Feminazis, July 6, 2005
Reviewer: Philly Fanatic "Waiting to be delivered" (Philadelphia, PA) - See all my reviews
Jesus, bless this man for showing me this truth! Before reading this book I was an unemployed, married, non-white, and non-christian man. After reading this book, my eyes have opened - I am eagerly looking forward towards the day when President Sanctorum will reinstate slavery. I cant wait to become a white-loving slave, a christian (boo to you homersexuals), and am enthusiastic about letting my woman get gang raped by men named Strom and Rick. Go get 'er Strom. Go get her Rick. Whoopee. That teaches you for earning my keep. And after they're done with ya, go back to to the kitchen and act like a proper woman, you feminazi.
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6 of 13 people found the following review helpful:
trashy book, July 6, 2005
Reviewer: Bob Smith (Tulsa, OK USA) - See all my reviews
this book is total trash. I will never buy a book from him again. i thought it would be about cool stuff like how to smite a liberal but instead he talks about families. bleh.
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11 of 19 people found the following review helpful:
Right wing trash, July 6, 2005
Reviewer: John D. Wagner "John W." (Chapel Hill, NC) - See all my reviews
In this book, raw sewage posing as instructive inspiring prose spews from the mouth of self-righteous, right-wing, hate-monger Rick Santorum. He belongs in Iran, where he'd be welcome squashing woman's rights; he shouldn't be trying to push a cleric government on US citizens who widely view his efforts as unconstitutional. I found this book arrogant, and self righteous. Oh and did I mention that I found this book arrogant, and self righteous? Rick -- your vision for American is found today in contemporary Iran or Saudia Arabia: clerics rule and impose their will on people whom they think are ungodly trash. Please do the world the favor, Ricky, and go back to teaching sunday school is some backwater podunk school where they abhore nakedness and lustful thoughts of...dare we say it....sassy women! But note, Rick, that it's still against the law to beat other people's children (we know you beat your own), much as you hate the prospect of letting Satin fester in them as they watch those evil evil cartoons.
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30 of 37 people found the following review helpful:
please, stop with the sarcasm!, July 5, 2005
Reviewer: farley l. hatcher "farley l. hatcher" (Washington) - See all my reviews
I think it is cruel to write sarcastic praise for the honorable Rick Santorum, when he went to all the work to provide a blueprint where you can live your life and gain a trip to heaven and get your 72 virgins. That is the reward, isn't it? Anyway there are two things that should have heen addressed and they might be in the sequel. One, how do you get the Pennsylvania school system to pay you for home schooling your kids when your home is in Virginia? I also don't live in Pennsylvania, but would love to get in on some of that cash. And second, where can I get a dead 25 week fetus to bring home to bond with my children. I am sure that Rick's children developed a long and loving relationship with the one he brought home. I want to be just like Rick!
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7 of 25 people found the following review helpful:
You Go Girls, July 5, 2005
Reviewer: Waygood Ellis - See all my reviews
I'm glad to see the fringe is supporting the sale of this book and doing so with such gusto and zeal! Even more amazing? They paid for overnight shipping as the book has only just now become available. On top of THAT, they spent their 4th of July reading all 467 pages so that they could bring to you the insightful and penetrating reviews they so carefully penned.
Big Gay Al, Betty Born Again, commie in San Fran, and all denizens of the moral swamp lands, you're helping the cause you're battling against more than you'll ever know. You're exposing your small minds and witless humor to all. Please keep up the good work!
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44 of 49 people found the following review helpful:
Worse than slavery, July 5, 2005
Reviewer: commie atheist (San Francisco, CA) - See all my reviews
I especially like the part where he compares abortion to slavery, and says: "But unlike abortion today, in most states even the slaveholder did not have the unlimited right to kill his slave."
That is SO TRUE!!! I mean, a slaveowner could kill his own slave if the slave got ornery, or ran away, but if a slaveowner killed another slaveowner's slave, he had to pay a considerable fine for destruction of property.
Really, slavery was just not as bad as all you liberals think it was. The darkies were well cared for, clothed, fed and sheltered, and kept away from unneccesary distractions like reading and writing. And they were happy to be slaves! It was all their little minds were capable of comprehending - obeying their masters, just as women should obey their masters, whether it be husband or father or older brother.
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52 of 59 people found the following review helpful:
Reexamining my role as a woman..., July 5, 2005
Reviewer: BettyBornAgain "Santorum2008" (New York, NY United States) - See all my reviews
Thank you Senator Santorum (God willing, one day, President Santorum) for showing me the light of my sinful ways. Imagine my surprise to discover how selfishly I've lived my life these last 8 years since turning 18 -- educating myself at my parents' expense, forcing my poor mother to find a "fulfilling" career outside the home to pay for my selfish need to become a lawyer, rather than a homemaker, which is the role I was born to fill. Thank you again, Senator...I will go to my boss right now, quit my job, marry my loser boyfriend, and start working on my brood of young, God-fearing, draft-dodging, Republicans. (home-schooled, of course) With you, Senator Santorum, I feel like God is representing Pennsylvania.
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48 of 55 people found the following review helpful:
Thank you from a grateful constituent!, July 5, 2005
Reviewer: Maria in Pgh "Maria in Pgh" (Pittsburgh, PA) - See all my reviews
Being from Pennsylvania. I've always been proud to have Rick Santorum as my senator.

After reading his book, I am even prouder and more well informed. I now know that as a single woman, if I should ever have a child, a college education will not help me move up the economic ladder (pg. 138) and that if I ever become married (to a good HETEROSEXUAL) and have children, that most likely I would be selfishly trying to gratify myself (under the influence of RADICAL FEMINISM) if I continued to work outside the home (pg. 94-95). This all makes so much sense that I will advise my future daughters to skip higher education as once they start popping out the kids, they will not need a college degree, and I and my future heterosexual spouse will not have to save any money for their education.
Thank you, Sen. Santorum! X X O O