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Resident Evil: Revelations 2 |OT| Yeah, but it's only $25


Ugh Raid Mode is so much more fun than it was in Revelations 1. It's really different, right? I just find it so much more approachable (and yet still with the same amount of depth) than the original one.

I feel the same. I never "got it" in Revelations 1 until a lot of trial and error, but this is more fun and more accessible. I haven't played the first Raid mode in awhile, but I would say they made some great changes while keeping the amount of depth as you said. Definitely easier to get into.

News Bot

I have all of the story files, so far in English. I think fans of the mythology will really, really like this game overall. There are connections to BIO5, BIO6 and REV1. And this is just the files. Will get the Japanese files soon. Can't wait to dig through and find the inevitable mistranslations.

The Franz Kafka references are great and a lot deeper and integral to the plot than REV1's seemingly pointless Divine Comedy references.


Looking forward to delving into this at the weekend.

I didn't play raid mode in Revelations so this'll be my first try of it. I'll be playing the majority spilt-screen on PS4 with my wife. Are there any tips/guides online for a complete novice to follow?



Happened yesterday during Raid.
Lol. The noise some of those infected make never fail to get a laugh out of me. Sounds like RE's take on Ms. Piggy.
I bought Episode 1 to try it out.
Any tips for a ResidentEvil-noob?
Try and conserve ammo a bit. You can aim about two shots at the legs and they'll go into a stun animation. You'll get a prompt to melee them and then another prompt to finish them on the ground if they're not dead.


I have all of the story files, so far in English. I think fans of the mythology will really, really like this game overall. There are connections to BIO5, BIO6 and REV1. And this is just the files. Will get the Japanese files soon. Can't wait to dig through and find the inevitable mistranslations.

The Franz Kafka references are great and a lot deeper and integral to the plot than REV1's seemingly pointless Divine Comedy references.

I think the Kafka stuff is pretty silly myself. It reminds of a terrible show on Fox, the Following, where everyone can't stop quoting Edgar Allan Poe or talking about him.


What's with the controls? try turning ur character whilst moving and do a sharp turn with a stop, as if to look at an object on a shelf. and having to take ur finger off x when running in your order to press circle to dodge, which seems counter productive.

News Bot

I think the Kafka stuff is pretty silly myself. It reminds of a terrible show on Fox, the Following, where everyone can't stop quoting Edgar Allan Poe or talking about him.

In this case it's just the one character who happens to like him and sympathizes with him. It's a lot better than just randomly throwing out phrases, there's an actual meaning and connection with everything.
I'm dreading trying to go back to the prison flamethrower section on hard again. I only have 4 shotgun shells, 8 pistol rounds, no herbs, no molotovs.

It's just so difficult to control the crowd in that room and they overwhelm you so quickly.

Situation goes from manageable to shit in 2 seconds.
Holy shit at one of the secret files...

E-mail from Barry to Chris. "And you got Jill back! I was so happy I could have did cartwheels down the streets! If I hear you're hitting the gym again, I'm gonna come down and kick your ass personally!"

From a canon/universe standpoint this just might be the best Resident Evil yet.

Now mention Rebecca!


Holy shit at one of the secret files...

E-mail from Barry to Chris. "And you got Jill back! I was so happy I could have did cartwheels down the streets! If I hear you're hitting the gym again, I'm gonna come down and kick your ass personally!"

I took this to just mean
got her back from being a mind controlled Wesker soldier.

News Bot

I think that's the point, all things considered on how hammy this game is and self-aware.

The only intentionally hammy part of the game so far is the TerraSave commercial. The Japanese versions are always written quite seriously. The English writers/translators then forcefully inject as much cheese as they can.

Dai Sato's Dante and Franz Kafka motifs are wholly serious. Pretentious? Probably, but the characters quoting them are written as pretentious themselves.


The only intentionally hammy part of the game so far is the TerraSave commercial. The Japanese versions are always written quite seriously. The English writers/translators then forcefully inject as much cheese as they can.

Dai Sato's Dante and Franz Kafka motifs are wholly serious. Pretentious? Probably, but the characters quoting them are written as pretentious themselves.

Well, I mean, even the intros are closed with Kafka quotes. I don't think it can all be laid at the feet of the characters.
The only intentionally hammy part of the game so far is the TerraSave commercial. The Japanese versions are always written quite seriously. The English writers/translators then forcefully inject as much cheese as they can.

Dai Sato's Dante and Franz Kafka motifs are wholly serious. Pretentious? Probably, but the characters quoting them are written as pretentious themselves.

I haven't done a Japanese run through yet, but I hear the jokes like JILL SANDWICH are still in, right? So far this game has been pretty self aware and The Overseer is just quoting Kafka because they are insane.

News Bot

I haven't done a Japanese run through yet, but I hear the jokes like JILL SANDWICH are still in, right? So far this game has been pretty self aware and The Overseer is just quoting Kafka because they are insane.

"Jill sandwich" never existed in BIO1, let alone here. He just says something to the effect of "you were almost a sandwich." Claire says pretty much the same thing. Meanwhile the master of unlocking joke just isn't there at all, likewise with Claire's personality-defying line taken from Steve in CODE:Veronica.

The English writers/translators just make things up a lot of the time.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Woah woah Secret Files ?

Where, what, how ? Someone please tell me how they're obtained.


The English writers/translators just make things up a lot of the time.

I'm glad they do, it's injecting personality back into the series. The cheesy callbacks/hammy English VO, constant swearing of Barry's daughter vs his "dad swearing", emails, etc. are nice little world-building quirks and I'm enjoying it's balance of serious and tongue in cheek. Resident Evil has taken itself way too seriously as a series for awhile now.

Don't make it goofy parody, but this game has given it some charm and character again.

News Bot

I'm glad they do, it's injecting personality back into the series. The cheesy callbacks/hammy English VO, constant swearing of Barry's daughter vs his "dad swearing", emails, etc. are nice little world-building quirks and I'm enjoying it's balance of serious and tongue in cheek. Resident Evil has taken itself way too seriously as a series for awhile now.

Don't make it goofy parody, but this game has given it some charm and character again.

They're not nice quirks, though. They are infantile and irritating at the best of times. The game tries to build a tense atmosphere and pisses it away with stupidity. The balance is very one-sided.

The series has literally always taken itself seriously, even the original game. Do you think the BIO1 translator was having the time of his life when he came up with its bastard translation? Dude just barely grasped English. The references would be neat if they did them once in a while, not try and force them into anything and everything they can get their hands on because they can't let go of a bad translation 20 years ago when it's completely irrelevant now and the creators have long since disassociated themselves with it.


Ugh Raid Mode is so much more fun than it was in Revelations 1. It's really different, right? I just find it so much more approachable (and yet still with the same amount of depth) than the original one.

Eh, the original Raid Mode was much better designed, it just suffered from limited amount of maps (though they were generally much better than the one-room stuff that's common in Rev 2) and enemy types. Every difficulty level had entirely different enemy spawns, here every difficulty is exactly the same and don't really even feel much harder as long as you're playing at recommended level. It just feels like a poorly designed horde mode at times.

Exp gains don't seem to scale that well with level requirements either, I'm like 10 levels below the recommended level for the last Very Hard gauntlet and I've gotten every other medal before it. :/


not me
The series has literally always taken itself seriously, even the original game.

But many fans have not, and love it for that. It's the same with many 80s movies. Biohazard isn't Shakespeare and I don't care about the purity of tone being preserved. The only issue is when plot details are actually changed in a confusing way, and I appreciate people like you clearing those up for us.


Can't seem to get the Knife only Trophy for Chapter 1 for the life of me. Swear I'm following everything to a T that it says to do on PS Trophies. At this point I think my next attempt at it will be using 2 controllers and playing split-screen by myself just to make sure the AI isn't messing it up somehow.

News Bot

But many fans have not, and love it for that. It's the same with many 80s movies. Biohazard isn't Shakespeare and I don't care about the purity of tone being preserved. The only issue is when plot details are actually changed in a confusing way, and I appreciate people like you clearing those up for us.

The problem is that the translators don't care about preserving the plot as long as they can shoehorn any of their high school level nonsense in. References and call-backs are great, when done right. But they're forced and out of place here. That said I was amused by them, I just wish they didn't sacrifice everything else just to put them in.


They're not nice quirks, though. They are infantile and irritating at the best of times. The game tries to build a tense atmosphere and pisses it away with stupidity. The balance is very one-sided.

So you don't like it, that's fine. I had no problem feeling tense and though this did a great atmosphere- there were a couple of funny lines, and it gave a sense of added history to the characters. I liked it as fan service, it was just enough. Agree to disagree.

The series has literally always taken itself seriously, even the original game. Do you think the BIO1 translator was having the time of his life when he came up with its bastard translation? Dude just barely grasped English. The references would be neat if they did them once in a while, not try and force them into anything and everything they can get their hands on because they can't let go of a bad translation 20 years ago when it's completely irrelevant now and the creators have long since disassociated themselves with it.

I know it's always been serious, and I understand the first game had a bad translation. I've been with the series since the get go, but there's a line between making slightly humorous callbacks to a bad translation, and fighting a T-Rex monster in 6 where your point breaks down a little. The series in 5 and 6 especially has been relentlessly heavy handed on forced emotion, and more and more global scale death, with little or no self-awareness to the point that Chris is punching a freaking rock to get it to move. That's silly. There's a lot of silly things in the series that have nothing at all to do with dialogue or translations. The "raised stakes" get higher in each game too- I roll with it, but it's to the point where it makes little sense anymore.

I don't see the series as a wacky horror game, but I've never had a problem when it cracks a joke now and again. I really don't get where you feel it's "forcing" it into everything- this is the first time the Sandwich and Master of Unlocking lines have been referenced in years in game. Maybe I missed it though, I'd be happy to stand corrected and reevaluate that. Articles online talk about the crappy translation more than the games have though, and that does get tiresome.

Obviously you're passionate about this, I think that's great, but I'm just not seeing it as a big deal personally. They added a few lines and references (like Chris "hitting the gym"), and I don't see how that ruins the atmosphere at all. I was gripping my controller through the end of Claire's campaign, and Barry's had me on edge in the forest. Mission accomplished I thought, so it was nice to have a little chuckle here and there too.


I liked the Claire Sandwich joke and I liked the "6 months later" revelation.

I don't think it's a particularly great game. It's mediocre in many ways. The movement is fine, the shooting is ok-ish, the level design is ok, the enemy design ranges from boring to good and the graphics are fairly bad. I'd have a hard time recommending this to anyone but the really diehard RE fans (of which we have quite a few on GAF, so it doesn't surprise me that the game seems to have found its audience). Reusing assets and making us run through the same area twice does give it a bit of a cheap feel, which usually isn't good.

I'm not sure I'll give the other episodes a try - but I can see myself playing the full game eventually.

News Bot

I know it's always been serious, and I've been with the series since the get go, but there's a line between making slightly humorous callbacks, and fighting a T-Rex monster in 6 where your point breaks down a little. The series in 5 and 6 especially has been relentlessly heavy handed on emotion with little or no self-awareness that Chris is punching a freaking rock to get it to move. That's silly. There's a lot of silly things in the series that have nothing at all to do with dialogue or translations .

I don't see the series as a wacky horror game, but I've never had a problem when it cracks a joke now and again. I really don't get where you feel it's "forcing" it into everything- this is the first time the Sandwich and Master of Unlocking lines have been referenced in years in game. Maybe I missed it though, I'd be happy to stand corrected and reevaluate that. Articles online talk about the crappy translation more than the games have though, and that does get tiresome.

Obviously you're passionate about this, I think that's great, but I'm just not seeing it as a big deal personally. They added a few lines and references (like Chris "hitting the gym"), and I don't see how that ruins the atmosphere at all. I was gripping my controller through the end of Claire's campaign, and Barry's had me on edge in the forest. Mission accomplished I thought, so it was nice to have a little chuckle here and there too.

Those are silly, yes, and I treat them just like I do with goofiness added to the script.

"Master of Unlocking" was forced into UC's files, which is doubly irritating because it's added out of nowhere, whereas with more important files, vital details are just erased. There's more but I forget exactly, I'll stumble on them again when I do the full script comparison editorials.


The problem is that the translators don't care about preserving the plot as long as they can shoehorn any of their high school level nonsense in. References and call-backs are great, when done right. But they're forced and out of place here. That said I was amused by them, I just wish they didn't sacrifice everything else just to put them in.

Newsbot alert
How correct is this recent IGN timeline?
i like when you catch the mistakes.


I took this to just mean
got her back from being a mind controlled Wesker soldier.

correct, here's the full file:
it's a great lil touch
E-Mail from Barry to Chris

Hey Chris,

I heard you just got back from Africa. Some crazy shit went down there. Glad to hear you're OK.

And better yet, you brought Jill back! When I heard the news I was so happy I could've done cartwheels down the streets!
Not that my knees would allow for that kind of thing anymore.

I mean, after all the shit the three of us have been through... Y'know, we gotta look out for each other, watch each other's backs.
But I don't have to tell you the value of having a good partner now, do I?

Well, you just got back so you need some time to recover. Take it easy, you hear?
If I hear you're hitting the gym again, I'm gonna come down and kick your ass personally!

I know things are gonna be a bit crazy for awhile for you and Jill, but when you're both settled in let's all go out for a drink or something. It's been too long.


Woah woah Secret Files ?

Where, what, how ? Someone please tell me how they're obtained.

you unlock the ability to purchase them by getting the dumb collectibles, specifically the kafka drawings and blue medallions. i have no idea what the red bugs do but i'm gonna assume 'concept art'


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
So you can dramatically reduce reload time by watching the ammo counter in the bottom right and just canceling the reload when you see the ammo number reset. Your weapon will be reloaded and ready to go.

In Rev1/RE6 you had to swap weapons to do it. And that works here too. But in Rev2 you can just use the dodge. Something you couldn't do in Rev1.

Pretty powerful, almost game-breaking imo.
So you can dramatically reduce reload time by watching the ammo counter in the bottom right and just canceling the reload when you see the ammo number reset. Your weapon will be reloaded and ready to go.

In Rev1/RE6 you had to swap weapons to do it. And that works here too. But in Rev2 you can just use the dodge. Something you couldn't do in Rev1.

Pretty powerful, almost game-breaking imo.

Yup, always get caught in a reload dodge backwards and my gun is ready to go.


So you can dramatically reduce reload time by watching the ammo counter in the bottom right and just canceling the reload when you see the ammo number reset. Your weapon will be reloaded and ready to go.

In Rev1/RE6 you had to swap weapons to do it. And that works here too. But in Rev2 you can just use the dodge. Something you couldn't do in Rev1.

Pretty powerful, almost game-breaking imo.

I woudlnt say that game breaking. All the REs seem to have frame abuse you can use to your advantage. Remember that was like a whole game in itself for RE5.

News Bot



Junior Member
I have all of the story files, so far in English. I think fans of the mythology will really, really like this game overall. There are connections to BIO5, BIO6 and REV1. And this is just the files. Will get the Japanese files soon. Can't wait to dig through and find the inevitable mistranslations.

The Franz Kafka references are great and a lot deeper and integral to the plot than REV1's seemingly pointless Divine Comedy references.

Connections to RE6? Very interesting. Which characters?

Astral Dog

I'm glad they do, it's injecting personality back into the series. The cheesy callbacks/hammy English VO, constant swearing of Barry's daughter vs his "dad swearing", emails, etc. are nice little world-building quirks and I'm enjoying it's balance of serious and tongue in cheek. Resident Evil has taken itself way too seriously as a series for awhile now.

Don't make it goofy parody, but this game has given it some charm and character again.
Agree, but the problem is that it varies from game to game so much, and sometimes it should not be necessary, i doubt there was a big change since REV 1, and DC could had worked better with less cheesy dialogue.

there are points when they go a bit overboard, but so far im enjoying the tone of Revelations 2 too, the little shown so far.

edit: what i mean is just like it can help the story and characters to be more charming,sometimes it can also affect it negatively when they go overboard with the silly lines.
Those are silly, yes, and I treat them just like I do with goofiness added to the script.

"Master of Unlocking" was forced into UC's files, which is doubly irritating because it's added out of nowhere, whereas with more important files, vital details are just erased. There's more but I forget exactly, I'll stumble on them again when I do the full script comparison editorials.
Yes this is an issue, if im not wrong there is even missing files in recent games, only appearing in the Japanese version.

good to see the kafka references are meaningful this time.

edit: nobody replies me unless its about Moira :-(


That patch I downloaded made the game work worse. Yesterday I was playing raid mode 60fps all the time. Now it's dropping to 30fps regularly. That snow defend mission is averaging 12fps... Anyone else having problems after the update?


It's really really annoying that I still cant download the "Throwback Map Pack" on PS4. No matter where I go, in the PS4 or the web store nothing shows up.
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