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RPG question, specifically Skies of Arcadia


Ok, i'm no RPG expert, so i need some guidence. I got really frustrated last night when it occured to me that out of the 50 times i've tried to use spells that affect and enemies status, like lowering their DE/AT or poisoning them or whatever, it has NEVER worked. that's 50 turns i could have used to give damage or heal party members. can someone tell me what the point of these spells are then? sure, they work on minor enemies, but those enemies die so fast, i don't need to weaken them with magic.
Properly implemented buffing/debuffing usually serves said purpos. You are using the proper crystal in SoA, right? It's really dumb, but attacking according to color usually helps a little.

That said, it's a particularly piss easy and boring game anyway. It better be glad it has a decent story, because there's absolutely nothing to be desired gameplay-wise.

Deku Tree

They work on better enemies when you lvl up more.
I never really used spells that much in Skies because I experienced the same problem that you are having.

It's good to use spells with a character that is weak at other types of attacks though.


Tre said:
Properly implemented buffing/debuffing usually serves said purpos. You are using the proper crystal in SoA, right? It's really dumb, but attacking according to color usually helps a little.

i pay close attention to color. my characters are level 40+. what do you mean by "buffing/debuffing"?


Tre said:
buffing = temporarily boosting a characters stats, those spells that up your attack, defense, luck, etc.

debuffing = the opposite.

oh, ok. yeah, uping my stats works everytime. and i can lunar cleanse the enemies of their beneficial status. it just bothers me that status spells on enemies is a waste of menu space. oh well. thanks for the help guys


Tre said:
That said, it's a particularly piss easy and boring game anyway. It better be glad it has a decent story, because there's absolutely nothing to be desired gameplay-wise.

I haven't played this in a long time but from I remember it was a little difficult, especially some of the bosses (SOA:Legends) The one thing I did hate where the random battles. Towards the end of the game when I was leveled up really high I was fighting enemies that were easily beat at the begining of the game. They didn't help me level up at all and they were all easily beaten with Vyse's special. I would have rather avoided them completely instead of wasting my time fighting them.

Anyway, the treasure hunt is pretty fun. I think I only finished with about half of them though...some of them seem to be impossible to find.
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