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Rich white couple attacked with hammer for being rich and white

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Gabriel Knight

NEWARK, New Jersey - A couple driving home to Massachusetts was allegedly attacked by a woman from New Jersey with a hammer in Virginia.

"I hear this woman yelling something about a message," said Bob, the victim. "I don't know who she's talking to."

He says she was yelling at him and the shouts quickly turned into a vicious, unprovoked attack.

"She gets in my face and says, 'You got a message for me with your fancy boat?'" he said. "She starts punching me, scratching at me."

Authorities in Virginia say the quick glance of the suspect, captured by a witness' cellphone, belongs a 26-year-old Angela Jones, of Newark.

Bob, who lives in Uxbridge, Massachusetts, said he was refueling at a gas station and was headed home from Florida when Jones began taunting him and his wife Kathy with race and class-laced insults.

"She called my wife a white (expletive) and spit in her face," Bob said.

"She ran over to me," Kathy said. "She looked at me and said, 'I'm tired of you white (expletive)'"

Jones faces malicious wounding, assault and destruction of property charges in what police are calling a hate crime.


What a malicious cuntwaggle.

I say!



And it should damn well be a hate crime.

There's no way that woman was in her right mind though - and while there is no way she should not face consequences for her actions, I do hope that she gets the help she needs.
Well that's a disturbing way to come back from vacation.

Woman sounds unhinged - was she waiting at the gas station to attack the first (white) passerby? Who just casually carries a hammer in their car?


Things like this are only going to start happening more often as the rich get richer on the backs of millions in poverty. Income inequality and racial divides are going to lead this country to a modern civil war.
I wonder if they made fun of her shoe and refused to a take a photo.

Seriously though this women sounds highly disturbed. Jail or asylum are waiting for her.


we all knew her
I (a white dude) was walking back to my office after getting lunch a few weeks ago in downtown Indianapolis, and there was a black dude walking around with two big signs that said, "WHITE PEOPLE ARE THE DEVIL BECAUSE YOUR WHITE," and quoting a bible verse saying we would burn in hell. We made eye contact as we passed. It was kind of surreal. At least he didn't attack me or my boat with a hammer.
Sounds more like mental issues than racism. Sinking a boat with a hammer seems impossible.

There were a lot of people in that other thread claiming that it's wrong to assume mental health issues when someone acts out of racism or prejudice.

I personally think if someone assaults or even confronts someone because of racism or prejudice it's a mental health issue inherently. They need therapy to deal with that shit and be a better person. White or black or whatever. It's not healthy to act that way and they probably don't know it's wrong without some counseling and therapy.
Things like this are only going to start happening more often as the rich get richer on the backs of millions in poverty. Income inequality and racial divides are going to lead this country to a modern civil war.

This is no excuse. The law doesn't provide a defense for people who think they don't have enough money to attack those who do.

If those people did something wrong to earn or steal their money then go through the law to right that.


This is no excuse. The law doesn't provide a defense for people who think they don't have enough money to attack those who do.

If those people did something wrong to earn or steal their money then go through the law to right that.

You're missing the point entirely. In no way does that statement justify it legally, ethically, or spiritually. It was a statement regarding the social factors resulting in this behavior and a reasonable expectation that it will continue.

In a world where the laws no longer serve your best interests you are insane to continue following the laws. It's actually the individuals with all the power who have written the laws that should be most concerned they are fair top to bottom. They have the most to lose.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Only thing that stands out for me here is "rich."


The authors, the University of Oklahoma’s Daniel Hicks and UC Berkeley’s Joan Hamory Hicks, compared data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics’s Consumer Expenditure Survey to the FBI’s data on crime rates. (These two data sets aren’t perfectly representative of the U.S. as a whole, but they’re the most thorough available.) In order to zero in on the effects of conspicuous consumption, the researchers had to rank the consumer-spending survey’s line items according to a visibility index. (This led them to track the usual suspects—clothing, jewelry, cars—but also some less-obvious expenditures such as alcohol, furniture, and eating out at restaurants.) Having sliced the data in this way, Hicks and Hicks (whose relation is unclear) found that the link between conspicuous consumption and high crime rates is much stronger than the link between income inequality and crime.

That said, when spending is visible, the rates of only certain types of crimes tend to spike. Theft and vandalism, interestingly, aren’t significantly more present, but murder and assault are. These findings actually take a bit away from Gary Becker’s hypothesis, seeing as a visibly luxurious car apparently isn't likely to inspire theft. Instead, this study adds to what’s called “strain theory,” which is another way of making sense of criminal behavior. Strain theory suggests that when poorer people perceive inequality, they feel less of a commitment to social norms and in turn come to view crime as more acceptable. The key insight the Hicks’s study provides is that when potential criminals are giving up on social expectations, they’re doing so based on information that’s visible, not information that’s password-protected.

Her question was telling wrt motives, but that boat wasn't sending any messages that this didn't already deliver:


You can rape the poor and get away with it as long as you have an ounce of tact and common sense (plus a deficit of empathy). You're blowing up your own spot voting in a monument to your depravity, idiots.

A 2008 study found that in São Paulo, where crime rates are relatively high, people tend to put more money into savings (and thus spend less on luxury goods, which can be stolen) than in other cities. So, on some subconscious level, it seems that people have known about this finding all along.
"NEWARK, New Jersey - A couple driving home to Massachusetts was allegedly attacked by a woman from New Jersey with a hammer in Virginia."

This was confusing, attack happened in Virginia but all that NJ in the first sentence was off-putting.


There were a lot of people in that other thread claiming that it's wrong to assume mental health issues when someone acts out of racism or prejudice.

I personally think if someone assaults or even confronts someone because of racism or prejudice it's a mental health issue inherently. They need therapy to deal with that shit and be a better person. White or black or whatever. It's not healthy to act that way and they probably don't know it's wrong without some counseling and therapy.
I agree that there's something wrong with them (every awful/criminal thing anyone does is probably a "mental health" issue somehow), but there are levels to this sort of thing. For a hypothetical example of two extremes, I see a huge difference between a functional KKK member and someone who commits a hate crime because their clock told them to.

When someone says something really out there or incomprehensible during an attack, I think some initial concern over a person's mental state is acceptable and understandable.


The mistake they made is refueling in Newark.*

*-Before anyone jumps down my throat, I do not condone people smashing shit up with hammers.

Isn't NJ the armpit of America?

Varies wildly. I have two friends in different neighborhoods, both of which are very nice (the neighborhoods, I mean. They're good people too). Almost right next to one of their neighborhoods is a ghetto. Like, it changes in the span of a block. It's tough to know what places would be safe and which not without personally knowing the area - This is a complaint I heard allot when they were home-shopping.


Look forward to seeing this shared on my Facebook as an example of 'reverse racism'

Sucks that this happened to these people but hate how this shit will be framed.
Isn't NJ the armpit of America?

That's some total BS. NJ is one of/if not the most ethnically diverse states in the entire country. We are also a consistently liberal state. I'm guessing we get that moniker because there are a bunch of factories near the main highway people use to drive through the state. I guess not so smart people extrapolated that to mean the entire state is an industrial wasteland.


I look forward to all the strident posts on my Facebook feed about how "THIS SHOULD BE A HATE CRIME" ignoring the fact that it's already being treated as a hate crime by the police.

Whatever, a couple getting attacked by a crazy person at a gas station isn't really news, people just want to make this the next rallying cry in the race war narrative.


It happened in VA, and yes parts of the state are awful.

Parts of any state are awful. That said, if your only experience of NJ is driving through it on the turnpike or 95, you'd be forgiven for thinking it's an industrial hellscape.

Only thing that stands out for me here is "rich."


Her question was telling wrt motives, but that boat wasn't sending any messages that this didn't already deliver:


You can rape the poor and get away with it as long as you have an ounce of tact and common sense (plus a deficit of empathy). You're blowing up your own spot voting in a monument to your depravity, idiots.

Really interesting link, thanks for sharing.


That's some total BS. NJ is one of/if not the most ethnically diverse states in the entire country. We are also a consistently liberal state. I'm guessing we get that moniker because there are a bunch of factories near the main highway people use to drive through the state. I guess not so smart people extrapolated that to mean the entire state is an industrial wasteland.

We get it because holy shit the turnpike smells extremely awful by around Elizabeth.
Schattenjäger;233463811 said:
That's the point

Here's the thing dude. Your motives are really fucking transparent, so what the fuck do you care?

Especially considering you rarely interact with threads you create.


Gold Member
Isn't NJ the armpit of America?

hah! couldn't be more wrong.

but just like every state it has its bad areas.

you should try roadtripping around it sometime - it's not called the garden state for no reason

disgusting attack, though I didnt see any reference of a hammer i nthe attack within the OP. seemed more of a verbal attack, a arm swinging/spitting attack.

I expected somethign brutal with a hammer
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