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Antony Starr (Homelander, The Boys) Accused of Being Abusive and Bullying on Set

The allegations of Antony Starr’s toxic behavior on set comes two years after the The Boys actor assaulted a young chef while intoxicated at a pub in Alicante. The 21-year-old chef was reportedly punched twice by Starr and was taken to a hospital where they received four stitches above their eyes. Starr publicly spoke up about what happened a few months later in 2022, describing the incident as a ‘personal issue’, he said: ‘You mess up. You own it. You learn from it. You move forward.’​
Assaulted a young chef. They received four stitches above their eyes? They who? Anthony and the chef?

Little Mac

Gold Member

Not sure if this was mentioned already but the first question that came up was a little telling. Everyone immediately pointed to him. Regardless, they seem like a friendly, cohesive cast though if you watch til the end.
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Little Mac

Gold Member
As a fellow asshole, I have no issue with this. We are a necessity in society else you're all going to be crying at any incident.
not wrong the big lebowski GIF


If he ignores the acusations, it would be like they never happen.
Just like we are preteding here this is not an election year.



Thing is, being this way is fine and funny today. But the pendulum will swing both ways, and when he's on the other side of success struggling and looking up for friends or support...and he wonders why there isn't any? This is why.

Kids, be humble and be grateful. In his case, play a dick role on the show. In reality be a decent person or at least don't put shit out into the world. It will go a long way towards success or career sustainability.
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Pretty sure most of the teachers from my high schools were more of a dick than Starr. Assholes are common in the society, I have already accepted this fact and lived with it.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Pretty sure most of the teachers from my high schools were more of a dick than Starr. Assholes are common in the society, I have already accepted this fact and lived with it.

If I was a teacher I would hate most of the miserable entitled snots that I tried to educate as well. Not saying you are one.

I do think that he hit a chef and caused him to have to get stitches is not a good thing.


Those videos above he was in character as that isn’t his real voice. Here’s a recent interview so you can hear what he sounds like when he isn’t Homelander.

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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
A lot of great actors are nightmares to work with and people put up with them because they're that good.

Is Anthony Starr that good? I would say on The Boys he sure is. That show wouldn't be possible without him.


People are really writing articles about adult on adult bullying? Don't they understand that behavior is the reason bullying exists? If they didn't act like that, regular people wouldn't have to take time out of their day to try to correct their behavior with bullying.
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