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Reuters: Senator Warren to endorse Clinton, sources say

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Senator Elizabeth Warren will soon endorse presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and, while not currently interested in serving as her running mate, has not ruled it out, several sources close to Warren told Reuters.

Advisers to Warren, a fiery critic of Wall Street and a popular figure among progressive Democrats, have been in close contact with Clinton's campaign team and the conversations have increased in frequency in recent weeks, the sources said.
An endorsement of Clinton could come within a week or two, one of the sources said.
Warren has stayed neutral in the Democratic primary race, notably remaining the only woman senator not throwing her support behind the first woman presidential nominee of a major political party.

Were she to join the Clinton ticket, she could help energize progressives and win over supporters of Clinton's rival Bernie Sanders, a democratic socialist U.S. senator from Vermont. Sanders' calls for reining in Wall Street and breaking up big banks dovetail with Warren's views.


but believes in Chael
An endorsement of Clinton could come within a week or two, one of the sources said.

Sam Stein ‏@samsteinhp 2m2 minutes ago
Had been hearing plans were underway for Warren to endorse Clinton soon (somewhat expectedly) Reuters reporting tonight it’s happening.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
She was incredibly wise to stay out of the race and just bait Trump.


Btw there is zero chance of a female VP.
If sexists weren't going to vote for Clinton because she's a woman, they still wouldn't vote for her regardless of the gender of her running mate.

Not saying that it'll be Warren, but I don't think gender (or race) will be a factor in the decision.


listen to the mad man
If sexists weren't going to vote for Clinton because she's a woman, they still wouldn't vote for her regardless of the gender of her running mate.

Not saying that it'll be Warren, but I don't think gender (or race) will be a factor in the decision.

It's not about cartoon cavemen who are worried about women bleeding out of their whatever, it's more subtle than that. I agree with Stinkles that it's very unlikely she'd choose a female running mate not because of "delivering votes" directly, but just so the campaign can contest the battle of ideas with less of the media baggage of an all-woman ticket.
Btw there is zero chance of a female VP.


You could argue against Clinton picking Warren for VP because Massachusetts has a Republican governor but I don't think there's any reason to add a man to the ticket.

I hope she does pick Warren anyway, that would change me from reluctantly to enthusiastically supporting Clinton.


Um within a week or two is not "soon". I want the GE train to begin already!

The ge train started weeks ago.

I'll never understand why anyone would hinge their support on something as inconsequential as a VP. It's truly loonie bin territory


warren as the VP pick would get me to vote clinton tbh

but it'll never happen

If not that, then team up with Bernie once he gets over his loss, get his supporters on board, kick Trumps ass, rip his shirt off his unconscious body, and spray paint nWo on his naked back.


If not that, then team up with Bernie once he gets over his loss, get his supporters on board, kick Trumps ass, rip his shirt off his unconscious body, and spray paint nWo on his naked back.
Bernie is going to be hanging out up in the rafters watching things from afar.
Sadly this will be the response in places like r/s4p. She will be turned into Judas. There is zero placating the ardent holdouts. The ones who were gonna vote for Hillary would have done so without this overture, albeit with slightlt less enthusiasm. Hillary wants more votes and a VP that appeals to not just the fringe s4p people but general populace as well.


get some go again
Sadly this will be the response in places like r/s4p. She will be turned into Judas. There is zero placating the ardent holdouts. The ones who were gonna vote for Hillary would have done so without this overture, albeit with slightlt less enthusiasm. Hillary wants more votes and a VP that appeals to not just the fringe s4p people but general populace as well.
they already bad mouth her on s4p. they even use trump lines and make fun of her for saying she is indian.
warren as the VP pick would get me to vote clinton tbh

but it'll never happen

Why would you want Elizabeth Warren to be pulled from a position of actual power in the Senate in order to serve in a mostly ceremonial role as VP?

I really like Elizabeth Warren, and I hate the idea of her being VP. There are much better things she could be doing with her time.


Yes, do it. Her, Hillary, Obama, Sanders(eventually?) going after Trump will be glorious to watch. He is going to get destroyed.


About time!

Can't wait for the wave of bullshit about how she's a shill too even though Sanders supporters were practically begging her to endorse him for months.
A Clinton Warren ticket would be my dream scenario tbh.

Warren has been phenomenal in the Senate and with her attacks on Trump she has shown she is a good attack dog for the Democrats. She would also appeal to the more reluctant Bernie supporters/progressives to vote for Clinton. Her being a woman and making the ticket even more historic would just be icing on the cake.

Realistically though I don't think she will be the VP :(. Based on PoliGAF (who are always on the ball with political predictions and have never steered me wrong) it looks likely that Clinton will choose someone like Tim Kaine or Tom Perez as VP. There's also a risk that Warren's Senate seat might go to a Republican appointed by the MA Governor.


A VP is often chosen to address a Presidential candidate's perceived weaknesses. For Hillary, here's a very recent word association study that was done with voters:

Those are some pretty strong negatives.. but if there's one Senator with any national name recognition that could help address them (aside from Bernie himself), it would probably be Elizabeth Warren. Her name is associated with fighting special interests; it is her brand, her essence.

We can also note that there is no ideological objection to Hillary among those adjectives. Voters are very comfortable with where she is ideologically, so it doesn't seem likely that a liberal VP pick is going to move that number in a negative direction very much.

There's also the chance that a two-woman ticket nudges the gender gap a bit wider. Moving it from, say, +15 to +18 or might seem small, but it'd be a nationwide effect - the tide would rise everywhere because women are distributed everywhere. And since the electorate is usually >52% female, even a slight rise in the margin would be significant; it could be the difference between a Senate seat or a state in the red or blue column.

And finally, the other role of a VP: attack dog. And I think we know that Warren is quiiiiiite capable of getting under Trump's skin. She's demonstrated this over and over again, and his responses have been, if anything, self-destructive.

There are other picks (I'm quite torn between Warren & Kaine, myself). But Warren isn't as bad as one might think.


A Clinton Warren ticket would be my dream scenario tbh.

Warren has been phenomenal in the Senate and with her attacks on Trump she has shown she is a good attack dog for the Democrats. She would also appeal to the more reluctant Bernie supporters/progressives to vote for Clinton. Her being a woman and making the ticket even more historic would just be icing on the cake.

Realistically though I don't think she will be the VP :(. Based on PoliGAF (who are always on the ball with political predictions and have never steered me wrong) it looks likely that Clinton will choose someone like Tim Kaine or Tom Perez as VP. There's also a risk that Warren's Senate seat might go to a Republican appointed by the MA Governor.
I strongly suspect it doesn't matter who Clinton picks, the well has already been poisoned by Sanders. See: Elizabeth Warren's facebook page right now.

Thankfully, there's likely more conservative defectors this cycle than BernieBros.
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