Alright, so please bear with me guys. I've been a lurker for years and I'm going to try testing the waters here in some political discussion knowing that I'm someone most of you will disagree with. I hope we can all be respectful and have an enlightening conversation about these things.
My opinion as a very conservatively minded individual on fiscal issues is that this tax plan is at least a step in the right direction. Those saying no conservative person could support this are just being silly. Conservative citizens expect a tax cut to also be accompanied by nice cuts in government spending as well. Of course we don't want the deficit to grow. We want the government to spend less money on inefficient and wasteful programs.
For the corporate tax rate, this is definitely a step in the right direction. If the statutory rate of 35% isn't actually paid by anyone, it begs the question why is that the top rate? The top marginal rate in the US is currently among the highest in the world, and even if you account for deductions and "loop-holes", the US is still near the top of the pack:
This will simply boil down to a matter of opinion, either you think businesses in the US should pay a lot of their money to the government, or you don't. I personally want the US to be a place that encourages companies to do their business domestically and absolutely support lowering the corporate tax rate.
Next, anyone claiming that their taxes are going to go up with this plan either don't understand the plan, are outright lying, or they make between $238k and $425k and their rate is going to go up 2%. The vast majority of earners in the US fall into the 19k to 77k bracket and their rate is dropping 3%. We're losing the state income tax deduction but the doubling of the standard deduction will result in more than balancing that out for 70% of all tax filers. When it's all said and done, the only group that may see an increase in taxes is the Upper Middle Class to straight up Rich, and the impact will be small if it exists at all. I found this to be a good summary of the changes and how they might impact various people and entities:
If, at the end of the day, anyone is just screaming about how bad this is, then they're a partisan shill who isn't making an attempt to consider this honestly and openly. This isn't great for the mega rich, it's also a wash for the poor. It lowers the corporate tax rate, adds some new credits and lowers the tax rate for the middle class, and raises taxes on (what I would consider) wealthy people a small amount.