Shame we had to waste a trilogy slot just to be back where we were.
Funny enough I feel the previous trilogy had a totally unnecessary movie in 1. Think about it, what was relevant in 1?
-Qui-Gon was total filler, he's pretty much barely mentioned afterwards and they could have simply began with Obi-Wan teaching Anakin from the start
-developing Anakin's relationship with his mother. Ah, so maybe her death causes him to fall to the dark side. Well, not really, I guess it helps but it's just kinda brushed aside soon after (and apparently Padme quickly forgets he admits to murdering children, geezus) and it's actually Padme's terminal illness that leads to his fall so again, another element from 1 is pointless. In fact, 2's "dark side" moment undermines the turn in 3, Anakin murdering kids would have been more shocking if I didn't know he already did so in the previous film!
-as cool as Maul is, he's killed off and quickly replaced by Sidious' new apprentice, Dooku. Again, another filler material
-Padme's work as Queen on Naboo is irrelevant as she becomes a Senator in 2 and 3, so more filler
-the Trade Federation aren't really complex villains so nothing about them in 1 couldn't be quickly established in 2. Also, we wouldn't have the initial antagonistic force being wiped out by a 9 year old, geezus even stormtroopers are laughing at how lame that is
-Jar Jar Binks is even more filler than Qui-Gon or Maul combined
-the podracing segment, again like Maul is cool, but basically the whole plot was slowed down for a "characters have to win a competitive event for the prize" plot. I'm sorry, are we in Star WARS, or a teen sports movie?
There's a reason why I hear most fan edits of the PT that condense into 2 hours usually only spend about 5 minutes on Episode 1. The vast majority ends up having barely any impact on the following films, and the relevant stuff (the existence of the prophecy, the Jedi believing the Sith have returned, what the Trade Federation is) could have been quickly established in 2's story without needing an entire 2 1/2 hour movie wasted on it.