This man. He knows.It has Mary Elizabeth Winstead in it, so it's automatically awesome.
This man. He knows.It has Mary Elizabeth Winstead in it, so it's automatically awesome.
No, that movie was bad. Old John Mcclain wrestles an F-16 to the ground. Get the fuck out of here.
It has Mary Elizabeth Winstead in it, so it's automatically awesome.
My rating, but yeah it's a farly good action movie and at least a decent Die Hard
I'll say that Die Hard 4 probably has the best set up for the "yipee kay yay" line though
How does this work with part 5? She's in it, but it's pile of shite.
Yipee kay yay, *gunshot*
Seems spot on with what I think too. Thought I would probably tweak it to a 1 = 3.My rating, but yeah it's a farly good action movie and at least a decent Die Hard
As a PG-13 action flick it's okay, merely passable. As a sequel to a great old school action franchise it's shit. But what's the point of watching a PG-13 action flick? When you watch an action film you want to see squibs and foul language and politically incorrect shit and stunts that defy physics. It's like watching a blood-less Slasher or zombie film or a porno with the porn cut out.
I never understood why people were always so upset with this being PG-13. I mean, making the thing R doesn't guarantee that it would've been a better film. Look at the fifth one if you want more proof as to why the rating itself doesn't matter. That film was an R rated film and it was also a steaming pile of horseshit.
Hell, if the first Die Hard were made today, I wouldn't be surprised if it were rated PG-13 as its level of violence is relatively lame against something like say, the Dark Knight.
I already explained my point but I guess you didn't read. When you watch an action movie you want to see squibs, violence, macho politically incorrect bullshit. Imagine if Schwarzeneggar's Commando was PG-13 or the original Robocop?
An R doesn't make a movie better, but at the same time you know that it wasn't cut down for corporate bullshit and is true to the intent of the movie.
It just makes no sense why anyone would defend a PG-13 action movie.
he gets up to the "motherf-" before the gunshot goes off. in the unrated version doesn't he just straight up say it?
To be fair I think you can get away with a lot more in a PG-13 movie now than you could say, 20 years ago
It was a pretty decent action film that was Die Hard in name only. It is definitely the weakest of the first four. I still have not brought myself to see the last one.
And I feel I am the weirdo that actually likes Die Hard 2.
You still can't get away with Robocop or Commando. Fuck anyone who says that Dredd or Rambo 4 would have been fine as a PG-13.
I hate to be "that" guy but you are incredibly wrong if you think Dredd or Commando would work as a PG-13. So indescribably wrong that I question if you're trolling or simply haven't seen the films in question.
PG-13 would mean no nudity, no squibs, fuck is said at most 3 times, no neck snaps, no gruesome deaths, and probably no drug paraphernalia. And with all that removed, how would something like Commando or Dredd be considered equal to the R version?
I mean, to say that Dredd or Commando would be fine as a PG-13 makes me question what planet you're from.
You still can't get away with Robocop or Commando. Fuck anyone who says that Dredd or Rambo 4 would have been fine as a PG-13.
yeah i liked it. have yet to see the 5th one though, and from i hear, i am not missing anything.
I actually forgot Commando was rated R. I know it's got a lot of explosions and people dying but I don't remember too many especially 'bloody' moments outside of that Green Beret and the table and that one guy getting his arm chopped off.
My rating, but yeah it's a farly good action movie and at least a decent Die Hard
How does this work with part 5? She's in it, but it's pile of shite.
Wait, she's in the 5th one?
I'm assuming she's the only redeemable part of the movie?
My man.It has Mary Elizabeth Winstead in it, so it's automatically awesome.
I'm sure it was for that topless girl and nothing else. You know, in america guts and blood? Fine, a nipple slip? Hell breaks loose.