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What angle do you guys race in?

I use this one. Is that the "right" one?



Yeah I like that angle the most too. It makes you feel the car more then just the 1st person view. It makes a lot seeing the hood, especially in the corners. Nice to know I'm not the only one that likes that view :)

I really like this game. Best rallygame since Sega Rally 2.

XboxGamers: Really? I can hardly play any game in that angle except the GTA games ;P


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I like the hoodless 1st person view. The hood seems kind of tacked on and doesn't fool me into thinking my TV is a windshield. Nice try though.

I also like not knowing how bad I fucked up my ride.


I use any of the 1st person one's and stay faaaaarrrr away from any 3rd person nonsense. My fave is the bumper cam, 2nd is the cockpit.

Edit: The cockpit view gives the best "manual tranny" sound.


The Inside Track
For rally games (and only rally games) I use the 3rd person view, the farthest possible from the car. It helps greatly to see the corners coming, and also to make sure the car is perfectly not too far outside or even inside the corder.
I play all other racers (PGR2 for example) with the bumper camera, better sensations.
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