I think Angel > Buffy too.
The ideas for season 7 were so damn good, it's the execution that was (generally) piss poor. I mean, if you just look at what the season was about on paper, it seems like it's going to be the best thing ever, but they managed to screw it.
Buffy and Dawn being considered hotter than Cordelia and Fred is very strange to me.
The Buffy fights in that season were just laughable at some points. Especially when you look at the awesomeness of the Spike and Angel fight in Angel S5, Buffy hadn't even come close to that since the Faith/Buffy fight in S3. If you want a laugh (or possibly a cry of despair), check out Buffy fighting the vamps in that old lady's cellar where Spike has been burying them. You can see SMG delibrately backing into a vampire as it slowly gets a pole in place to trap her...it's just awful.