D DeaconKnowledge Member Aug 28, 2014 #51 crimzonflame said: He's actually leading the latest polls. Click to expand... Yes! Team Ford!
B BloodMoney Banned Aug 28, 2014 #52 How is this guy still in office. every time I see these threads I think, "that can't be real" and then it is.
How is this guy still in office. every time I see these threads I think, "that can't be real" and then it is.
X xbhaskarx Member Aug 28, 2014 #53 crimzonflame said: He's actually leading the latest polls. Click to expand... Good to know the public is smart enough to not believe these unfounded allegations of Rob Ford being "inebriated" and "incoherent"...
crimzonflame said: He's actually leading the latest polls. Click to expand... Good to know the public is smart enough to not believe these unfounded allegations of Rob Ford being "inebriated" and "incoherent"...
G ghostjoke Banned Aug 28, 2014 #54 This guy, this fucking guy. I'm still waiting for this to be some elaborate pilot to a a new sitcom.
Q QuicheFontaine Member Aug 28, 2014 #55 CountAntonius said: Click to expand... Gets me every goddamned time lol
D Dreams-Visions Member Aug 28, 2014 #57 I'm sorry. How do you make a high school-aged person roll around in shit? Canadians: explain yourselves. America's hat can't be made of bitchassness.
I'm sorry. How do you make a high school-aged person roll around in shit? Canadians: explain yourselves. America's hat can't be made of bitchassness.
B BigJonsson Member Aug 28, 2014 #58 He's not leading the latest poll, Tory is People who ignore facts tend to vote for politicians like Ford
He's not leading the latest poll, Tory is People who ignore facts tend to vote for politicians like Ford
J jstripes Banned Aug 28, 2014 #60 Zaku said: I can't say I voted for him, just the narrative of the time. Ironically, I think we're more broke after having him as Mayor than we were before. Click to expand... It's funny. Taxes are being raised to pay for his pointless subway, and he's still campaigning on "lower taxes". Actually, it's not funny.
Zaku said: I can't say I voted for him, just the narrative of the time. Ironically, I think we're more broke after having him as Mayor than we were before. Click to expand... It's funny. Taxes are being raised to pay for his pointless subway, and he's still campaigning on "lower taxes". Actually, it's not funny.
Z Zee-Row Banned Aug 28, 2014 #61 Divvy said: Yes? Unless you like your politicians ignoring laws, and engaging in tons of conflict of interest issues with this family business. Click to expand... But he parties hard!
Divvy said: Yes? Unless you like your politicians ignoring laws, and engaging in tons of conflict of interest issues with this family business. Click to expand... But he parties hard!
A AlphaTwo00 Member Aug 28, 2014 #62 Dreams-Visions said: Canadians: explain yourselves. Click to expand... It's the same as you trying to explaining the GOP. He's playbook is exactly the one of the GOP.
Dreams-Visions said: Canadians: explain yourselves. Click to expand... It's the same as you trying to explaining the GOP. He's playbook is exactly the one of the GOP.
J jstripes Banned Aug 28, 2014 #63 AlphaTwo00 said: It's the same as you trying to explaining the GOP. He's playbook is exactly the one of the GOP. Click to expand... Even Harper, who wants to be a little Putin, is way more "Canadian", politically and in behaviour, than Rob Ford. Ford is straight outta 'Murica.
AlphaTwo00 said: It's the same as you trying to explaining the GOP. He's playbook is exactly the one of the GOP. Click to expand... Even Harper, who wants to be a little Putin, is way more "Canadian", politically and in behaviour, than Rob Ford. Ford is straight outta 'Murica.
I Iksenpets Banned Aug 28, 2014 #64 I'm sorry, Toronto, I know he's turned your city into a miserable laughingstock, but I have to hope he gets reelected anyway. This shit is just too good.
I'm sorry, Toronto, I know he's turned your city into a miserable laughingstock, but I have to hope he gets reelected anyway. This shit is just too good.