I've really enjoyed all of the Crystal Dynamics games, and thought the reboot was the best of them all. Partly that comes from my love of games with a strong sense of place, and Tomb Raider did a fantastic job with it's island setting. Rarely do I continue playing a game after I have beaten it to find all the little doo dads, but with Tomb Raider I did just that because I wasn't done spending time on that island.
I know this one is going to be more jet setty like the previous games, and I'm okay with that. I won't be surprised if I find this the weaker of the two, but I'll stop buying CD's Tomb Raider games day one when they start letting me down. Strong reviews would suggest that tomorrow is not the day the start letting me down.
I haven't been following trailers. I don't know the story. All I know of the locations is that there is snow and there is not snow. No idea about the characters.
The last one had great game play and beautiful visuals. This one is at least going to tick both of those boxes... so I can't wait. Obviously. Buying the Xbox One version sort of states that.