I've sent out almost 30 invites for the RFOM clan so now we turn to the question of whether we can find a regular time to get most of the clan together for a couple of hours of MP.
Initially this thread is to gauge interest in a weekly/semi-weekly clan match (or match vs. other clans). We need input from everyone regarding your best day and time to play and how regularly you can participate. Provide the following information:
Best day of the week for you to play?
Best time on that day (be sure to indicate time zone)?
How long can you generally play in one session?
How regularly do you expect to join?
Are there any days you absolutely can't play?
If you're reading this thread and want a clan invite, please PM me
Link to Official Resistance: Fall of Man Thread
Initially this thread is to gauge interest in a weekly/semi-weekly clan match (or match vs. other clans). We need input from everyone regarding your best day and time to play and how regularly you can participate. Provide the following information:
Best day of the week for you to play?
Best time on that day (be sure to indicate time zone)?
How long can you generally play in one session?
How regularly do you expect to join?
Are there any days you absolutely can't play?
If you're reading this thread and want a clan invite, please PM me
Link to Official Resistance: Fall of Man Thread