It's funny that you are triggered by people being positive about Xbox. Seek help.
Seriously man ? You of all people ?
I mean, zero self awareness whatsoever, you're just like "those" guys you "hate" on the "other" forum

Again,, you keep doing you, I mean, after all, you're the guy that said that a person should be thankful to Papa Phil and MS after spending yet another 60 bucks on (yet another) badly made with zero QC product/controller 'cause "things are expected to break" and that "you should be grateful that it lasted one year" - you're
that kind of miserable guy and corporate fan, and I'm the one that should seek help ? Hey, whatever makes you feel like the bigger man.
Again, users like you, Ozriel and a couple of others are the cancer/plague of internet forums, there's always zero discussions to be had with people of your mentality due to your blind faith towards multi-trillion corporations, 'cause, let's face it, this whole "discussion" we're having ain't have nothing to do with games nor tech, it's purely because of what you and others find annoying about each other and corporation-worship, at least have the balls (even small e-ones will do) to admit so.
Aces High was exactly the same and he's now out, and while I may get banned for derailing the thread and calling you two out, it's a hill that I'm ready to die on just like them youngsters say, you know why ? 'Cause this is a discussion forum and everyone's entitled to their opinion without getting jumped by the usual suspects each and everytime their opinions doesn't align with yours, I mean, if you both can't see that I don't know what else to tell you.
Are people allowed to express their opinions or not ? apparently not if it has to do with anything MS/Xbox.
You should be getting paid for all the damage control you're doing, why do it for free ?
I'm being serious here man, the zeal you're both showing is just... wrong, especially if you're adults above a certain age (i.e : 18 years old)
Anyway, if you are to reply please do so in a couple of hours 'cause i'm in the middle of a TLOU2 session, goddamn game is too long and you're not making it easier in trying to finish it...