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Resident Evil: Revelations 2 |OT| Yeah, but it's only $25

The CV line is one example. In Japanese she says "I only use them in these situations." The complete opposite.

The file between Piers and Claire also gave people the impression that Piers might see Chris as more than a comrade, but the text between each version is completely different.

JP: 多忙な身の上、なかなか会えるチャンスは、少ないかと思いますが、またお話しできればと思います。
[Given the pressures of our work we’ve got so few chances to meet, but I’d like to talk and share stories with you sometime.]

ENG: Just between you and me, if you have any pictures of the Captain when he was younger, I’d sure love to see them! I hear he was very different back then, but he won’t show us anything…

In the Japanese version, Barry is more parental towards Chris and mentions that the S.T.A.R.S. survivors never talk about their relationships with each other with other BSAA members or close friends.

A lot of Gregor/Grete references between Albert/Alex are missing in the English version. Their relationship is much deeper in the Japanese version, with hints that she may not view him in just a brotherly fashion. It's completely neutered in the English version. This is ironic because the translators added incestuous undertones to CODE:Veronica that never existed, and Alex and Albert aren't blood related. It's also a key bit of the game's Kafka theme, since Gregor/Grete's relationship was rather close, almost to the point of romance. The Japanese version allows players to read into things a bit more and see different sides. The English version is extremely diluted.

It goes even further than Gregor/Grete. There is actually a mythological allegory to their relationship hinted at with the game's presence of Prometheus. In traditional Roman mythology, Prometheus was punished by Jupiter, the husband and brother of Juno, who is often depicted with a hand raised in a white cloak--- just like Alex's propaganda posters. "Jupiter" means bright. So does "Albert." You could say that Prometheus (Neil) was punished by Jupiter (Albert) through his creation, Uroboros. Though I think that's a stretch. On top of this, the song Alex plays before the final boss battle, Mozart's Requiem in D Minor, is a tribute to Albert, which saddens her. This is why Natalia hates the song, as she has Alex's memories, the English version gives no reason at all. The "transcend" line doesn't exist in the Japanese version either, Alex babbles nearly incoherently about denied, unapproved feelings.

This part might be pure coincidence but Alex is also wearing mourning jewelery, which is normally jet. However the texture of the stone Alex wears is obsidian, normally formed from volcanic rock. Albert died in a volcano and she wears it as a remembrance. It's quite possible it's also where she got the Uroboros samples from. In interviews, the developers have also stated that one of the game's key themes is family. Father and daughter, brother and sister... and quite possibly husband and wife (in Alex's mind).

(Thanks to Enetrinel for a lot of this information)

Basically, the localization of this game has a problem with tone, and characterization as a whole.

I was asking specifically about Claire and nothing here is related to her (except that CV reference).
Also, people are really reaching with that Piers/Chris file.

Astral Dog

Its fun but some of the dialogue can get me out of the "inmersion", the game has this scary, creepy vibe but there is this Travelers Diary, " yo dude, i got here by chopper for an adventure!, but these native dudes totally don' t let me go, thats totally uncool man" i mean, who could speak like that while being trapped on an island?

also miss the different backdrops when you read reports, the orange screen and letters would fit only on a computer, its a little detail i know but...

Astral Dog

The CV line is one example. In Japanese she says "I only use them in these situations." The complete opposite.

The file between Piers and Claire also gave people the impression that Piers might see Chris as more than a comrade, but the text between each version is completely different.

JP: 多忙な身の上、なかなか会えるチャンスは、少ないかと思いますが、またお話しできればと思います。
[Given the pressures of our work we’ve got so few chances to meet, but I’d like to talk and share stories with you sometime.]

ENG: Just between you and me, if you have any pictures of the Captain when he was younger, I’d sure love to see them! I hear he was very different back then, but he won’t show us anything…

In the Japanese version, Barry is more parental towards Chris and mentions that the S.T.A.R.S. survivors never talk about their relationships with each other with other BSAA members or close friends.

A lot of Gregor/Grete references between Albert/Alex are missing in the English version. Their relationship is much deeper in the Japanese version, with hints that she may not view him in just a brotherly fashion. It's completely neutered in the English version. This is ironic because the translators added incestuous undertones to CODE:Veronica that never existed, and Alex and Albert aren't blood related. It's also a key bit of the game's Kafka theme, since Gregor/Grete's relationship was rather close, almost to the point of romance. The Japanese version allows players to read into things a bit more and see different sides. The English version is extremely diluted.

It goes even further than Gregor/Grete. There is actually a mythological allegory to their relationship hinted at with the game's presence of Prometheus. In traditional Roman mythology, Prometheus was punished by Jupiter, the husband and brother of Juno, who is often depicted with a hand raised in a white cloak--- just like Alex's propaganda posters. "Jupiter" means bright. So does "Albert." You could say that Prometheus (Neil) was punished by Jupiter (Albert) through his creation, Uroboros. Though I think that's a stretch. On top of this, the song Alex plays before the final boss battle, Mozart's Requiem in D Minor, is a tribute to Albert, which saddens her. This is why Natalia hates the song, as she has Alex's memories, the English version gives no reason at all. The "transcend" line doesn't exist in the Japanese version either, Alex babbles nearly incoherently about denied, unapproved feelings.

This part might be pure coincidence but Alex is also wearing mourning jewelery, which is normally jet. However the texture of the stone Alex wears is obsidian, normally formed from volcanic rock. Albert died in a volcano and she wears it as a remembrance. It's quite possible it's also where she got the Uroboros samples from. In interviews, the developers have also stated that one of the game's key themes is family. Father and daughter, brother and sister... and quite possibly husband and wife (in Alex's mind).

(Thanks to Enetrinel for a lot of this information)

Basically, the localization of this game has a problem with tone, and characterization as a whole.

wow, so Alex and Albert were could have been lovers? what about this cult that was mentioned, do the posters have anything to do it.
Also Code Veronica didnt had any incest undertones?

News Bot

I was asking specifically about Claire and nothing here is related to her (except that CV reference).
Also, people are really reaching with that Piers/Chris file.

All of her dialogue about Neil is exaggerated in the English version. She's also open-minded about his guilt in the Japanese script rather than dead against it. There's more but I don't have access to the script right now.

wow, so Alex and Albert were could have been lovers? what about this cult that was mentioned, do the posters have anything to do it.
Also Code Veronica didnt had any incest undertones?

They very well might've been at one point. It's not a literal cult, but the way Alex and her organization behave is very similar. She is referred to as "Lady Alex" and one of the Japanese terms used is equivalent to the Virgin Mary, so her researchers practically worship her. Not only that but she likens herself to Juno in propaganda posters and puts her face on the island's currency, etc. She's self-styles herself as a noblewoman too, with her own coat of arms.

CV's English version had a few almost incestuous undertones, such as Alfred saying he'll forever "be at Alexia's side" and such. The Japanese is very clear that he thinks of himself as a mere soldier and her as a queen he must defend, which is barely said in English, which focuses more on the fact that he simply wants to be with her.
wow, so Alex and Albert were could have been lovers? what about this cult that was mentioned, do the posters have anything to do it.
Also Code Veronica didnt had any incest undertones?

Don't know about that,but damn they would of made a awesome team.


Neo Member
The zombie with the gold symbol is granting elite (special enemy) status to other enemies. Kill that zombie to revert the other enemies back to normal.

Thank you, my system froze and required a restart before playing. I was worried when I saw this for the first time next, lol.


Just finished.

Wow, DAT ending. You guys weren't kidding. Perfect climax.

Barry is just awesome, holy shit. He's cheesy as hell and yet the most human and relatable character in RE. Easily my favorite after this game.

Moira was great too, and so was Natalia.

Claire was... eh. She was okay, but not very memorable. Her
final appearance makes up for it though. And she looked cute with the new hair. Though it's a bit sily that Moira hair is still that short after 6 months. They bothered to change Claire, why not her?

Astral Dog

Was it ever explained why Neil
transformed like that with Ouroboros? on RE5 everybody became tentacle monsters but he retains his intelligence and becomes Nemesis-like, also what's the best way to kill him?


Was it ever explained why Neil
transformed like that with Ouroboros? on RE5 everybody became tentacle monsters but he retains his intelligence and becomes Nemesis-like, also what's the best way to kill him?

Ouroboros reacts differently to everybody. Irving in particular turned into some kind of Sea Dragon for example.

Also the best way to kill
is to have Moira shine her light on him until he starts bitching about the heat.
At which point Claire can unload a magnum into his heart while he cools off.

Afterwards (For me usually) he will continue walking around for a short while until he spontaneously dies of a heart attack.


Ouroboros reacts differently to everybody. Irving in particular turned into some kind of Sea Dragon for example.

Also the best way to kill
is to have Moira shine her light on him until he starts bitching about the heat.
At which point Claire can unload a magnum into his heart while he cools off.

Afterwards (For me usually) he will continue walking around for a short while until he spontaneously dies of a heart attack.

Moira helps, but the best way really is to
lure him to the explosive containers

Not Spaceghost

Was it ever explained why Neil
transformed like that with Ouroboros? on RE5 everybody became tentacle monsters but he retains his intelligence and becomes Nemesis-like, also what's the best way to kill him?

Probably something to do with the way T-Phobos works with fear I'm guessing, most of the things infected by t-phobos are like that. Also just set him on fire until his heart is exposed then plug him with magnum rounds / shotgun rounds. There should be these big containers filled with explosive stuff all around the room just get him to charge those.


Moira helps, but the best way really is to
lure him to the explosive containers

You can exploit those
explosive canisters as the flame stays on the ground for quite a while. just by keeping him walking constantly in the flames while circle strafing him and dodging.

I managed to beat him with a knife on survivor doing this.


@News Bot

That makes a lot of sense, I didn't understand some stuff, so thanks for your post.

I guess capcom won't ever stop being capcom.
Is this game worth the money? It's 40 bucks in Canada. I almost never buy games at full price but I could make an exception since this one is not that expensive to begin with...


Is this game worth the money? It's 40 bucks in Canada. I almost never buy games at full price but I could make an exception since this one is not that expensive to begin with...

Oh man dont say that, or else Neiteio is gonna post that giant mural of "Rev2 is great" posts.


But yes, it's more than worth the price.
At least we know there's another batch of (DLC) stages coming. And then there's that huge ass gigantic creature thing Capcom France posted a week or so ago. Guess we'll get news about online and other things tomorrow or tuesday.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
At least we know there's another batch of (DLC) stages coming. And then there's that huge ass gigantic creature thing Capcom France posted a week or so ago. Guess we'll get news about online and other things tomorrow or tuesday.

Can't wait. Excited for MP finally.

Even though almost everyone has already finished the entire Raid mode. :/


Can't wait. Excited for MP finally.

Even though almost everyone has already finished the entire Raid mode. :/

I haven't finished Raid. Only the Normal gauntlets, maybe halfway through with Hard and Very Hard. Haven't even touched the other modes.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I haven't finished Raid. Only the Normal gauntlets, maybe halfway through with Hard and Very Hard. Haven't even touched the other modes.

Yeah, too bad the other modes aren't online cooperative unless you use the shareplay workaround, which even then kind of sucks honestly.
I'm saving Code Red for online. Though I finished the first gauntlet for it.

Also saving the leveling up for most characters. Have HUNK at 50 so I could unlock the backflip gesture. A few others are around 30 so I could unlock skills etc but the rest are around 1-15. Alot of them have leveled up thanks to the rest bonus + Selected Characters Daily Missions.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
One issue is that the characters are too similar, so leveling up feels like,,, well what's the point, they all play the same.

I have basically a fun (but way too easy) melee build with Moria, and fun all-sniper build with Claire.

I'm considering giving Gina's gesticular skill to Wesker... lol. Idk.

Aside from specializing with a weapon, idk all the characters are so similar, especially since they reuse so much of the melee across characters. They really should have spent the day or two it would have taken to add character-specific melee from the other games.
One issue is that the characters are too similar, so leveling up feels like,,, well what's the point, they all play the same.

I have basically a fun (but way too easy) melee build with Moria, and fun all-sniper build with Claire.

I'm considering giving Gina's gesticular skill to Wesker... lol. Idk.

Aside from specializing with a weapon, idk all the characters are so similar, especially since they reuse so much of the melee across characters. They really should have spent the day or two it would have taken to add character-specific melee from the other games.

I'm going back to RE6 and RE5 mercs/versus! BYE!
Just finished the first episode. So far the environments are incredibly bland and uninspired. The fact they had me go through them twice adds insult to injury. I'm also annoyed that heads don't blow up when I shoot them point blank with a shotgun. The face remains exactly the same and enemies just fall down. Minor detail you would say, but in a Resident Evil game it makes the difference between a satisfying kill and a not so one.

Other than that the game is okay. Kinda regret buying it but I hear it gets better...


This is ironic because the translators added incestuous undertones to CODE:Veronica that never existed

I got the impression that there was a vaguely incestuous relationship between the two from the Dragonfly cutscene rather than any files within the game itself.

Great post though, particularly the jewelry observation.

Astral Dog

Just finished the first episode. So far the environments are incredibly bland and uninspired. The fact they had me go through them twice adds insult to injury. I'm also annoyed that heads don't blow up when I shoot them point blank with a shotgun. The face remains exactly the same and enemies just fall down. Minor detail you would say, but in a Resident Evil game it makes the difference between a satisfying kill and a not so one.

Other than that the game is okay. Kinda regret buying it but I hear it gets better...
I have to disagree, i thought the environments would be bland and generic by watching the trailers too, and playing the first episode, but while they don't reach the diversity of other RE games, they do get better, and the more somber tone adds to the horror, decayed setting.
I liked the
Mines, Tower, Factory, Village and Mansion,


Raid mode is ok, but it could be so much better. IMO it has two big problems:

-First, it is way too grindy. Next time I see this mode in a future RE I expect the grind to be more reasonable, or better yet, not there at all (make it purely skill based, no progression systems involved at all)

-And second and most important, the gameplay mechanics are not that great. If Raid mode had RE6 gameplay mechanics it could be amazing, but right now it is being limited by Revelations 2 gameplay, which unfortunately is worse than all three mainline action RE games (thankfully it is better than Revelations 1)
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