Some random thoughts on demo:
Maxing out the 3D with settings is very impressive.
For my first playthrough I completely skipped the room with the scanner. I also wasted a lot of shotgun rounds while learning the controls. Had to finish off the last enemy with a knife. Didn't work out lol. Found out how to dodge by accident.
With the scanner I found an item in/on the ceiling (near the hole) in the hallway before the dinning room. What's up with that?
Does the demo end on the bridge with that cutscene? I remember it being timed, so I want to be sure. Also this is definitely not the demo I saw during e3/TGS coverage.
Do we know if we have to unlock Hell mode in the retail release? I hope not.
The controls are really smart. (No comment on dodge though, barely got to use it.)
I'll be getting this the moment I see it for 40 or under.
EDIT: I botched my second play-through because I hit "power" by accident. Fucking 3DS layout, lol. Took me three tries to beat it.
Just run past the enemy as it attacks and you'll auto dodge. Mind you, you can't dodge scythe-hands or if you can the timing is different.
Do you hold it or tap it?