What a terrible alt costume. Moira's is atleast aesthetically interesting. This one is incredibly ugly.
I guess I didn't word that correctly but what level in raid is this this? I'm up to like 2-6 and seen nothing but resident evil 6 levels. And hunk is amazing. I'm using him and his downed attack is so awesome.It's the prison from this game. Hunk looks awesome need to download him from the store.
Seems decent enough outside of huge juddering issues when you go above 60 FPS that hopefully will be fixed soon.Any word on the quality of the pc port? Mouse code?
What stage is this? I'm on the 2nd set and still see nothing but RE6 stages.
I also seen the "Mayday" boss from Revelations 1 while doing the daily challenge. Also, I just have to say that I am loving how smooth and responsive the dodging is.
I am loving Raid mode but I hate how the weapon parts are permanent and you have to pay (in-game) money to get rid of them -_-.
Hmm, I'm working on coverage of this now.
I've had no issues with frame-times on my setup at 1440p but I have not been able to use any resolutions over that. nVidia DSR doesn't work and I can't go above my monitor's native resolution.
Ah makes sense, haven't played today. Thank you. And I can't wait for online to play with my buddy. I can see myself sinking in over 50 hours easily with just this mode. So much better than mercenaries.It was a daily mission stage so I don't know.
Oh, damn! Can't wait to fight "Mayday" boss. I wonder if Rachael is there and what other enemies there are.
Raid Mode is so much fun. Too bad we have to wait til end of March for online play![]()
I'm pretty sure heads explode on normal enemies. Just depends on the weapon. Looked like a sniper took someone's head off clean yesterday.Tried a little raid mode this morning.
I have to say I'm pretty disappointed with the shooting.
No head explosions, and no hit sounds at all, it feels like you're shooting at air.
Not satisfying at all, real shame.
Season pass comes with 4 episodes plus the 2 bonus, raid, hunk,and flashback if you pre-ordered. Disk or complete comes with all that above plus Wesker, outfits, and flashback map pack. Wesker stand alone is $2.50 and costumes are $10. Not sure about the maps since mine came with it. Hope that clarifies things. They also sell mivrotransaction things like more storage, and weapons but you don't need it.So just to clairfy: The difference between the $25 and $40 versions of the game is the $25 version is just the main episodes and Raid mode while the $40 comes with all the DLC (HUNK, Wesker, Bonus Ep1 & 2, the 4 alt costumes, and the throwback map pack)?
Ah makes sense, haven't played today. Thank you. And I can't wait for online to play with my buddy. I can see myself sinking in over 50 hours easily with just this mode. So much better than mercenaries.
I'm pretty sure heads explode on normal enemies. Just depends on the weapon. Looked like a sniper took someone's head off clean yesterday.
I wasnt mad at first but then I remembered you can force online coop like that and got sad. I'm still holding out for a patch to play campaign online.God fucking dammit, why are companies like Capcom removing shareplay from their games?
This game would be perfect for split screen co-op but nooooooooooo, FUCK YOU CAPCOM!
I think I know the last unlockable Raid character in this batch. You guys are gonna be unhappy. I sure was.
I think it's the matrix-glowy computer thing you have in the Raid room before picking your character. It's a non-character.
Jesus, soooooooooo lazy if true.
Unless I'm missing something obvious... bummer, great a zero.
Nah. They are decent but you'll be getting better things eventually after a few hours of play. Unless you just want to run through crap from the offset without a worry.Are any of the guns you can buy with real money worth it? Anyone bought any?
I just learned the skill to have your ai partners do attacks while you're not controlling them, should make things better. Also I like how your partner can't die to something random like those spinning blade traps, I witnessed Claire get caught in one for a good 5 seconds and she lost 0 health. LolThe AI may be bad, but it's nothing compared to Sheva's AI in RE5. My god that was the worst. Couldn't complete the game without doing co-op.
The AI may be bad, but it's nothing compared to Sheva's AI in RE5. My god that was the worst. Couldn't complete the game without doing co-op.
I had 10 minutes before work.The game is a maximum 2 hours long.
you can start the game, and exit to the main menu immediately and Raid mode will show up.
Sheva died twice for me in my RE5 playthrough, I'd take Sheva in a heartbeat over this.
If I buy only the Episode 1, can I upgrade it to the complete package without needing to buy it again paying the full price?
I don't think so unless a discount method is setup for the stores, but I highly doubt it.
The price difference is pretty minimal if you buy the episodes seperately, only loss are some costumes which look dumb.
I just learned the skill to have your ai partners do attacks while you're not controlling them, should make things better. Also I like how your partner can't die to something random like those spinning blade traps, I witnessed Claire get caught in one for a good 5 seconds and she lost 0 health. Lol
The PS4 seems have some huge frame problem(actually XB1 version too, just not as huge as PS4), Capcom please, no way this graphic will cause this kind of frame.
How are you guys downloading the Compatibility Pack? The game says it's not available when I start it.
Do it through the store and go to the game's main page... not the in-game store link.
Played about an hour of the campaign so far. Quick thoughts.
- my ai partner has died about 6 times already, I'm busy turning a crank and they're busy dying.
- shooting isn't fun at all, enemies don't react to your shots and so far seem to be bullet sponges.
- enemies look like they move in slow motion sometimes
- graphics are good I don't get the complaints here, looks totally fine to me for what it is. I like the look of the prison.
- having to switch to Moira to search for things got old after 5 minutes, holding her flashlight on enemies just to stagger them isn't fun at all.
I'm trying to like it but so far I just don't, I'll give it another go later and finish the episode up.
The PS4 seems have some huge frame problem(actually XB1 version too, just not as huge as PS4), Capcom please, no way this graphic will cause this kind of frame.
It seems the Season Pass is basically the upgrade of Episode One to Complete Pack, am I right?
Also, I need to play more Raid Mode, but so far it almost seems like all of RE6 has been converted into Raid Mode stages or something. XD; Have played the first five Raid Mode missions and the two daily missions, all seven levels have been from Resident Evil 6, various parts of Leon and Jake's campaigns thus far.
Very fun so far though, also while I'm sure is easy to do, I appreciate them including enemies from other Resident Evil games in the Raid Mode of this game. The Napad's from RE6 (big enemies with shells on their back) and the Executioner (the giant axe enemy from the first big fight in Resident Evil 5) both caught me by surprise.
edit: Oops, double posted.
The PS4 seems have some huge frame problem(actually XB1 version too, just not as huge as PS4), Capcom please, no way this graphic will cause this kind of frame.