But you're then making your voices heard to the wrong people. If the protest is something government-related, how is making me late to work helping your cause? Make your voices heard to those people in government that can affect what you're trying to change.
They are ignored, and executed.
That's why people protest, because your suggestions do not work. I don't know why this has to be explained so many times, I really dont. Protests and riots happen because people are being ignored.
If it was as simple as gee, asking the government to do something, there would be no need for protesting to get out awareness. Everyone isn't like you.
If I'm on the freeway, late to work because people are protesting being executed I'm going to have a beyond valid excuse at work. Emergency services make it to people that need help during protests as well.
Every single post of yours illustrates you don't know what a protest is. But thankfully the people that founded the nation, that fought for civil rights and equality, minimum wages and workers rights, all understood it.
I hope you can read up on why people protest to learn, instead of making up worse case scenarios. Didn't you do the same thing with people wearing masks make them destroy property? I could be mistaken.