Trump is the president of the US while I have no connection whatsoever to the, uh? Didn't realize narcissism is this strong these days...
My mistake.
If they were citizens of your country, would you rather them rot in a Chinese prison or for government to help them? If the former, you still manage to be worse than Trump, so congrats.
As an American living in China, yes it is. As long as I'm living here in under their rules. If I don't like that I can go back to America. Helps that I'm not such an insane klepto and I can actual control myself whenever I go into a store.
I guess good for you if you never impulsively made a bad decision as a teenager. Somehow In doubt that your authoritarianism is so strong that if an American that you care about was facing prison for something minor (by sane standards) that you would rather them rot than the US government intervening. If I am wrong, well I'm glad I'm not friends with anyone like you.
Of course, I guess it's not just Trump that can get away with shooting someone in the middle of fifth avenue anymore. For anyone with a conscience, this is just OJ for a new era.
So not being harshly punished for shoplifting is the same and getting away with murder? Because they are both crimes? LOL. I've gotten with countless crimes (mostly drugs). I guess that's the same level of injustice as if I got away with murder. More so given the frequency.
Maybe I should buy a bunch of drugs and take them to the cops so I can be sent to prison where I belong.