Lobster and you'll find that .1% gum deep in those biscuits.
This. I'm surprised so many people don't get it. But Red Lobster is kind of a hood thing. Lol
People are dumb for eating at Red Lobster, regardless of motivation.
Going to Red Lobster for no reason other than Beyonce said it in a song is pretty fucking ridiculous
How dumb can people be?
People are so weird.
People are idiots. Nothing surprising about that.
So the thought process goes like this:
" Beyonce talks about Red Lobster after having sex... lets go try it out"
My god, are we easily led.
Do people really choose to go eat somewhere because a celebrity mentioned it? What kind of thought process is that? Genuinely can't understand it.
*thing is mentioned*I get how advertisements work so I don't see why you're explaining what an advertisement is.
But it's not like Red Lobster is some hole-in-the-wall unknown restaurant that people weren't aware of, and it's not like Beyonce is mentioning some new dish served by Red Lobster. All she did is mention Red Lobster as a reward for sex, and people are flocking to Red Lobster following, I can only imagine, some laughable logic that goes something like "Ooh let's go eat some biscuts at Red Lobster then we #flawless like Bey!" Which is pretty fucking ridiculous.
But it's literally no different than buying a product because you saw a commercial. They're the samething. One was indirect advertisement via song lyric the other is direct adveritsement via TV.
Not any different than those catchy jingles you hear all the time about a product.
Red Lobster as a reward, lol. She's may not be a great pop singer but she can tell a joke.
Do people really choose to go eat somewhere because a celebrity mentioned it? What kind of thought process is that? Genuinely can't understand it.
Do people really choose to go eat somewhere because a celebrity mentioned it? What kind of thought process is that? Genuinely can't understand it.
People are dumb for eating at a popular restaurant that is mentioned in a song?
I guess those same people are dumb for buying items that they see in commercials advertisements etc etc too right?
Some people just read into this stuff way too much I swear lol.
This is a fairly uncomplicated example of how humans react to stimuli.
Then again, this is the home of "how do I wash myself" threads