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Reuters: Student accused in Washington school shooting blamed 'bullying'


The teenager accused of opening fire at his Washington state high school, killing a student, told police he took the firearms from his father’s gun safe and wanted to teach his classmates a lesson about “bullying,” court papers showed on Thursday.

An affidavit filed by a police detective following 15-year-old Caleb Sharpe’s arrest stated that the suspect said he had been picked on by the slain boy, identified only by his initials, S.D.S., who told Sharpe: “I always knew you were going to shoot up the school.”
Three female students were also wounded in the shootings. All three girls were listed in satisfactory condition at a hospital on Thursday. “It’s our intention to try him as an adult for premeditated murder,” Spokane County Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich told reporters. “This young gentlemen got sucked into a counterculture of violence.”

Knezovich declined to discuss what detectives believed motivated the shooting, but cited mental health issues and suggested Sharpe may have been influenced by violence on television and in video games.

Sharpe had been under the care of a school counselor after talking about killing himself, according to the court papers, which said his parents told detectives he gave them a suicide note a week earlier.

The sheriff’s office said “documents” belonging to the suspect showed he had been planning the attack, although it was not clear for how long. Sharpe was being held on one count of first-degree murder and three counts of attempted murder.

Freeman student Michael Harper told the Spokesman-Review newspaper that Sharpe was a friend who loved the AMC network drama “Breaking Bad,” about a chemistry teacher who turns to cooking methamphetamine, and that the suspect had recently become obsessed with documentaries about school shootings.

Another classmate told police that Sharpe made improvised explosive devices out of various chemicals and gas and that his father bought him guns, according to the affidavit.
Another classmate told police that Sharpe made improvised explosive devices out of various chemicals and gas and that his father bought him guns, according to the affidavit.


Gee, can't imagine how this one happened.


Buy your kid guns if that's how you roll but for Christ's sake lock them up when you are not at the range you dumbass. Idiot father.


The teenager accused of opening fire at his Washington state high school, killing a student, told police he took the firearms from his father’s gun safe.

Everyone is a responsible gun owner until they aren't. Guarantee his father felt his guns would save people, protect against Government tyranny.


Father bought him an AR15
Told him the safe combination for his pistol.
Kid was already suicidal according to records.
He had a YT people knew about that he bragged about having weapon access.

Sharpe's morning started, as it usually did, on a school bus.

However, that morning he brought a duffel bag on to the bus, according to his bus driver. She found this suspicious because she knew Sharpe didn't play any sports, she told police.
Inside that bag were two weapons: an assault-style semiautomatic rifle and a handgun alongside ”numerous boxes" of .223 rifle ammunition.
After arriving at school Sharpe headed straight to the second-floor hallway. Just after 10 a.m. he dropped the duffel bag and removed the assault rifle. He started to load the gun; however, it jammed.
As Sharpe struggled to load the weapon, fellow classmate Sam Strahan approached.

The only reason this shooting wasn't bigger was his rifle jammed when loading it and he just left the bag full of ammunition when someone approached him, using his dad's pistol instead.
Literally everyone around this kid failed incredibly hard. The fact that you can say thank god his rifle jammed and all he had was a pistol is incredibly sad.


Knezovich declined to discuss what detectives believed motivated the shooting, but cited mental health issues and suggested Sharpe may have been influenced by violence on television and in video games.

Another classmate told police that Sharpe made improvised explosive devices out of various chemicals and gas and that his father bought him guns, according to the affidavit.

But lets blame the games.
We had every conceivable warning sign, but told ourselves that he's a law abiding citizen mentally fit to handle a firearm, literally until the moment he pulled the trigger.

Everyone involved failed these children, especially the shooter's father.


Can mental health issues lead one to be more susceptible to the influence of violent media? That's what the cop cited before the video game part.

Possibly but the question needs asked is, why those same violent games sold in australia, canada, japan,, uk contribute to the susceptibility of kids to commit violent gun offenses. Is it that GTA V turns kids to go on shooting sprees or lax gun laws, gun culture and shithead fathers letting their kids have access to their guns that is the real reason? Crimes happen everywhere, but these kinds of events on a large scale are almost unique to the US in the western world.


Can mental health issues lead one to be more susceptible to the influence of violent media? That's what the cop cited before the video game part.
Saying that violent people like violent media is an obvious and worthless observation that only detracts from the underlying problem.

The parents knew that their kid was suicidal (wouldn't be surprised if the note mentioned the bullying aswell) and still allowed him access to their gun safe. That's insanely stupid, those parents need to be charged with gross negligence or something.
people keep saying the system failed him, but the truth is the system is working as intended. he happens to be the type of person that gets infinite chances in the system. even after murder the excuses of video games are propped up. he can't just be a criminal punk thug even after shooting up a school.


people keep saying the system failed him, but the truth is the system is working as intended. he happens to be the type of person that gets infinite chances in the system. even after murder the excuses of video games are propped up. he can't just be a criminal punk thug even after shooting up a school.
That's the failure part.


the signs were there, if he had talked about killing himself, then his father is an irresponsible guardian for keeping guns at home.

Also another reminder that most suicide victims will express explicit intentions within a week of the attempt. It's sad that this could have been avoided had his parents taken more precaution about his mental state


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
I know people want to blame the dad.. but honestly as a parent.. it's hard to properly judge your kids. You want to think you see everything, but you're a biased observer.

Parent's tend to put blinders on, not on purpose.. but it's just how it works.

It's hard to say, was the kid naturally evil.. or did we help create this evil. Kids can be incredibly mean. Years of that can have horrible effects on them.

Also, just because people see signs.. most of the people with some kind of signs never do anything.

the signs were there, if he had talked about killing himself, then his father is an irresponsible guardian for keeping guns at home.

Also another reminder that most suicide victims will express explicit intentions within a week of the attempt. It's sad that this could have been avoided had his parents taken more precaution about his mental state

Parents are horrible judges of their own children. They probably thought he was just going through a phase.. school had just started.. he was seeing a counselor... who the fuck honestly thinks their kids are going to shoot up the school.

..but then again there's a reason I have no guns in my house. The high powered pellet rifles I do have are locked in the trailer in storage and only get used while camping.


I know people want to blame the dad.. but honestly as a parent.. it's hard to properly judge your kids. You want to think you see everything, but you're a biased observer.

Parent's tend to put blinders on, not on purpose.. but it's just how it works.

It's hard to say, was the kid naturally evil.. or did we help create this evil. Kids can be incredibly mean. Years of that can have horrible effects on them.

Also, just because people see signs.. most of the people with some kind of signs never do anything.

Parents are horrible judges of their own children. They probably thought he was just going through a phase.. school had just started.. he was seeing a counselor... who the fuck honestly thinks their kids are going to shoot up the school.

..but then again there's a reason I have no guns in my house. The high powered pellet rifles I do have are locked in the trailer in storage and only get used while camping.

Yes I agree most parents are not equipped/prepared to properly rear children. But it's completely irresponsible to have accessible guns (and Idc what kind of locks you got, if its in the house it's accessible) remain in reach after he expressed intent to kill himself.

Wood Man

So much Irma news going on I'm just now learning of this story.

With all the stuff going on in this one it sounds like the perfect recipe for a shooting.
This shit is just tragic and heartbreaking all round.

Bullying, suicidal thoughts, horrific violence, death.

Now one child dead. Many more traumatised. And the victim turned murderer facing life in jail.

This is a gun violence issue, bullying issue and mental health issue all rolled into one.
Blame games, not gun access. That makes sense.

Also, why is he being charged as an adult when he's 15? How young can people be considered adults in the US? Or is it a state-by-state thing?


Blame games, not gun access. That makes sense.

Also, why is he being charged as an adult when he's 15? How young can people be considered adults in the US? Or is it a state-by-state thing?

It's a "tough on crime" thing usually left up to the District Attorney.


It wasn't the bully planting the idea of shooting up a school by saying he always knew he would be a school shooter but it was the vidya games.


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
This entire situation is completely ridiculous. First off, minors should not have free access to any firearms. EVER. They should also have proper gun safety drilled into their head over and over so that MAYBE they can grasp just how dangerous guns are. And why shouldn't they have open access to guns? Because their juvenile undeveloped brains can be quite literally incapable of processing just how bad certain decisions might be. This is also the reason why there's a distinction between adult and child offenders. Charging children as adults is asinine because they don't have the same mental faculties as an adult.

Now let's talk about bullying in our schools. Maybe you were one of the "in crowd" in highschool, but for a vast majority of people it was a cold and scary place. You'd be hard pressed to find people less caring or forgiving than the average highschooler. The ones who do care are often too scared or shy to speak up against things they morally object to and the ringleaders and their sheep are very often left free to impose their rule on others. When you feel powerless and alone, it's easy to understand the allure of having a gun. So how do we effectively deal with bullying in schools? I don't think it's a situation that a simple single approach will improve. Opening lines of communication would help at least. Having the bullied feel comfortable enough with talking with someone in charge about their situation would help raise awareness of the fact that a particular problem exists. Other than that, I honestly don't have an answer. Those people in power need to care and have effective tools at their disposal for dealing with reported situations. What those might be I wouldn't know.

I want to preface this next bit by saying that the shooter should by no means get a free pass on this. There's consequences to our actions that we all need to live with. But I think of stories like this as massive red flags that we as a society are doing something terribly wrong. We've failed these kids to such a horrible degree that they felt that shooting people was the only option left. It's not a single encounter that drives these kids to such drastic measures, it's a seemingly never ending torrent of shit that eventually breaks them down. We need to find means of protecting this nation's children from themselves and each other because whatever we're doing now isn't working.


All the warning signs was missed and it ended with him taking actions into his own hands leading to murder.

And who the fuck buys a suicidal teenager assault rifles!?

I get the mental health and video games question, while for the vast majority this holds no water some are more susceptible to it than others and struggle to see the difference between reality and fiction but even then in the grand scheme of things, the only reason this occurred is due to "you get a gun and you get a gun, everyone gets a gun!" mentality of many.


Video games need to be banned from every household. And owning atleast 5 guns in every house should be mandatory.


The Plano gun-death thread was locked for whatever reason so I feel like posting this here is still on topic...

Just found out one of the victims was someone I was friendly with. Hadn't spoken with her in a couple years but it's still a bizarre feeling. This is the first time someone I knew has been killed by one of these senseless attacks.

I feel like I just needed to vent a bit and say: Fuck guns.
Those god darn video games are at it again.

Do we know if he had a Spotify? Probably a load of rap music, with the hip and the hoppining and the shooting and the hollern'.
If they'd stop the kids from bullying this shit would happen way less often. I know nothing of this case in particular but I know that shit can kill you on the inside so much that you will eventually break.

Violent video games? Fuck you you ignorant asses.


This guy is a fucking stereotype of what you expect when you hear "Caleb". That's like the snob brand version of "Chad".

Apologies to anyone with those names, my condolences.


Is gun culture so fucking important that you prioritize it over your kid's very apparent red flags?

Gun Culture has the same types of crazies that free speech has lately. Oh no we don't want to limit and stop Nazi because it could be a slippery slope.
Its the same thing with mental health and guns etc. They are more concerned with ensuring gun access than caring about the people who need help and should not have access to guns. Common sense restrictions are somehow a slope to destruction supposedly.

Had a friend who should have been blocked from ever putting a gun in her hands after the run of issues she had. Instead there was nothing to prevent it and in the end she got one and used it on herself.
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