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Resident Evil: Revelations 2 |OT| Yeah, but it's only $25


Wait whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat

LOL yeah that probably came out wrong. The point I was trying to make was that I've invested a ton of time into RE5 and RE6 Mercenaries Mode, and that is where I draw my enjoyment from. Seeing as how RE:R2's Raid Mode is a similar type of mini-game, I'm expecting to enjoying it just as much if not more so than Mercenaries. It's all about the minigames for me. Not really a campaign guy ;)

News Bot

I think it came though well enough, like Zambatoh says, the tower underground really spells it out.

There's no reason for it to be masked in the first place, though. Just as there was no reason to call the island "No.46." It doesn't add anything or make things clearer. It's not even translation really, just redundant. One of the terms used to describe Alex is also used for the Virgin Mary, so maybe censorship?

That would explain the graveyard and it's puzzle.

As for Stuart though, the guy came off as a manservant of sorts. I think Lord or Sir would be a bit much in this case.

He comes off as that only in the English version. He's respected in the Japanese version because he's been with Alex for decades and is her chief researcher.
I'm also pretty sure he kills himself and the other researchers because he's committed so many horrible acts to achieve her goal, rather than to please her. He also leaves a letter to any survivors, another thing that's mostly lost in the English version because the authorship is pointlessly made less clear.


He comes off as that only in the English version. He's respected in the Japanese version because he's been with Alex for decades and is her chief researcher.
I'm also pretty sure he kills himself and the other researchers because he's committed so many horrible acts to achieve her goal, rather than to please her. He also leaves a letter to any survivors, another thing that's mostly lost in the English version because the authorship is pointlessly made less clear.

About the spoilered part, I'm sure that's what I got from the game even in the translation.


By the way, can anyone tell me if counter moves like the ones from RE6 can be unlocked/earned/bought in Revelations 2 Raid Mode? Kinda annoyed I can't counter melee these zombies in Raid.


By the way, can anyone tell me if counter moves like the ones from RE6 can be unlocked/earned/bought in Revelations 2 Raid Mode? Kinda annoyed I can't counter melee these zombies in Raid.

No. Counter moves don't exist in this game. That would've require the game to have a decent budget.


I finally got around to starting and finished episodes 2. So good.

I watched the super best friends play it so I decided to
Kill Pedro with Claire
which seemed harder than the way you do it with Barry.

So far its probably my favourite RE game since the classic style games. It seems to be a great blend of old and new with an AI partner that doesn't suck.
We need a title change. The sub title doesn't properly reflect just how good this turned out to be.

The best $25 you'll ever spend? Quick and dirty, I'm sure someone else will be able to come up with something more witty.


We need a title change. The sub title doesn't properly reflect just how good this turned out to be.

The best $25 you'll ever spend? Quick and dirty, I'm sure someone else will be able to come up with something more witty.

"Mother of balls, this game is awesome!"

Episode 3 took me few sessions to finish and that sentence from the "previously on episode 2" just stuck in my head. :p


We need a title change. The sub title doesn't properly reflect just how good this turned out to be.

The best $25 you'll ever spend? Quick and dirty, I'm sure someone else will be able to come up with something more witty.


Resident Evil: Revelations 2 |OT| Gosharooney!

Resident Evil: Revelations 2 |OT| Everybody loves Kafka!

Resident Evil: Revelations 2 |OT| Balls! My life is awesome!

Resident Evil: Revelations 2 |OT| You are...#46


Unconfirmed Member
Finished it last night, amazing game and easily the best RE campaign since 4, and this is from someone who really likes both 5 and 6 :) The ending is an absolute joy as well, whole thing feels like a love letter to RE fans.

Give this team a bigger budget but let them do RE8. Though keeping both the Revelations and main series is fine by me too :)
I agree. This game turned out to be so good that it would be worth it even at full price.

I paid full price! Infact $10 more than full price because most games here are $79 AUS and I paid $89 AUS. I was regretting it at first but after completing Episode 2 last night with Barry the purchase seems well worth it. Had my copy of Bloodborne staring at me the whole time and I was like "pppppfftt who needs souls when I got classic resi".


We need a title change. The sub title doesn't properly reflect just how good this turned out to be.

The best $25 you'll ever spend? Quick and dirty, I'm sure someone else will be able to come up with something more witty.
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 |OT| Go jump on a dildo, gaf!

Too explicit? I put gaf in there because keeping
there would be a spoiler.

Astral Dog

I've spotted a few weird alterations to REV2's English version:

Alex in general seems to have a bit of a cult-like religious following.
The connotation is mostly lost in the English version. These are just from two files and the file titles, have yet to receive the full Japanese transcripts.
That would explain all the candles
when Barry meets Alex
, maybe?

And yeah, island no. 42 seemed weird,
like how can Alex have more than 40 hidden islands for herself? a few i could believe, but thats too many to not be noticed.


That would explain all the candles
when Barry meets Alex
, maybe?

And yeah, island no. 42 seemed weird,
like how can Alex have more than 40 hidden islands for herself? a few i could believe, but thats too many to not be noticed.

I'm not sure it would be her islands per se. it could just be a numbering system for a bunch of middle of nowhere russian islands.


Has anyone else noticed some weirdness in the way this game handles positional audio? It's like the game has no concept of a sound coming from both speakers at once, so everything is pushed all the way to the left or right, making it really hard to tell where sounds are coming from if they're in front of or behind you.


Ive just started the game.
I just got to the point of the fire turrent in the penal colony
. But I'm really liking what I've played thus far.

Some initial first impressions are; the AI is really good so far. Moira gets out of my way when needed. Also her health regenerates and I don't feel like I have to constantly watch her like Sheva in RE5. In fact this is the standard Capcom should go with if they will have future co-op AI in the next RE installments. The player switching is seemless and much better than I thought it would be.

The enemies although I've only encountered a few different types are so much better than REV 1s water logged (horribly boring, especially the archers) enemy types.
Moria's flashlight is an interesting substitute for the scanner in REV1
. The controls feel tight/smooth overall. I love ducking/dodging the jump attacks from foes. The atmosphere is dingy, dank, morbid. Exactly what I want from a RE. The gunplay overall is the best since RE4/RE5. I really like the character designs. Moria's does swear a lot, but I think it's fit her character as a young, hipsterish girl.

The story also had my attention. REV1 was insane/stupid from the beginning. But this one at least hasn't crossed my shit detector yet.

Oh and the soundtrack so far is excellent. If it keeps up, it will have the best ST since RE4. The music in RE has always been an important aspect to the series. An area where I feel the recent releases have been average at best

Basically I'm excited to play more tomorrow, which I've haven't felt for a RE game since 5!


I finished the game a few days ago. My thoughts:

The good:
  • Overall, I really enjoyed it! There were some issues, which I'll get to in a minute, but the whole package was a lot of fun.
  • The characters and scripts worked for me most of the time. Moira, Barry, Natalia, and the villain were all done very well - even Moira's infamous cursing only felt really out of place once. Barry was constantly amusing, and Natalia was a rare videogame child character done well. And the overall tone of the script, while corny, tended to fall in the same category of ham as, say, RE4.
  • Core gameplay was a nice in-between of Revelations and 5 or 6. It still bothers me a little how things like landing a headshot only let you get in a melee some of the time, but overall I never felt like I was fighting the gameplay, which was an issue with Rev1 from time to time.
  • Some of the campaign areas were actually pretty atmospheric, and overall level design was fairly strong. (That last point is especially true compared to RE6, which has probably the best core gameplay, but some truly dull level design sometimes.)
  • The overall story. The good ending wasn't quite as spectacular as some folks made it out to be, but it was still extremely cathartic, and a perfect B-movie climax.

The not-so-good:
  • Claire. It's been talked about plenty in the thread, but something about her was just off throughout the whole game - the unnecessary romantic undertones with Neil, her sudden loss of ability to handle kids in a crisis situation, etc. There were still some good moments, but not enough to shake off that feeling. More important, though, is that despite how the game was announced and marketed, Claire feels like the least important character of the four mains - her role in the story is basically "be a player character for the segments with Moira." I like Barry, and I liked the overall story, but since I was going in expecting Claire to have a bigger role, it was really jarring how she felt so disconnected. This really is Barry/Moira/Natalia's story. (Did they even acknowledge the
    Chris/Claire : Albert/Alex parallel? ...Did Claire even learn who The Overseer was?
  • The secondary characters. RE isn't necessarily known for them, but man, I could not care less about the TerraSave folks. After RER1 gave us Parker, Raymond, O'Brien, Jessica, Quint, and Keith - who were at least memorable, if not always the most well-written - the characters in this game are just dull. It's especially bad in Raid Mode - it's like, I can play as Gabe! Gabe looks like a background NPC from GTAV and had a total of like, eight lines of dialogue. Why would I want to play as Gabe?
  • The times the script didn't work. Following up
    the flashbacks showing Polly's accident
    is probably the best example of them overplaying their hand.
  • The campaign has some good areas, but it also has some really dull ones. Grimy metal corridors, hooray.
  • The music is pretty much forgettable. There's one or two tracks that I noticed (like Determination), but mostly it sank into the background, and not necessarily in a good way.

Still, like I said up front, I had a good time with the game - overall it's a very solid mid-tier game (eg. neither indie/super-low-budget nor AAA), and that's not something we see enough of these days.

News Bot

The not-so-good:
Claire. It's been talked about plenty in the thread, but something about her was just off throughout the whole game - the unnecessary romantic undertones with Neil, her sudden loss of ability to handle kids in a crisis situation, etc. There were still some good moments, but not enough to shake off that feeling. More important, though, is that despite how the game was announced and marketed, Claire feels like the least important character of the four mains - her role in the story is basically "be a player character for the segments with Moira." I like Barry, and I liked the overall story, but since I was going in expecting Claire to have a bigger role, it was really jarring how she felt so disconnected. This really is Barry/Moira/Natalia's story. (Did they even acknowledge the
Chris/Claire : Albert/Alex parallel? ...Did Claire even learn who The Overseer was?

The times the script didn't work. Following up
the flashbacks showing Polly's accident
is probably the best example of them overplaying their hand.

Both of these are caused by the English writers. They took certain character traits and exaggerated them to the point where they barely resemble their original characterization. Moira and Barry's relationship is less contentious, Claire isn't fanatical about Neil with merely a crush, she is more maternal towards Natalia, and Moira while still cursing like a sailor doesn't have as much "creative" dialogue.

Considering the English script actually came first this time, it's clear the Japanese writers did not approve of much of the English dialogue but assumed the English writers knew the English audience better, hence why much of Barry's dialogue harkens back to a mistranslated game. It's not really a matter of culture clash either as the writers were happy to rewrite BIO6's script for the Japanese voice acting based on the English dialogue, but not here.

Claire's story does feel quite cut down. Her episode four is atrocious.
I'm pretty sure she doesn't find out who Alex is, as she's only mentioned on a first name basis in the files during her chapters from what I recall.
Outside of the scene where Claire and Moira
meet Natalia
I don't see any issues with Claire's character.
She's one of my favorite RE characters and I even replayed RE2 just before REV2 was released and I liked her a lot.
Let's not forget that it's been a long time since her last appearence, I doubt any of you act like you did 10 years ago.
She's still as determined and straightforward as ever and I love how the bracelet worked as a visual representation of the difference between her and Moira because of how experienced she is (Moira's bracelet sometimes being red while Claire's is green or yellow).

News Bot

Outside of the scene where Claire and Moira
meet Natalia
I don't see any issues with Claire's character.
She's one of my favorite RE characters and I even replayed RE2 just before REV2 was released and I liked her a lot.
Let's not forget that it's been a long time since her last appearence, I doubt any of you act like you did 10 years ago.
She's still as determined and straightforward as ever and I love how the bracelet worked as a visual representation of the difference between her and Moira because of how experienced she is (Moira's bracelet sometimes being red while Claire's is green or yellow).

A few of her lines in Japanese are the literal opposite of what she says in English.

The Revenants are so fucking good, man. Spectacular enemies, their movement and speed in particular is so creepy and disturbing.

I'm positive they're actually a combination of two scrapped concept enemies from the BIO4 version that became Devil May Cry. In that version, Spencer dressed human corpses in old clothes and sewed blades onto their hands, then injected them with the G-Virus to reanimate them as Zombies. He also sewed and stitched together human corpses and injected the virus, reanimating them all as a single giant Zombie. I was always disappointed that the G-Virus' ability to revive the dead was never actually explored, but REV2 has done it good enough with the Uroboros Virus.

Hope we see the G-Virus in action sometime. It's a terrible shame that it was such an important plot point but then faded into obscurity.


I'm not entirely sure how shareplay works but can it be used to do the splitscreen co-op with a friend over the internet?


OK, so I finally finished the game yesterday.

I really liked it. At first I thought it will be just a simple budget title. First gameplay videos (I haven't watched later trailers and gameplay videos - Capcom really like to put a lot of spoilers in their promo materials) and screenshots looked meh. But the game surprised me and sucked me in - it's really well done.

- Fun campaign. It was a good balance between exploration/puzzles and combat.

- Interesting enemies. As much as I dislike those invisible one-hit-kill enemies (they were bearable in Barry's campaign, but awful in Claire's campaign) I must praise all enemy designs: creepy looking, each with distinguish design and combat tactics.

- Good character cast. At first I had doubts about Moira and her swearing but she grew on me. The relationship between Natalia and Barry was also cute. My only issue is with Claire - she could be replaced with anyone and nothing would be lost. She really does feel like a "character with guns for Moira's campaign", since the whole game is rather about Moira's, Barry's and Natalia's relationship.

- Atmospheric and varied levels (
the mini-mansion at the end of Episode 4 was an awesome touch
) that don't feel like stages (something I didn't like about RE5 and 6) but rather like natural progression from place to place. I like the idea that Barry's campaign takes place
six months after Claire's
and you can see how various environments changed or were affected by what you did in Claire's campaign.

- Asymmetric co-op. At first I thought that playing as Moira and Natalia will be boring and they will be a burden, but I ended up playing most of the campaign as them, switching to Claire/Barry only when needed (in Claire's campaign I even ended up fighting as Moira during simple combat scenarios, since Claire - with the skill that allowed AI to use guns - could handle herself). Moira's crowbar and flashlight are very useful both in and outside combat, and a lot of enemies in Barry's campaign are designed so that you need Natalia. The second character doesn't feel like unnecessary add-on (hello there, Sheva and Parker ;)), but rather like an integral gameplay element.

- Natalia is the best implementation of a defenseless little girl I've seen in games - both in terms of character and gameplay.

- Interesting story with nice executed twists and cliffhangers.

- Lack of AAA gameplay traits. I was really (positively) surprised there were none QTE in this game and very little button mashing, almost no slow-walk-while-taking moments, no unnecessary epic explosions (hello RE6) etc. Just an old-schoold action-adventure game.

- As mentioned before, the implementation of Claire's character. You could simply replace her with Gina and no one would notice the difference.

- TerraSave characters. BSAA lads and guys from Revelation 1 were memorable (both designs and characters), TerraSave team was just boring and look like GTA NPCs.
Even Neil, who should be an important part of the story, looked meh and didn't have a moment to really shine.

I think Alex was a missed opportunity. I didn't like that she was just another "I want to be a god!" type of megalomaniac villain that eventually turns into a monster. However, the twist with her committing suicide and then, after surviving the shot, being afraid of Natalia replacing her was interesting. I just wish they would make her more imposing. We will see if they do something interesting with her new self.

- Some levels unnecessarily dragged on, especially in Barry's scenario (episode 3 and 4).
While the mansion at the end of episode 4 was a nice surprise, by that time I really wanted the game to end - to finally see the resolution. Maybe the problem was that I wasn't playing this game like I was supposed to - as weekly episodes.

- Capcom should really stop trying to replicate the "Itchy. Tasty." document from RE1. Reading yet another document written by someone infected that ends in some babbling sentences started to get boring.

- Too many forced references to RE1 Barry dialogues. When I was watching the ending I knew the
"I have THIS"
moment will come, and yet I still cringed.
What's with the Daily Missions giving me the same stages to play over and over. The lack of rotation between all the unlocked stages is disappointing. I think I've played the entire first gauntlet at least 5 times with the dailies by now.

Not Spaceghost

Erm, I just bought a gold chest and it gave me one level 5 Merciless part. That was it. :/

I bought like 5 chests and I got a level 6 soul eater, a level 10 daze, level 11 reload, and 2 level 10 capacity ones.

I think gold just means it's gonna be a 1.5 star quality part at least. Because merciless 5 is 1.5 star quality.

News Bot

Which doesn't necessarily mean that they're out of character.

It does when they relate to her personality, worldview, relations with others, etc. She outright contradicts her previous appearances for the sake of a cheap CODE:Veronica reference.

You could say that the English versions are going to go a different direction with the characters but this is a pipe dream. They tend to be completely inconsistent due to different translators between each game and/or movie.
I bought like 5 chests and I got a level 6 soul eater, a level 10 daze, level 11 reload, and 2 level 10 capacity ones.

I think gold just means it's gonna be a 1.5 star quality part at least. Because merciless 5 is 1.5 star quality.

Ah, I think it would be more cost efficient to just buy the parts at the in-game store and craft them up to a high level. Checking the phone after each level might be a bit annoying but oh well.

Not Spaceghost

Ah, I think it would be more cost efficient to just buy the parts at the in-game store and craft them up to a high level. Checking the phone after each level might be a bit annoying but oh well.

Definitely yeah, but with the gold chest I was able to get level 10 parts when my characters were still 40ish.

I think it's probably better to spend your points on gold instead of chests if you have the toolbox leveled up to max.
It does when they relate to her personality, worldview, relations with others, etc. She outright contradicts her previous appearances for the sake of a cheap CODE:Veronica reference.

You could say that the English versions are going to go a different direction with the characters but this is a pipe dream. They tend to be completely inconsistent due to different translators between each game and/or movie.

Could you point out examples?
Is it possible to buy the contents of the $40 physical version, digitally as 1 purchase? I only see the $25 season pass on the playstation store.
There should be a digital $40 version.

I don't see it (US Store, looking for PS4 specifically)



Are there a way to quickly gain the BP points? The game is fun and all but costumes, artworks, figurines and weapons cost a lot; not to mention higher-level skills. I'm not gonna replay the game that many times. :/

It does when they relate to her personality, worldview, relations with others, etc. She outright contradicts her previous appearances for the sake of a cheap CODE:Veronica reference.

You mean the "It's more reliable than any person." line? Yeah, it was a nice reference to CV, but something completely out of character for Claire to say. Especially considering her reaction when Steve said that in CODE: Veronica: *shocked and concerned* "Than people?".
I don't see it (US Store, looking for PS4 specifically)

That's weird. I bought the PC version but I'm pretty sure that the $40 version is also supposed to be on PSN.

Are there a way to quickly gain the BP points? The game is fun and all but costumes, artworks, figurines and weapons cost a lot; not to mention higher-level skills. I'm not gonna replay the game that many times. :/

You mean the "It's more reliable than any person." line? Yeah, it was a nice reference to CV, but something completely out of character for Claire to say. Especially considering her reaction when Steve said that in CODE: Veronica: *shocked and concerned* "Than people?".

A lot of time has passed since CV. Like I said before, people change. Her "worldview" isn't the same it was 10 years prior, noone's is.
To me it's interesting that she's come to view things differently.
I find it baffling that considering how much time has passed people are shocked that the character has evolved.
For me something "completely out of character" would be if she killed someone in cold blood for example. The realization that all the shit she's been through changed the way she perceives others is hardly shocking.
I was actually pleased to see that evolution in her personality which makes complete sense to me considering her history.


A lot of time has passed since CV. Like I said before, people change. Her "worldview" isn't the same it was 10 years prior, noone's is.
To me it's interesting that she's come to view things differently.
I find it baffling that considering how much time has passed people are shocked that the character has evolved.
For me something "completely out of character" would be if she killed someone in cold blood for example. The realization that all the shit she's been through changed the way she perceives others is hardly shocking.
I was actually pleased to see that evolution in her personality which makes complete sense to me considering her history.

It would make sense if it was explained - then sure, you can evolve her character as much as you want. For example people were probably shocked seeing Chris - the scout boy of the series - drunk and acting like a jerk at the beginning of RE6, but it was quickly explained why he acts like that.

Here, nothing is explained so it's easy to assume that they did this just to reference that one line from CODE: Veronica, not to show that Claire has changed.
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