Date of Lies
Are you the type of guy to get attached easily and have long-lasting relationships? Would you settle for a one girl early on in your life and work throught the hard parts in order to cherish your couple moments and bonding? Or are you born to be a loner and a swingin' banchelor bringing home a girl every other week (or whenever possible) and just forgetting about her in order to not get emotional? Do you just want to have all the fun without all the commitement and pressure?
"WHAT IF I NEVER HAD EITHER AND MY NAME IS OPA?" (this is gaf after all)
Which life style do you think is best (even if you dont live it)?
"WHAT IF I NEVER HAD EITHER AND MY NAME IS OPA?" (this is gaf after all)
Which life style do you think is best (even if you dont live it)?