Well then release your taxes so we can talk about how you pay them. lol
I can't believe this guy actually has a chance of being elected.
Wow. I didn't know that.
Well, the IOC can really only stop people from using olympic logos, themes, footage, etc. Does the commercial just talk about the Olympics or does it use actual Olympics logos, footage, etc.?
There's got to be something bad in there. There's no way he's taking this beating over some 'principle' that the info is private. This is Mitt Romney we're talking about. Not exactly a paragon of principle.
And really, what are the odds that some hacker manages to steal the returns, or some disgruntled IRS employee leaks them before the election's done? Maybe not completely likely, but the odds of it getting out somehow are still significant enough that its not worth the risk of being caught in the act of deception unless there's something career ending in there.
"I should be President because I was great at running a business"
"How dare you bring up my business record"
I'm sure it'll "accidentally" leak around November.
"I should be President because I was great at running a business"
"How dare you bring up my business record"
"I should be President because I was great at running a business"
"How dare you bring up my business record"
he wants a truce with obama on no personal attack ads? he's a fucking snake and obama would be stupid to accept. his campaign will bombard television with personal attack ads from "independent" groups.
I would not be surprised if, in the last two weeks of October, someone leaked those tax returns.
It'd be devastating.
It makes sense. Corporations are people, so attacking him on Bain is a personal issue.
He also has the face of a permanent liar, he looks like he learned how to smile from a textbook. EVERY single interview this guy has he looks like he's lying no matter what he says. He could say "I'm an advocate of the free market" and STILL look like he's hiding something behind the statement. He's just hilariously bad at every turn.
It makes sense. Corporations are people, so attacking him on Bain is a personal issue.
Bloomberg asked Romney whether, if he was investing in a company, he would want to see more than two years of financial reports, likening that process to the American people electing a president. But Romney suggested the standards arent the same for people and businesses.
Im not a business, he said. We have a process in this country, which was established by law, which provides for the transparency which candidates are required to meet. I have met with that requirement with full financial disclosure of all my investments, but in addition have provided and will provide a full two years of tax returns.
This is the candidate who, almost exactly one year ago, got into a somewhat-heated exchange with a heckler in Iowa in which Romney made that case that corporations are people that is, what happens to corporations affects the people who work for them.
this is big trap by romney. the democrats can't match the republicans in playing the victim. every time an independent group attacks romney he will go crying to the media and obama will always have to condemn the group. oh and groups for romney will attack obama viciously and romney will say he has nothing to do with it and nobody will call him out on it. this is why many republicans that ran against him hate his guts.Hell, he doesn't even have to run ads. He has Fox News and talk radio and the network of elderly people forwarding chain emails about how Obama is secretly gay or Muslim or wants to keep soldiers from voting. The lies and innuendo will get out there the same ways it has for the past three and a half years even if Romney never spends a dime.
Just release your tax records, dude. You already released last years and it was well below the national average, and yeah, you got some flack, but nobody talks about that anymore right?
Pull the stinger out of your finger now while the mark can fade in time. Americans don't hold grudges...they can't even remember what it was that they were outraged about a month ago.
That's enough for a lot of voters.
That's a possibility, but I think a low one, BUT you're allowed to think that because he's acting fishy and overly private. It's his fault you're thinking what you're thinking and I don't blame you one iota.There is obviously something very, very wrong with his tax returns. Obviously not illegal, but definitely damaging. It's probably his 2009 tax returns with loss carryforwards from the mortgage crisis. There is no way he is hiding them just because we are going to find out he is rich and paid a 13-15% in taxes with a few offshore accounts. Very curious if he was involved in the Swiss bank amnesty as well. Finally, there is the $100M in his IRA which had to come from undervalued Bain stock since the contribution limit is incredibly low
That's a possibility, but I think a low one, BUT you're allowed to think that because he's acting fishy and overly private. It's his fault you're thinking what you're thinking and I don't blame you one iota.
I think he's afraid of another blip and using the pressure that he's getting by the democrats as a soapbox to rally the republicans to his side with cries of class warfare (kinda like what he's saying in the OP). But, I'm guessing as much as you are. I'm totally guessing. You could be right. I could be right. And, in politics, you don't want people filling in the blank for you. Just release the records, Romn-com.
I think it's definitely obvious releasing them would be much worse for him politically, otherwise he would have by now. Either he paid nothing in taxes (which is obviously illegal isn't it? surely there can't be that many loopholes), or he paid single digits which is just as bad as a multi-millionaire.
I can't wait till the debates. His utterly awkward babblings are going to be torn to shreds hilariously by Obama, and probably the moderator as well.
Every time this guy talk he sounds like wholly indecisive. He's often contradicting himself with the same statement. And his inflection makes every sentence he utters sound like he's asking a question.
lol, are you being serious here? There are definitely legal ways for him to have paid nothing on his income taxes, for multiple years even.
McCain was way better at this than Mittens is. He's gonna get destroyed when the debates come around.
What? No he isn't![]()
Has anyone put all his flipflop statements on a time line? Would be interesting, you can probably tell when his campaign manager was replaced by Fox News.
I didn't know it was this bad, I don't know enough about how taxes work and the details involved so I didn't think it would be legal to pay nothing sometimes. Crazy.
Obama is pretty terrible at debates though :/
Are you serious? He's one of the best debaters/speakers of the last decade despite cries of teleprompter from the other side. There's a reason campaign Obama is so much better than the actual real Obama and the reason he even won last time.
He really is. He stutters his way through and Hillary ate him alive. McCain was terrible too - couldn't control his temper (and was running on an awful platform with few legitimate points)
He really is. He stutters his way through and Hillary ate him alive. McCain was terrible too - couldn't control his temper (and was running on an awful platform with few legitimate points)
Obama is pretty terrible at debates though :/
If Obama can handle a room full of republicans during their Q&A, then he'll be able to handle Romney during a debate.
I don't remember where Hilary "ate him alive"