I really really liked the boat in Rev1
The layout is done well enough but it's 3DS roots show through, a lot of very generic grey corridors
I really really liked the boat in Rev1
I swear if we have to get another fucking boat in an RE game.....It's done capcom give it up. We have had 4 (5 if we count gaiden) titles all on boats and none of them really made it all that worthwhile of a setting.
Side note, did anyone play this on the N3DS(XL?). I find that using the weird analog nub on the right side to be really hard but I'm wondering if anyone else has found success with it. As of right now I'm just using the normal control scheme.
Try gyro aiming. It's so good that it's mouse and keyboard like.Playing Revelations 1 for the first time on my 3DS and holy shit this game is fun. Was not expecting to enjoy it this much.
Side note, did anyone play this on the N3DS(XL?). I find that using the weird analog nub on the right side to be really hard but I'm wondering if anyone else has found success with it. As of right now I'm just using the normal control scheme.
Up to Chapter 5-2 in Resident Evil 5.
Change in area type for Chapter 5 was very much appreciated and the background story is starting to get fleshed out more. The inclusion of lickers was a nice throwback. The numbers were insane thought, and they took a lot of bullets.
Really enjoying this, obviously completely different feel to RE7 and the originals, but you just gotta roll with it I think and try and accept it for what it is, which is a pretty awesome third person shooter/action game.
You know what we need? We need to go to space
I'm only half joking
I need help, fellow RE addicts.
How are 2 and 3 on PS3? I have 3 and was about to pull the trigger on 2 when I noticed that it has like 2.5 stars on user reviews. WTH? Are they like straight broken? What's a better way to play them without access to an emulator or a PS1? I loved 7 and just played Rev1 for the first time and really enjoyed it, despite its flaws. I have limited options as far as platforms at the moment and need more classic RE.
edit: also, is Rev2 on disc complete? If I buy a used copy, will it include the Extra Episodes?
Rev 2 on disc is complete, even when used.
As for RE2 In the US they play fine. Just people don't like the old style and then rate it as such. There's no need to go and dust off the original systems or an Emulator to play any of the old REs at this point.
So... any update about the English release of Vendetta?
Just that it'll be in theaters this summer. That's it.
Damn, I need my action RE fix. Action RE must live!
It boggles my mind that after ~230 hours of playing RE6 I still haven't seen all counters and melees. There are so many unique, context-dependent animations in the game.
I still hope that one day we will get a standalone RE Mercs title. It would be stupid not to release something like that given how popular the mode was in RE4, 5 and 6.
It's honestly too pessimistic to think that Capcom is gonna completely ignore the action crowd just because they wanted the main series to go back to survival horror. It just takes a lot of time to make a game.
I think Capcom is gonna throw a wrench into our plans.
I could see RE2make being for like the RE4 crowd, despite what people think.
Then Revelations 3 being canceled for a new subtitle series.
I dunno. They never make things easy. How long have we talked about a Mercs Standalone on consoles with lots of DLC and then they give us Umbrella Corps?
I'll be pessimistic until proven other wise.
After something like Dino Crisis 3, you don't exactly give them the benfit of the doubt
Tbh, I've been half expecting REmake 2 to double as Rev 3, in some attempt to please two (Well, one and a half) crowds at once. Dont confirm that fear Capcom, please.
Should I play Evil Within? Is that a good Action RE type game?
Eh, crazy isn't a requirement. I just want a good action horror shooter right now, but I keep hearing conflicting things.
So yeah, now that I'm done with Yakuza 0, RE7 has become one of my next potential games. How is the replay value? I've heard that, apart from the camera view, it tries to follow in REmake's footsteps. Does it have similiar inventory management and with it the same addicting "Yeah, okay, next time I'm gonna streamline my run even more!" element? The classic RE games were fairly slow and adventure like, but still felt very gamey, arcade-y. Is RE7 more like that, or the sort of "movie" like experience with lots lof scripted events and little interactivity?
So yeah, now that I'm done with Yakuza 0, RE7 has become one of my next potential games. How is the replay value? I've heard that, apart from the camera view, it tries to follow in REmake's footsteps. Does it have similiar inventory management and with it the same addicting "Yeah, okay, next time I'm gonna streamline my run even more!" element? The classic RE games were fairly slow and adventure like, but still felt very gamey, arcade-y. Is RE7 more like that, or the sort of "movie" like experience with lots lof scripted events and little interactivity?
When I finished REmake I immediately wanted to replay it again, I still have zero desire to go back to RE7 -_-
To me it's definitely missing that 'something' which made me want to return over and over like I did with the previous games.
When I finished REmake I immediately wanted to replay it again, I still have zero desire to go back to RE7 -_-
To me it's definitely missing that 'something' which made me want to return over and over like I did with the previous games.
That would suck. Classic style or bust.I think Capcom is gonna throw a wrench into our plans.
I could see RE2make being for like the RE4 crowd, despite what people think.
Then Revelations 3 being canceled for a new subtitle series.
I dunno. They never make things easy. How long have we talked about a Mercs Standalone on consoles with lots of DLC and then they give us Umbrella Corps?
That would suck. Classic style or bust.
Although, yeah, if they were to fuck it up by changing its style, I'd rather have it turned into the style of RE4-6 than the style of RE7, that's for sure.
Yeah, totally. All while ignoring such an obvious move as releasing a stand alone Mercs (+Raid) game with RE6 combat mechanics and lots of paid DLC. Classic Capcom.I think it's something everyone should be prepared for. I'm always a little annoyed when i'm told flat out that it won't happen. This is capcom, I could see them pulling something like that. I don't care which style it's in (I would take first person, but that is the last style I want for a remake).
So albert from Re4hd fame is saying he contacted Capcom about his project and it's up to them.
Switch port with HD textures here we go!!!
Switch port with HD textures here we go!!!
Nakanishi: #RE7 focused on direction. However Capcom does not reject other RE gameplay styles. Maybe they'll come back in the future
Alex Aniel ✈️GDC‏ @cvxfreak 9m
Sounds good. First Person Style might not even be a lock for RE8, if they decide whatever the new director wants to do is a good fit.
RE4 on the Switch would make it a portable version by default, right? That would be something. I'm honestly kind of surprised a version never came to a handheld in some form. I know there was that weird mobile version, but it wasn't a proper port.