Now the team's pissed at me (well, my beard) for diverting attention away from our new build of the game!
Good video, it is shaping nicely.
Now the team's pissed at me (well, my beard) for diverting attention away from our new build of the game!
Huh, I must be crazy because I really preferred the look of the game when it was pre rendered. It really allowed for a lot of detail both in the background and in the main character. You can tell that the formerly only 3D assets in the game have taken a hit. :\ The more muted coloring just looked better to me.Development seems to be progressing, and I must say the game is looking amazing! The switch from pre-rendered backgrounds was the right one:
New development blog too, in video form (with new footage):
ALSO: If you guys aren't listening to Camouflaj Radio, you really need to be. Best dev-focused gaming podcast going right now. The most recent episode had a great, technical interview with Matthew Burns of Shadegrown Games (Starbloom), formerly of 343, Plan B, Dark Souls talk, and just an awesome peek into the decision making process at Camouflaj.
PS: Where the heck is Planck, Shadegrown? Looks so good... Get it on Kickstarter, let me give you money. Please.
EDIT: I was not prepared for that beard.
I do too on occasion. And my thought process is almost always like this:
Oh, remember that game a bunch of game's journalist went around parading and suckered me into supporting, what happened to that? To their credit, it definitely wasn't all of them. Giant Bomb, for example, made it an explicit point to maintain a critical distance rather than proselytize in a hardsell for Ryan Payton and his game the way many other sites and podcasts did.
Everytime I get an update on the project, I just think about how naive I was and everytime Payton gets on his high horse about breaking the mold or whatever, I just get annoyed because, yeah nobody in the history of media has ever done a "Evil Big Brother" narrative before.
Payton seems like Peter Molyneux except at least Molyneux actually has interesting ideas.
any news about this game? their website doesnt update in a long time
any news about this game? their website doesnt update in a long time
any news about this game? their website doesnt update in a long time
Just got a backer email. 1st installment comes out this week on iOS.
And no sign of the PC version... Sigh!
I'm starting to lose hope. Ditched IOS before this game out.Is this still coming out for PC?
I believe the third episode is out of iOS but there was no official thread.
From their latest update from October:
Episode 1 and 2 are being tested.
So we will probably see at least episode 1, 2 and 3 on PC and Mac this year.
First off, lets get right to it: RÉPUBLIQUE REMASTERED will launch on PC and Mac via Steam, GOG, and Humble on February 26, featuring desktop friendly UI, silky smooth keyboard+mouse controls, and the first three episodes completely remastered as the first full representation of the soon-to-be-released Unity 5. Yes, its finally happening!
I hope with all that, people will stop complaining about the PC port of this game, it look pretty good (sorry for small thumbnail photo)
So do us backers get a code?
Just a quick bump to this to make people aware that those of us who backed the game for the Collector's Edition ($110 with shipping!) still have received fuck all, despite there being a Collector's Edition of the game sold on the NIS America store for half price.
I've tried to contact Camouflaj and Ryan Payton multiple times with no luck.
Anybody else get stung on this?
I guess I was chattering about this at some point because it popped up in my subscriptions (never did play it, though)... but man, that's shitty.
Just a quick bump to this to make people aware that those of us who backed the game for the Collector's Edition ($110 with shipping!) still have received fuck all, despite there being a Collector's Edition of the game sold on the NIS America store for half price.
I've tried to contact Camouflaj and Ryan Payton multiple times with no luck.
Anybody else get stung on this?
If you check Ryan's Twitter he posted recently that there were some production issues and there would be an update soon.
Still bollocks that they haven't posted any updates on Kickstarter etc.