Kinda lost in all the E3 news - but
Press Release
Robert resigned a little while ago. I know I dont have to worry about him, hell be okay. Im not super okay right now! Crying at work is not the goal. Me and him are tight, though. But I do wonder whose life he will change next.
I didnt really understand what Mike and I were making with Penny Arcade, at first. Robert understood it. In many ways, he understood it first. He taught us so much. We know what we want to be when we grow up, now, and its this. My goal now, and going forward, is to make him proud.
Press Release
Robert Khoo Steps Down as President at Penny Arcade
Jerry Holkins, Mike Krahulik to Fulfill Khoos Responsibilities
SEATTLE June 13, 2016 Penny Arcades Robert Khoo is stepping down on Friday, July 15 2016 after almost 15 years of work on Penny Arcade, PAX and Childs Play Charity. Khoo will take some well-earned time off after working 365 days a year for more than a decade.
Jerry Holkins and Mike Krahulik, founders of Penny Arcade, will take the reins of the company's creative direction, focusing on the creation and licensing of Penny Arcade's stable of intellectual property.
Robert's been with us basically forever, and the work we've done together speaks for itself, Holkins said. I had the chance to watch him accomplish the impossible more times than I can count. I would wish him luck, but he's never needed it. He makes his own.
Khoo worked with Krahulik and Holkins to take Penny Arcade from a web-comic series to a booming business, co-founded the worldwide PAX events and served as manager and co-founder of Childs Play, a non-profit charity improving the lives of children in hospitals and domestic violence shelters around the globe by providing them with consoles and games. Childs Play has raised more than $40 million since 2003.
Its been an immeasurable privilege serving Penny Arcades audience and helping more than a million individuals come together for their love of gaming at PAX events, said Khoo. I want to thank my colleagues for sharing this incredible journey and I look forward to witnessing Penny Arcades continued growth.