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Reign of Fear: A NeoGAF DnD 5e Play by Post Campaign

"Huh, a pixie's been following me?" Ludwig says confusedly. As the others begin to point to the curious little fey and it flies up to land on his nose, it now makes more sense. His eyes cross so he can look at the pixie on his nose.

"Aah, you were at my side, all along. Hi there." When the others start describing what he is, he excitedly adds "Oh, you want to know about me? I'm a paladin of the free market, bringing the good word of capitalism to the world over! I came all the way from Baglahm to... uh, is there a language barrier here?"

Mike M

Nick N
Still standing atop Ludwig's head, the pixie does a handstand. Her face is screwed up in concentration with the tip of her tongue sticking out between her lips.
"My name is Peaseblossom,"
she says in reply to Keranos's telepathic inquiry. To Ludwig's tentative attempts to engage her in conversation, she just smiles. If she understood him, she gives no sign.

"I thought maybe the nasties wouldn't want him because they don't have a big enough cage, but I don't think they take anything that talks anyway,"
she says.
"Ah, yes, I think pixies only speak sylvan, Ludwig. I'm afraid your proselytizing will not take in this case. "

When Peaseblossom brings up "nasties", Thosar tries to garner some more information. "Well met, I am Thosar. What did the nasties look like? Did they ride big wolves?"
Galen rises to his feet.

"Yes, Fhiess, of course your apology can be passed along," Galen offers the artist, giving a quick glance in his direction, "but it may have to wait just a moment longer; I wouldn't want to distract this conversation from the topic at hand."

Mike M

Nick N
Oh, yeah, they have lots of wolves. Little wolves and big wolves and all kinds of animals.

After a moment's consideration, she adds, "
The wolves are the only ones that they let out of the cages, though.
"Sounds like they're hauling a lot of animals... Odd."

"Lots of animals... What did the nasties look like? Did they wear armor and did they have a symbol on them like this?"

Thosar takes out a small parchment with the symbol found on the gnolls and hobgoblins.
((Cast Detect Thoughts before she answers Thosar, and I will monitor her surface thoughts. Not trying for a deep probe yet))

"Yes," Keranos chimes in, again using his thought-projecting trick. "And where can we find these cages?"
((I'm just chiming in to confirm that, unless something else comes up before the group's pixie friend speaks again, Galen it letting this immediate questioning play out to some extent. So there is currently nothing from him.))

Mike M

Nick N
Using Ludwig's furry horns for leverage, the sprite handsprings off the top of the J'raffa's as though she means to dive straight into the ground. She halts her descent with a fluttering of wings in front of Thosar, briefly obscured by a cloud of pixie dust shaken loose from her lepidopteran wings.

Eyeing the parchment bearing the hand print icon born by the hobgoblins and gnolls, she nods enthusiastically before hooking her fingers into either side of her mouth and jutting her lower teeth past her lips while crossing her eyes. "
Dey look like dis,
" she says, her diction impaired by her antics. "
De cages are behind de wall dey built.

You catch a fleeting glimpse of Peaseblossom's thoughts as the bubble to the surface of her mind before they vanish like so much sea foam. More impressions than images, you get from her that the hobgoblins have some sort of mild fortification somewhere in the woods. There's a wall surrounding cages and what you think might be a watch tower, but no permanent structures as far as Peaseblossom is aware.
Keranos looks at Thosar and speaks into his mind. She's not lying. The hobgoblins have a structure somewhere in these woods.

"We would be grateful if you could point us in the proper direction of the nasties' cages," he speaks/transmits to Peaseblossom. He produces a gold coin from his pocket and holds it out in her direction.

((Still monitoring her surface thoughts, either to verify that her answer is true, or just to determine what direction she thinks of in case she doesn't answer))
Galen appears attentive to the conversation at hand, and he comments to Thosar, so as to not directly interrupt the discussion, "It may be relevant to know more about the animals they've been gathering, lest they have some manner of nasty surprise waiting."

He pauses very briefly before including, somewhat offhand, "I am also quite curious about the manner of wall they have constructed."
"Ah, you're right. I shouldn't be so quick to make my apology so urgent," Fhiess concludes with a sheepish expression, "But somehow she doesn't seem like she minds. She seems like she's having fun telling us about the gnolls!" Indeed, the pixie's animated, comedic expressions and stunts seem to give clues as to what she is saying.

He picks up on what Thosar just said, "Wall? Kind of like the forts that the Kingsword resides in?"
Galen grins at Fhiess' assessment.

"She does appear to be enjoying herself," he agrees. "This may be just the sort of company we could use on a night such as this."

In response to the painter's query about the wall, he adds "If only we knew already how extensive it is; I wouldn't expect such a construction as the Kingsforts, but I also cannot say it wouldn't be possible."
He chuckles a bit at the pixie's impression of a hobgoblin, then nods toward Galen. "Indeed, it sounds like some sort of forest base. I'd like to see it myself. Oh, and her name is Peaseblossom, for those unfamiliar with sylvan."

Continuing with the pixie. "
So, these nasties nab animals, take them behind a wall, then keep them there? Are they doing other things, like use strange smelling bottles or act crazy? We've been trying to find where they come from since they started hurting our own people."
Though the fairy's easygoing personality helped forget how tired and cold he was in the night, he soon grows serious, "Now that I think about it, when was the last time we have seen any wildlife that could hurt us? I understand that the rangers would keep the travelling roads clear, but I don't recall even so much as seeing a deer."

<prepare for a boss fight against a T-Rex>
((Nah, they don't use bottles anymore; since they raided the Seventeenth Citadel, everything's been about those fancy golden goblets! But they clearly use those goblets for what would have been in those bottles. They also marinate their wolf treats in the stuff.

Just to clarify, that last bit to Peaseblossom was in Sylvan, correct?))

Mike M

Nick N
Peaseblossom gasps and claps her hands in delight at Keranos's proffered gold coin. She flutters about in front of it, making funny faces and watching her reflection distort over the uneven surface.

They bring in lots of animals,
" she says between contorted expressions. "
Apes and owl bears and boars and big birds, all sorts of them. The nasties put the animals in the cages the nasties built and give them something that makes 'em all cranky for a while and they write stuff down. Then they put the cages on a wagon and take them out of the forest, and later the wagon comes back with empty cages.

Finding them is easy,
" she says, pointing in a vaguely northernly direction. "
You just go that way until you reach the tree whose leaves turn colors in the autumn before the others. Then you head toward the place that has the softest moss for sleeping until you reach the spot where I saw a fawn last spring. Just follow the trail until you find the rock that looks kind of like a sleeping frog, and their wall will be just beyond the trees behind it.
Thosar takes a moment to process the directions given, no luck. He turns to the others.

"Well, they're experimenting on animals and magical beasts with their concoction inside the camp. That might be the root of the problem or at least lead to it."

"I'm not so good with directions and not so familiar with this forest. Maybe you could show us the way in the morning?
Keranos is quiet for a moment. His gaze slowly moves to Nyx, and he strokes his chin thoughtfully.

"Nyx," he says carefully, "You can take the form of an animal, yes? How would you feel about going under cover for us?"

He says this in Common and specifically does not broadcast it to Peaseblossom.
Galen gives a quick, startled look at Keranos, taken aback by the self-proclaimed god of storms' suggestion. His mouth is visibly agape in shock.
Thosar raises an eyebrow himself but is otherwise undisturbed. "The idea isn't a bad one in theory, but I don't think that risk is worth it. If they subdue or injure her, she could revert to her normal form and be found out. That's not something she should have to face alone."

By the way, how many of those nasties are by the wall, anyway?"
"I could watch from afar," says Keranos. "Monitor the situation in case things go sideways. I think it would be invaluable to have Nyx carted off to the lair of.... whoever is in charge of these experiments, and then have an agent on the inside, to let us in, perhaps.

"Of course, that's only if Nyx is willing. If not, we'll find another way."
Fhiess continues to think over the information as the others discuss plans. He wonders, "Do you think the Rangers are aware that there are fewer animals in the forest lately? Maybe we should ask them?"
((As much as I could have Galen respond to Keranos and Fhiess, I think I'll let that wait until Peaseblossom has gotten a chance to speak. But, yes, the Rangers very well should be apprised of this situation regarding the animals.))
Ludwig is content to stand around and have no idea what's going on for a while, until Thosar gives a summary. "Well now. Yeah, if not the root of things, that at least sounds like a big part of their operation.

When Keranos puts forth his plan to use Nyx as an imprisoned spy, he reflexively shouts "Holy fucking shit!"

"I can see the advantage of having someone in there, but is it a big enough one to put her in that much danger in comparison to just brute forcing the base?


Leaning against a tree Sagishi listens to the conversation lost in his own thoughts. The sound of his native tongue out of two of his companion's mouths (strange as their pronunciation is) had been a surprise.

He listens to the discussion and while he thinks that the idea of sending someone in to spy is a good one he has to agree that the danger of Nyx being found out is a risk to great to take. For a few moments he ponders, looking from one of his companions to the next. When he made his decision he takes a deep breath and steps forward.

"Maybe I can go."

When his companions turn around. The young man has vanished. In his stead sits a fox, its fur the same reddish brown like Sagishi's hair and with the same ice-blue eyes looking bemusedly up at them.

"I admit that this might not be as imposing a form as or friend over here can muster up. But at least I won't be returning to my human form if I were to loose consciousness. So, the danger of discovery is minimal."

After a moment of consideration he turns to Nyx and adds.

"I don't mean any insult to your bravery with this suggestion and if you want to take the risk anyway we can go on this mission together and double our chances of success."

((Phew, finally no more spoiler tags for this one. Figured this might be as good a moment as any to come out with this particular 'secret'.))
((I just would like to say, Nezumi, that is a rather nice reveal for Sagishi.

Also, still for Nezumi,
since it looks like we have Galen and Sagishi on the same watch, should there be a clear threat, the two of them could probably rouse the others and get off a nice ranged surprise round. Actually, almost everyone could probably take part in it, should they be able to get ready quickly enough.
Fhiess exclaims surprise at the revelation, if only because he had not expected the marvels of magic to continue, "Sagishi! You can be an animal too? And you can talk! But how come you never told us?"

Mike M

Nick N
Peaseblossom stares with her mouth agape at the sudden appearance of a talking fox in their midst. She's a blur of excitement as she buzzes around Sagishi's furred form, finally stopping long enough to pull on the shape-changing thief's ears as though they were part of some elaborate costume.

How did you dooooooo that?
" she asks.
Galen looks at Sagishi, his response to Keranos' suggestion somewhat worn away as he does so. "That is a very brave offer," he says, "though I would think it may be better to make decisions like this when we are just a little bit better informed as to how we can handle any issues that may arise."

A slight grin shows on the side of Galen's lips and he adds "Our friend asks a good question."

((It seems Sagishi may be Peaseblossom's new best friend. Congratulations.

Also, I feel I should clarify that yes, I am aware Galen was more shocked at Keranos' suggestion than he is at Sagishi's revelation. I'm sure he'll make the reason more clear before long.))
Ludwig seems oddly unsurprised by Sagishi's transformation, and takes his proposal in stride.

"The whole getting captured on purpose thing still sounds pretty risky to me, but if it's a risk you're up for taking, then yeah, sounds like that could lead to quite the advantage for us if it all goes right."
Thosar is slow to react, this night has had a number of surprises. After the others give their opinions, he ponders a moment. "I have to admit, I'm curious like Peaseblossom about how you do that. Are you some sort of shifter or lycanthrope? In either case, I think you would be a better candidate for infiltration. Not only is your... disguise more stable, you've shown yourself to be quite good at stealth."

Mike M

Nick N

((Happy Turkey Day, U.S. GAF! Nezumi will just have to settle for... I don't know, kartoffel something something. We didn't spend a lot of time on food in high school German. Is turkey even much of a thing in Europe? Even in the U.S. it doesn't seem to get much play outside Thanksgiving, sandwich cold cuts, and turkey legs at ren fairs.))


((Well, as a vegetarian/ borderline vegan it would not be turkey day for me even if that were a thing over here. But Turkey meat is otherwise fairly common.
Fun fact, as opposed to Halloween there has been no attempt to somehow copy Thanksgiving and make it a thing over here, what did however make it all the way over the big pond is Black Friday. I heard at least 4 different commercials announcing Black Friday sales, as if this was the most normal thing ever, on my commute this morning...

Anyway. I wish you all a happy holiday and hope everyone of you can find at least one thing that he can be thankful for.))

Sagishi flicks his ears playfully as the little pixie starts whirling around him. Sylvan:
Ah, little forest sister, I fear this is a trick I can not teach you just as you could not teach me how to fly.
. He laughs, a sound even more reminiscent of a bark in this form, and twirls around himself a few times in pursuit of the pixie, but he quickly becomes serious again as he turns back to his companions. He still feels a little uncomfortable sitting and talking to others in his fox form. Growing up there had been only one thing his parents had put above anything else. Not getting discovered. Which meant that ever since he had been old enough to change forms it had been hammered into his brain that he was never under no circumstances to reveal himself to anyone. He had broken that rule once before and had almost paid with his life for the trust&#8230;

But still&#8230; this was different. He and his companions were trying to save the world after all. Surely there must be an exception in such a case. Yeah&#8230; as if. As far as the Foxhounds were concerned Sagishi had probably just multiplied his treason by six or some such thing. He sighs inaudibly. No turning back now.

He addresses Thosar first. &#8220;Technically, this isn&#8217;t a disguise.&#8221; He concentrates and in less than a moment has turned into his human form again. &#8220;This is.&#8221; He gestures down his body. &#8220;Though I have to admit most of the time I don&#8217;t even think that way, probably because I grew up around humans. And no. I&#8217;m not a lyco&#8230;lyce&#8230; whatever it was you just said. I&#8217;m a kitsune. And don&#8217;t worry if you never heard of something like that. Because if I understand it right, we are not supposed to exist.&#8221; At the last bit he turns to Fhiess. &#8220;Which brings me to your question as to why I have not told you until now. Remember those hunters back in the bar in Kingsfort ((or wherever that was&#8230;)). I told you that they were after me because my lovely Ex framed me, right? Well&#8230; that was only half of the truth. Those guys&#8230; they wouldn&#8217;t have any interest in some small time thief&#8230; no matter how skilled&#8230; their only concern is to find and deal with any kitsune that has left our homeland illegally. And since, as far as I know at least, it is strictly forbidden to leave Nihaan for everyone but the hunters&#8230; well I guess I don&#8217;t have to explain why they would be interested in me.&#8221;

He stops, feeling a little strange still. After the debacle with Myressa he had sworn to himself never ever to reveal his identity again. Not only for his own sake but for those of his parents as well. He takes a deep breath.

&#8220;But, I figured this whole saving the world business might be more important than my &#8216;wanted&#8217; status for now and going forward it might be important for us to be able to plan ahead knowing what each of us is capable of.&#8221; He nods, as if he needs to confirm to himself that his decision had been the right one.
Sagishi's explanation helps reveal the reality to Fhiess and how serious it actually is. The elf comments, "So those hunters we saw live only to hunt the fox people should they leave their home. How cruel is it that somebody isn't even allowed to see the world and travel to new places?"

He begins to worry greatly, "But.. I don't think you should try to sneak in as one of the animals. What if the hunters are around and they spot you? What if you get captured like planned and then get turned over to the hunters?"
Galen tilts his head slightly as Sagishi explains the nature of his ability.

"I don't think that's really something to worry about, Fhiess," he says in response to the elf. "It seems doubtful they would be working with these hunters in any sense, just as they should unlikely be able to unveil Sagishi's true nature." He casts a concerned look at Sagishi.

"Caution is advisable, still. We do not know what anyone we send inside like that may have to endure before help could arrive, just as we do not know yet what we would be dealing with otherwise."

((And a roll
for anything Galen might possibly know about these mythical foxes; given the nature of the topic, I fully expect nothing at all. [15]+1=16

Also, happy Thanksgiving to you all, and yes, that includes Nezumi. You cannot escape.))
He nods as Sagishi finishes his explanation. "Thank you for your trust in us, Sagishi. We'll be sure to keep it in confidence. I doubt we have much to fear of those hunters here, but that swill they keep may have unforeseen effects on you should you be unable to escape captivity before we arrive."

((Roll to see if Thosar knows anything about He reads books you know: 1D20+5 = [16]+5 = 21
Ludwig nods, "Well, that explains why you were tight-lipped about the whole not human thing. Glad you decided you can trust us enough for that!"

In response to Fheiss, he says "Yeah, what they said. For all the risks involved in this plan, I don't think the hobgoblin and gnoll trappers somehow knowing the foxhounds is particularly among them. Still, we should get in there fast once Sagishi does his thing," looking at the fox, he adds "assuming you still plan on getting captured, of course."

Mike M

Nick N
Thosar and Galen have never heard of anything remotely like what Sagishi describes, but they know it must be true since indisputable proof of the existence of the Kitsune stands before them.

Not much is known about Nihaan in general besides the fact it is the third point of a triangle of trade between Telmur's port of Landsend and the Baglahm continent. It's the source of certain varieties of spices, wood, and minerals that cannot be found anywhere else. Beyond that, their efforts to maintain their secrecy have been fabulously successful.

Codex Updates:


Sagishi nods. "I think that me trying to sneak in is the best and safest way to gather some information. Hopefully I can somehow avoid to actually take that concoction but... well, if not..." He thinks for a moment. "I don't know, I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. But for now let's just have a quiet night and gather our strength for tomorrow."

((As far as Sagishi is concerned things can move on.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Any thoughts from Nyx on the infiltration proposals since it's essentially be her or Sagishi if you guys were to go through with it?))
"I have a few thoughts about that, actually," Keranos chimes in. "If you want to avoid taking the potion, I would suggest mimicking the effects of taking it. If they think it's already in your system, perhaps you'll be able to avoid taking it."

He looks at Peaseblossom and resumes his telepathy. "Do any of the caged animals act... funny?"


Sagishi's eyes sparkle at the suggestion. "A little acting, huh? Good idea! I should be able to do that." He thinks. "Anyone got some soap?"

Mike M

Nick N
Peaseblossom taps her finger on her chin and looks skyward to the dark night above her head, the tip of her tongue sticking out the corner of her mouth again as she considers how best to answer Keranos's question.

They get real mean and bitey,
" she says. "
The nasties always keep them in their cages and poke them with pointy things because I don't think they want the animals to bite them. Sometimes, the animals go to sleep and I guess the nasties must take them home because they take them out of the cages and carry them away.
"I might have some," Galen answers Sagishi before asking with a bit of concern, "but are you sure you want to go through that?"

((As a matter of fact, Galen does have soap, though I hadn't actually expected to see it receive any sort of practical use.

Oh, and Mike, have you heard anything regarding your application to become a wizard?

Mike M:
I was wondering, would it work at all to allow Sagishi a special ability to use a modified dancing lights (or something of the sort) as a sort of play on kitsunebi?

Mike M

Nick N
((No luck on the Wizards application, but it was a reeeeal long shot anyway. Commute would have been an absolute bitch, too. Also, I can see now the grapes are sour : P

In regards to your other question:
It's taken care of : )
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