
I am playing through my own copy of Bloodborne for the very first time on native hardware. Previously I'd borrowed my friends PS4 or played it streaming through PC, so this is my first real time through. Already it is stunning! I've played through the whole game before minus the DLC but it was streaming. It is a joy to play it through once again, this time on real hardware. The controls are even nicer and the visuals are less desaturated and more sharp. I love it!

This game really holds up. I love Dark Souls III and Sekiro but this has such vivid art design and pure, focused gameplay. The pacing of the level design is wonderful. Areas like the Cathedral Ward are truly beautiful to behold. I am especially looking forward to playing through the DLC for the first time! Not sure how much to level up for but I've heard a minimum of lvl 60-70. I'm currently fighting the Blood Starved Beast so I have a ways to go.