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Reign of Fear: A NeoGAF DnD 5e Play by Post Campaign

"That's a fair point, we don't want to get too distracted chasing some gnolls and dire wolves that we forget our main goal. But still, we've put in enough time to where we don't need to give up just yet."

The J'raffa takes a step across the shallow brook, and looks at his six allies. "The way I see it, we have multiple trackers. There are no traces thanks to the water, but once they exited, they would leave a trail again that should be detectable. I say we split into a group of three and a group of four, with a tracker on each. They shouldn't have staid in the water too long, so if we each follow the stream for two hours or so, we can hopefully find a trace. Much longer than that might risk us having to camp separately, which I'd prefer to avoid, so we should meet back here with what we found. If neither of us find anything, I guess we all follow it towards Kingsword and hope the 50/50 is in our favor. I know that's not without its risks, so does anyone object?"

After a moment, he adds "Oh yeah! You're right Thosar, we should contact Barrow. But I have absolutely no idea how to do that. Maybe get a bird or some other animal to deliver the message?"
"Indeed, a bird would make a useful ally in this situation." He mutters a couple syllables under his breath and a silver-feathered owl appears on his shoulder.

"I intend on writing that he should head back to Kingsword unless we have a better plan."

Mike M

Nick N
((I have also been curious as to how to properly refer to the Kingsfort rangers. Should we be capitalizing "rangers," or it it not meant to be capitalized?))

((Actually, I never got so far as bothering to decide on something like that. We'll just call rangers and grunts alike Kingsmen or something.))
When suddenly a bird appears, Fhiess protectively pulls the map away, remembering what happened last time. After a moment to realize that it's not the same bird, he blinks and says, "Oh! Ah, yes! a bird would be very useful!"

He listens to Ludwig's suggestion, bringing out the map once more to trace a flnger along the marked river, "So basically you think we should follow the stream northward, right? And our paths will converge with Barrow's?"
Galen leans against a nearby tree, brushing a couple fingers along the fletching of an arrow.

"That is a decent plan," he says in response to Ludwig, "though, if I might make a suggestion, it might not make the most sense to split up at all, not if we should all head upstream together anyway.

"True, there could be some benefits to having a group head that way, especially with the rain, but will it be worth the added risk?"

He looks appraisingly at the owl, a small grin beginning to show on his face.

"Yes, I do believe a messenger such as that could prove very useful."
Ludwig does the J'raffa equivalent of a shrug and says "Sounds good to me. We're going to end up back there in the end regardless."

In response to Fheiss and Galen, he frowns. "I mean, if we're giving up on the gnolls as a group, then yeah, I guess we'd just head back to Kingsword and leave it to chance if the tracks will pop up that way. But we've come far enough to where taking a little more time to scout both directions seems worth it. We ought to find something in a couple hour's walk direction in both ways. If not, then it'll be easier to cut our losses and go back to Kingsword after saying we tried."

He thinks for a moment, trying to figure out a compromise. After a short bit, he jerks his neck to the sky. "Ok! If the issue is splitting the party, how about we all follow the stream towards Kingsgate for a few hours, and if we find no traces, we double back to Kingsword? We won't make it back there tonight regardless, so I don't see much of a downside to taking a few hours to do some diligence here."
Galen chuckles briefly, the smile still on his face from the owl's appearance.

"Very, well, my friend," he answers Ludwig. "I can accept that idea."


Sagishi is a little miffed that the group seemed to have completely ignored his earlier suggestion. He doesn't let it show and tries again.

"Look, it is save to assume that those guys haven't walked through the water for miles and miles. Let me go and check out upstream and someone else downstream. Whoever finds the place where they left the river can then report back. It's not so complicated a thing that we need to discuss it to death."

He suddenly has an idea and rummages in his pockets. "Look, these are my father's special thundercracks. Whoever of the searchers finds the tracks again can fire one up and the rest of the party will know." He holds out what looks like a pair of paper wrapped balls.

"Just make sure to throw them up high."
Ludwig cranes his head in confusion. "Not... discuss something to death? Is such a thing even possible?"

Left with something huge to mull over, he says "I have no problems with you and someone else doing that. It'll give me time to stay here and think on how that would even work."

Whether two people set off or not, Ludwig can be heard thinking out loud. "So person A says something, and person B, what does B do? Say 'yeah, sure, ok?' There's got to be something I'm missing here." The perplexed J'raffa looks about ready to start sketching charts in the dirt.

Mike M

Nick N
((That firecracker plan is pretty clever. Nice thinking.

I promise setting them off won't alert a forest full of hobgoblins hopped up on liquid meth to your precise location.

Pinkie swear.))

((Seriously, it's a good idea.))
((I figure I might as well post to say that I am waiting to see what other people have to say before Galen does anything.

He will, of course, be willing to go with either of these ideas, or anything that may be decided that is in between.))
"That's a fine plan, covering both directions well. In the mean time, I'll send off the letter." Thosar ties his message to Barrow on Kesa's leg, then gazes at her for a moment before she flies back toward the road. "Get this to Barrow and then return here."
((Keranos is basically useless here. He's only going to pace back and forth and get increasingly frustrated while two people in the party go in opposite directions, with maybe some sulking thrown in for good measure, unless someone decides to try talking to him))
Fhiess says, "Alright, that seems like a good idea. Hopefully we can all meet up again soon. I don't think I'll make a good scout, so I'll stay with the main group."

He looks to Keranos, and steps closer, "Is something the matter, ahh- your holiness?"
Keranos stops in his tracks and looks at Fhiess. For a fleeting moment, he is still scowling, but that melts away as he realizes what the bard said. "Holiness?" He repeats, and almost has to stifle a chuckle. "Fhiess, I like you." He sighs a bit overdramatically and leans against the nearest tree. "I grow frustrated by our lack of progress," he says. "I am not accustomed to waiting to mete justice. I much prefer to confront my enemies and crush them without prejudice, but these jackals are denying me that pleasure. While I don't mind a hunt, this one is dragging on far too long for my tastes."
"I know what you mean," he answers with sympathy, "I wish I could see the university again and be in a normal city for once after- after everything that happened."

He closes his eyes and shakes his head, "But they seem determined to find the great wolf, I'm not sure what argument I could make otherwise."


"I'm with you on that," says Sagishi in answer to Keranos' complaint. "Seriously I could have already checked out one direction and returned back here." Impatiently he starts to juggle the two firecrackers and turns to Galen and Nyx. "So, who is it going to be?"
He'll hand over the firecracker to whoever steps forward. "Just light the fuse and as soon as it starts fizzing, count to three like this..." He counts while indicating a slow and steady rhythm with a nod of his head and has the other repeat it back to him until satisfied. "On three just launch the ball into the air. Try to get it as high as you can, though the explosion will carry it some way further. DO NOT hold on to the ball, unless you want to lose a couple of your fingers."

Once he has finished his instructions he crosses the river and vanishes upstream.

When out of sight Sagishi will turn into a fox. So that means he'll have advantage on perception checks relying on smell which also means I can ignore the lousy 5 I rolled first and instead use this:

Perception: 1D20+2 = [17]+2 = 19

((Whether Galen or Nyx goes is probably up to Nyx's enthusiasm with the idea, as Galen is not necessarily partial to either possibility. Alternatively, Galen could run off hunting with Nyx following along with that amazing passive perception. Would passive perception even be usable here?

Also, the UA ranger says -of course, under natural explorer, as usual- that rangers themselves, as opposed to the group as a whole (while traveling an hour or more), ignore difficult terrain, but it does so in the combat section of the ability. I've actually found myself wondering a few times if that would have any affect on a situation like this.

Anyway, in case Galen finds himself going, or it's needed anyway, here's a Perception roll:

And, will get a Survival roll for tracking as needed. Coyotecode went down.))
((Galen can come with and, if you want, Nyx could use wildshape, which I figure is what Sagishi had in mind when he initially said he and Nyx could take different directions. This would allow Galen to throw the thundercrack while Nyx remains in her animal form.

Besides, it's not like Galen and Nyx have actually had a conversation yet. If they end up with a break from hunting, this might give them a chance.))

Galen looks down the direction of the water's flow before nodding and saying, "I suppose I can go with."

When they head out, Galen turns to the others. "Take care until either the signal or our return." He glances about the forest quickly. "Remain vigilant," he adds.

Mike M

Nick N
((Alright, Barrow's got notification on the way, Sagishi is point on a group going one way, while Nyx is going the other with Galen, correct? Everyone else staying put and waiting for a signal?))
((As far as I understand, that is correct. Of course, anything's possible, so Ludwig could start prancing through the trees singing about a lion sleeping in the jungle while Fhiess rides on his back trying to play the music for the song.))
((Who's to say that hasn't been happening the whole time. Maybe we're really all still in the degohba force nexus great deku tree evil cave and this is all an Illusion!?!!?)
((That is a very interesting thought. However, are you suggesting Ludwig somehow got forced into the cave? He would be suffering the same illusion if that were to be the case, after all. Wait, I think I know what is going on...

The tree is a powerful and evil mage, guys.))
<What if the paintbrush isn't actually haunted, but the ranger that was with the other adventurers we saw at the tavern had his owl (lost forever in an alternate timeline) replaced with a magical fairy and that fairy was playing tricks on us

my theory might only be tangentially related to what's going on right now>
((It might be more related than you think. Perhaps that ranger did not want an overly talkative fairy companion, so he found one who was mute? She sensed some fey aura over the paintbrush, and was trying to tell us something.

Maybe the paintbrush is the key to escaping this illusion and defeating the tree.))

Mike M

Nick N
Galen and Nyx:
You haven't gone alongside the river for long before its banks widen, leaving a broad swath of sucking mud on either side that goes on for as far as you can see down the meandering course of the stream. It seems likely that the flowing water must regularly overflow its shallow bed when it rains in sufficient quantities. The rain that is currently falling is the first you've seen for more than a week now, so it probably hasn't done so since the wolves and their riders left the gnarled tree above the gnolls' cave. It would be impossible for them to leave the stream without leaving clear tracks in the mud, and the water is chilly as it flows over slick, hazardous stones. They could not have risked traveling for terribly long in the water without risking their mounts' feet growing insensate and risking twisting a limb. But the mud is flat and unmarred as it sweeps out before you.

The stream makes a sharp bend not far from the gully that the party found, and their line of sight is easily broken by a dense screen of trees and waterside foliage. Your secret secured, you're free to assume your true form and put your vulpine senses to the test as you move alongside the flowing stream. The air smells of moss, damp soil, and the indescribable scent of water. Then, rising above it all, is the faint predatory musk that sends shivers down your spine. It doesn't take long to hone in on it, and then even more prominent is the rank ammonia stench of something either relieving itself or marking territory. Once your upon it, it's almost immediately clear which direction they went; even if you could not smell it, there's a path of trampled ferns and snapped twigs leading deeper into the forest away from the stream.
((Wow, that's an impressive set of hidden text. Somebody should make an in-character write-up so we all know what is going on. Oh! I think I've got it:

Galen walks carefully to the water's edge, peering into the depths below. A slight smirk alights upon his face as he turns to his companion. "Thar be wyvern's tracks slinking into the cave in this here lagoon, me matey," he announces, drawing his blade. "Quickly, cast the Kraken's Blessing upon me, that we may venture forth into the deep."

Arr. We be pirates now.))


Glad to have something useful to do Sagishi dashes along the river, taking in the sights and scents around him. He'd always consider himself to be more of a city person who prefers the bustling streets on a market day or the lively ruckus of a tavern to the outdoors and nature, yet, as he flits through the undergrowth, he can't help but feel... right. It is almost as if this is the way things were supposed to be.

Before he has time to ponder on this he gets distracted by a strong scent that without a doubt belongs to the group they are following. Like he'd suspected they hadn't gone too far before leaving the water.

He straightens himself up, glad to get rid of the strong, somehow unsettling smell, and checks the path to make sure that the tracks will be easy enough to follow even if relying on sight only.

Rummaging in his pocket he gets out the thundercrack and using his cloak to protect it from the rain he swiftly lights the short fuse.


He slowly bops his head as he repeats the slow rhythm his father has ingrained into his head in the many hours they had spent in their workshop together, before he flings the sizzling ball into the air with a swift and practiced motion. He watches as it reaches its highest point and just as it is about to fall back to the ground again, there is a shrill wailing sound that echoes through the forest as the ball soars up in the air before it explodes with a loud bang, showering the leafy canopy above with purple and golden sparks. There is a second bang and a flower of green and red blossoms in the air just as the last golden sparks had vanished.

What a waste, he thinks when he remembers the work he had invested into the making of the firework only for it to be displayed to a bunch of forest creatures who without a doubt hadn't even appreciated the show.

He then settles against a tree and waits for the rest of the group to catch up with him.

((Argh!! I really would love to write a little backstory here, but it's NaNo and I'm already behind so I sadly have to save my words :( ))
((Well, looks like Nyx and Galen are failing as trackers in the free market.

DeadPhoenix, would you like to have a quick chat between the two regarding the state of the search before Sagishi lights up the sky, or should we just ignore their current state and jump to meeting up with everybody? I think it's safe too assume the two of them are returning to the group, so we shouldn't have to worry about slowing everything down when we could segment it away from everything.

And Nezumi, I just want to say I'm sure you will be able to pull through with that insane amount of words that, (not entirely) frankly, only the most mad should ever attempt in such a short period of time. Here's to your madness!))

Mike M

Nick N
((Wasn't a matter of failing any checks. I didn't have a direction they went picked out, so I just flipped a coin to see who would pick up the trail.))


((Well here's to your madness too then :D You seem to be quite on track with your novel. I expect to catch up with the benchmark tomorrow and I just had the final pieces of my plot falling into place, which is good.))
((Oh, I know it wasn't from failing any checks, seeing as Sagishi saw great success. I just couldn't resist the free market comment.

Nezumi: Thanks. I saw you're post in the NaNo thread right after I posted that, and I just have to say, the gif you posted was so full of excitement.))
((Ludwig's free market preaching is contagious like that. :p))

As Sagishi, Nyx, and Galen go off, Ludwig stays at their starting point and tries to figure out this mystery on not discussing things to death. His attempts at making sense of the notion have lead to him using his hooves to sketch a basic table of outcomes into the dirt. Precision with hooves is difficult.

He's just starting to fathom how minimal discussion could potentially lead to a good outcome when he sees the firework go off from Sagishi's direction. After taking a moment to marvel at the pretty colors, he gives up on his pondering and begins heading in that direction.
DeadPhoenix, would you like to have a quick chat between the two regarding the state of the search before Sagishi lights up the sky, or should we just ignore their current state and jump to meeting up with everybody? I think it's safe too assume the two of them are returning to the group, so we shouldn't have to worry about slowing everything down when we could segment it away from everything.

((Sure, why not?))
The festive sparks that light the horizon grab Fhiess' attention as well. He puts away his sketching tools and lets the illusion he cast to reference from dispel as he hurries to catch up to the others.
((And the short tracking adventures of Nyx and Galen now begin. I suppose I'll start it up.))

Galen joins Nyx in following the stream, a rather uneventful trek, and finds the banks are quickly covered by slick mud.

He steps as close as he dares to the sloppy ground without leaving gaping holes in it to mark his passing, and he kneels down, examining it. "So, barring some form of localized precipitation," he hypothesizes, "it seems unlikely they could have come out of the water in this area without making their passing obvious." He casts his gaze along the visible length of the stream.
((And the short tracking adventures of Nyx and Galen now begin. I suppose I'll start it up.))

Galen joins Nyx in following the stream, a rather uneventful trek, and finds the banks are quickly covered by slick mud.

He steps as close as he dares to the sloppy ground without leaving gaping holes in it to mark his passing, and he kneels down, examining it. "So, barring some form of localized precipitation," he hypothesizes, "it seems unlikely they could have come out of the water in this area without making their passing obvious." He casts his gaze along the visible length of the stream.

"Yeah, we would have found something had they come this way. Looks like this was a bust."
During his wait for the signal, Thosar tries to keep dry under the shelter of a nearby tree. The large drops that make it through the branches roll off the hood of his cloak before making their way to the ground. He glances to the south as the sound and light shoot off in the sky above.

Before he begins to walk toward Sagishi's signal, he scratches out a sign in the bark of the tree nearest the ravine and then marks it in chalk. When he finishes, an eye contained in a triangle is left gazing over the formation.
Nyx said:
"Yeah, we would have found something had they come this way. Looks like this was a bust."

"Or," suggests Galen, standing to his feet, "they may have tread within the stream just a little longer in case of pursuit. If they knew the possibility of leaving easily found tracks here, and they know how long this goes on, perhaps they opted to risk a little harm from the cold water in order to shake off the potential for pursuit and greater harm? Maybe we should walk around the perimeter of the mud and see if anything turns up farther down."

When he finishes, an eye contained in a triangle is left gazing over the formation.

Ooh. Creepy.))

Mike M

Nick N
While the multi-hued sparks and concussive bang of Sagishi's pyrotechnics is impossible to miss. It scares a multitude of bird varieties that had been seeking shelter from the rain unseen in limbs and leaves of the surrounding trees, and for a moment the sky is filled with panicked cries and flapping wings as they scatter in all directions from Sagishi's position before taking new perches some distance away.

Keranos takes off at a run and arrives first, followed close behind by Ludwig and his loping gait. Fhiess and Thosar see no rush, and arrive shortly after at a walking pace. Finally, Galen and Nyx join up with the rest to see what Sagishi has found.

The rain continues to fall, and it's less than an hour before full dark. It seems a certainty that you will need to somehow make camp.


Still leaning comfortably against the tree Sagishi points towards the still visible tracks.

"Looks like they went that way. I'd be probably best to follow them just for a little while as long as we still have some light and keep an eye out for a suitable place to spent the night. We can go after them tomorrow in earnest."

He specifically looks at Keranos for a moment.

"I mean I know you are eager to have someone to punish and all but I hope you don't want us to stumble through the forest at night and in this weather? We'll be better at following the trail at day anyway."
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