When The Dark Knight Rises came out in theaters, I saw it three times within a week but then never watched it again. It was a movie I really enjoyed watching in theaters but as time went on, I noticed more and more issues with it. The exposition was shoddy, Banes character is weakened dramatically with the introduction of Talia at the end, and the entire Lazarus Pit plotline is rushed. However, I never gave it another watch, in theaters or on DVD. After seeing Mad Max, I had been meaning to rewatch it, so I got around to it today.
I was super surprised when it turns out I really really liked it. I used to think it was a Spider-Man 3 sized letdown, where its so bad, it makes you forget why you liked the previous movies. In fact, Id compare it most to Return of the Jedi, in the sense that there are some disappointing elements, but ultimately the feeling of finality and the catharsis it gives you a very great feeling at the end. Theres also the fun elements of Daggetts ham and all of Banes scenes. Bane has ridiculous amounts of presence, and I think Nolan and Hardy arent given enough credit for following up the iconic Joker with a villain who no one said Hey, this guy isnt as good as Joker! He stands on his own, and although he certainly isnt as great as Joker, he still is a very worthy foe for the Batman.
The exposition problems are still there, but at this point, theyve actually grown to be a charming element of Nolans movies to me. It adds a dumb operatic tone thats actually enjoyable here (unlike Man of Steel, where the blunt dialogue is just annoying). Hathaway and Gordon-Levitt are both appropriate additions to the cast, being able to deliver the dialogue in a convincing way that also make them fit right in as the Nolan-ized versions of their counterparts. The focus on Bruce Wayne, unlike in TDK, works to the films advantage, which is why issues such as the eight year gap and Alfred bringing up the letter dont bother me as much as they probably should. Talia and the Lazarus Pit being rushed is still a problem, but one on the size of the Ewoks. Its not a good thing, but it doesnt bring down the movie entirely.
Id also say its the only movie where Id be willing to say a split in half couldve helped, because the awkward five month time jump still doesnt quite work. End part 1 after Bane frees the prisoners and add in more development in the Pit in the second movie. Part 1 can add in some more of Batman fixing up Gotham before being broken by Bane and both could use some more Commissioner Gordon. It really does pack two movies worth of plot into one film, which is fine if it was well-paced, but it really is much too rushed at several points in the film. I also wouldnt have minded the return of the Begins suit at the end for more underdog-ness for Batman and also, the score is kinda eh compared to the other films.
But the last five minutes might be one of my favorite ending scenes in comic book movies ever. It doesnt top The Dark Knights but it doesnt need to. It gives a nice finale sense to the film that I doubt will ever be replicated with the now popular cinematic universes (I will admit DOFPs ending does near the emotional quality of this ending, but that ending only works within the context of all the X-Men films, whereas TDKRs ending fits fine even if youre just watching the film on its own). The last minute gave me goosebumps while I was watching it at home, which never ever happens to me, especially on a rewatch.
All in all, The Dark Knight Rises is a flawed film. Im not going to call it a great film, thats for certain. However, I feel like it may be a bit overhated. Its not deep, but its a comic book movie. Its not the best blockbuster of 2012, but its pretty high up there. I remember I used to say Skyfall was a better film; I definitely disagree with that now. It might be Nolans worst film (even though this opinion is very, very wrong; Inception is notably worse), but that doesnt prevent it from being a good finale to a great trilogy. What say you, GAF? Has the movie improved over time or is it still a shitty finale to two otherwise great Batman films?