Once again, though...Isnt that trading market for people that spend money on keys for random items? How do I benefit from that trading market if I don't spend real money on random items?
Its the entire practice. You are forcing people to pay money for random items, and implementing a trading market as a meta to entice people to pay for these random items to be part of that community. I find that shady. You may be fine with it because it pays the 0.1% of people that win money, but I'm part of the 99.9% that hate being locked out of content and a meta because I don't like being taken advantage of.
That's just my opinion on it. Its not like DLC. DLC is straight forward, I know what I'm getting if I purchase DLC. I have no clue what I'm getting when I drop real money on a key. This really plummeted Psyonix down my list of devs that I respect. Not that they care about that, and they shouldn't.
There are a couple of things you should consider before immediately getting outraged about this:
1.) No one is
forcing anyone to pay money. That's an absurd thing to say. Psyonix even went a step further by allowing you to disable the chest notifications and just ignore the whole thing. You won't get all the content, but this was
already the case. I'm never going to get all the rare non-chest cosmetics or the season rewards. The same holds true with the new drops, except...
2.) The trading system actually lets you buy those items directly! You can buy keys and trade them for whatever you want. I see plenty of people doing that. You have to spend real money, but you have to spend real money for DLC too. It removes the randomness that you seem to be so upset about. Or, as meshwork says, trade non-chest rare drops for keys.
3.) It doesn't just benefit the "0.1% of people that win money". These kinds of systems make developers a huge amount of money, which lets them support the game with more free updates in the future. I'd much prefer that then seeing the game abandoned because it isn't profitable enough, or to see them monetize the game by locking away content that actually matters.
You (and everyone else outraged about this) really need to cool down a bit. At worst, it's just some new items you will never get, not unlike all the other rare cosmetics currently in the game. That really shouldn't be enough to get you to hate the devs this much.