why not use a clip from 2008 debates? I feel that is more relevant
We really shouldn't have to. This was much, much, much more difficult. For an entire hour, he dismantled an entire room of hardcore conservative tools without breaking a sweat. The Romney debates are going to be a joke.
What cracks me up is that I think a lot of good Republicans sat this one out figuring that the chances in 2016 will be better and they didn't want to get damaged in a tough primary. Then this happened, and they're realizing that if they had jumped in (or stayed in, I'm looking at you Pawlenty*) they would have creamed Mitt and Obama would be vulnerable.
*not as endorsement of him, just saying I think he would have taken the nom if he stayed.
Can you name some of these great republicans? I'm not being facetious, I genuinely want to know if they still exist.
I almost feel bad for poor old Mitt. He can't celebrate the biggest thing he accomplished as governor because "conservatives" will rake him over the coals for it. Like they're doing to Andrea Saul. They basically want her crucified for her response to that priorities USA ad: That if that couple had been in Massachusetts, they would have been covered. The truth.
What kind of man could live with himself after that? Abandoning something he was proud of to please these hardcore conservatives that don't even like him to begin with?
Is kosmo banned? Normally he'd be here to defend this crap by now.
Yes, so now these threads are just painfully boring circle jerks. Even if he was trolling, at least he was entertaining.
Romney: "Please stop pointing out how I'm a huge hypocrite."
Dax01 said:
Men like this make me ashamed to be an American.
It's the worst possible fucking face you could give to represent the country.
Why?why not use a clip from 2008 debates? I feel that is more relevant
Poor Mitt.
(that's Obama + 6.9 now, actually)
and only going to widen, his own base dislikes him
Can't run as a governor with Romneycare...
Can't run as a businessman with Bane, putting people out of jobs and hiding your millions...
Can't run on your LOL-worthy religion...
What is he running as, not-Obama?
I see what they did there.
He can choose Tom Hardy as his VP.
THE recent remark by Mitt Romneys senior adviser Eric Fehrnstrom that upon clinching the Republican nomination Mr. Romney could change his political views like an Etch A Sketch has already become notorious. The comment seemed all too apt, an apparent admission by a campaign insider of two widely held suspicions about Mitt Romney: that he is a) utterly devoid of any ideological convictions and b) filled with aluminum powder.
The imagery may have been unfortunate, but Mr. Fehrnstroms impulse to analogize is understandable. Metaphors like these, inexact as they are, are the only way the layman can begin to grasp the strange phantom world that underpins the very fabric of not only the Romney campaign but also of Mitt Romney in general. For we have entered the age of quantum politics; and Mitt Romney is the first quantum politician.
A bit of context. Before Mitt Romney, those seeking the presidency operated under the laws of so-called classical politics, laws still followed by traditional campaigners like Newt Gingrich. Under these Newtonian principles, a candidates position on an issue tends to stay at rest until an outside force the Tea Party, say, or a six-figure credit line at Tiffany compels him to alter his stance, at a speed commensurate with the size of the force (usually large) and in inverse proportion to the depth of his beliefs (invariably negligible). This alteration, framed as a positive by the candidate, then provokes an equal but opposite reaction among his rivals.
But the Romney candidacy represents literally a quantum leap forward. It is governed by rules that are bizarre and appear to go against everyday experience and common sense. To be honest, even people like Mr. Fehrnstrom who are experts in Mitt Romneys reality, or Romneality, seem bewildered by its implications; and any person who tells you he or she truly understands Mitt Romney is either lying or a corporation.
I see what they did there.