This is a great demo, this game will be mine. It feels closer to RE4 than the old formula. Maybe being able to look at the map in the menu would help, or some semblance of inventory management (RE4 actually did a great job in this area). The map has a linearity to it, mostly a straight shot with a side-path here and there to explore, though that may just be because it's a demo. Honestly though, I enjoyed RE4 a lot, so I'm not doomed to hate it if it doesn't go with the old formula.
A few quirks:
I kept pressing A by mistake and wasting my health items, and only used one when I actually needed it once at the end. Combat feels great, and felt a lot like RE4. The lack of ammo supplied in the demo was just right. I love scanning for items, but scanning enemies while they're still after me is even better. Is there going to be an eventual dossier on these enemies like in Metroid Prime, or a research bonus like Bioshock? What's with the scanning?
It looks like there are going to be a lot of 3DS games that make me choose between 3D or gyro controls, and it sure is irritating to have to go without one or the other. The 3D is a little less beneficial, but still cool enough to miss.
I'm kind of expecting a RE4 port for the 3DS now.