Cheebs said:
Gaborn out of curiosity who would you call the top 5 presidents of the United States (not including Washington or Lincoln, those picks are too easy)?
I did this for another forum not too long ago. Not that you asked me, but I feel like answering.
It gets very hard past Washington and Jefferson, and even Jefferson did some pretty questionable / shady things once he got into the big seat, like the Louisiana Purchase. Washington is "too easy" because he's the only no-brainer, being absolutely fucking awesome in every quantifiable way. Lincoln is not "too easy," but I suppose he's going to have to be in the upper half on the basis of just how goddamn awful most of these jokers have been.
Anyhoo, my cursory ranking was:
Washington / Jefferson... and then in no particular order: Madison / Monroe / Eisenhower... This was really rough to make, because the first thing you want to do is scrutinize all their major political decisions as well as their basic ideologies, and then you cross reference them with efficient fiscal conservatism / limited (ab)use of federal power.
Beyond Jefferson I had to start abandoning people with principles I could almost totally agree with and start looking for people that didn't do something abominably bad and kind-of-sort-of have agreeable ideologies.
You can't just go by fiscal conservatism / limited government alone, because you have to consider historical context and also scrutinize the politician to see if they really support or they were just in governmental gridlock and couldn't get the shit done.
Harding, for example, was not particularly good at being President, apparently, insofar as most historians are concerned. Well, granted he was not very good at picking cabinet members and apointees (Teapot Dome), and he also approved of high tariffs which I think is pretty lousy. But. He was also was also responsible for one of the most fiscally responsible, low-tax, low-spending, limited and non-intrusive administrations, peaceful and diplomatic in world affairs, and made our economy strong. I'd put him in the top half, frankly.
* * *
Worst was much easier. FDR / Wilson / Truman / LBJ / Carter. The 20th Century left is unquestionably the most damnably bad lot, though there have been quite a few authoritarian warmongering interventionist jerkwads and economic know-nothings that have mangled up things in previous centuries.
John Adams is a great example. Our second President, our first Vice President, one of our major founding fathers... and look at the Alien & Sedition Acts his party and administration pushed through - people like to balk at the Patriot Act (and no doubt, Bush is in the bottom half), but this bullshit, which Thomas Jefferson fully expunged,
made it a crime to write bad things about the government. Yeah. Raised taxes, spent a lot of his time on vacation, tried to appoint a bazillion judges at the last minute... yeah. You know what, let's bump Carter up to 6th worst. He could probably be bumped higher with some more scrutiny and some more historical review.