idk, for my tastes I haven't run into a lot of exclusives/best-versions on Wii. A lot of the critically acclaimed games are duds for me. Super Mario Galaxy, Xenoblade, the two Zelda games, No More Heroes, Metroid Prime 3, the Kirby games, and MadWorld, for example.
My favorite game on the platform is probably Sin and Punishment. The Rhythm Tengoku game is pretty cool, too, as are New Super Mario Bros, Kororinpa, and the Konami M2 Rebirth games. And there are a chunk of games that I haven't tried yet and would like to: the Fire Emblem game, Zangeki no Reginleiv, Punch-Out, Super Mario Galaxy 2 (I'm told it's more up my alley than the original), and DKCR are the most immediate.
I'm open to hearing what I may have overlooked though. I'm generally into Japanese action games but am open to pretty much anything but traditional JRPGs.
dubc35 said:
My main focus will be on first party Nintendo games starting out. I haven't played a single first party console Nintendo game since SNES. So yeah, I have a lot to catch up on!
I could see you getting a ton of use out of VC, then. Flex that 240p if you can.