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Rumble Roses, where's the love?!

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
The Take Out Bandit said:
I played the hell out of the old school wrestling games I linked to earlier in the thread.

I also enjoyed Fire Pro on the Dreamcast.

I'm just not a con-I-sewer of them like Bishoptl or those folks. That's time better dedicated to playing fighting games.


TToB, the old-school wrestlers are nothing like what RR will play like. It's a Yuke's wrestling game. Just try out WWE Smackdown! HCTP, Shut Your Mouth, or Smackdown! Vs. RAW for a good idea of what to expect. They aren't like Firepro or the old school WWE games. But like I said, this game is supposed to have some more..."exciting" moves and such. :)

I'm looking forward to this game because I'd rather have a wrestling game with a bunch of half-naked chicks than a bunch of half-naked guys. :D Also, the music should be a lot better than the crap the WWE games use. (I'm not talking about entrance music)

Spike Spiegel said:
Convince me to buy this over MGS3.

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBS. DUH!! Also, the feminine-looking characters will actually BE female.
I'm looking forward to this game because I'd rather have a wrestling game with a bunch of half-naked chicks than a bunch of half-naked guys.

From what I understand of the game engine, from what I've read, it sounds really good and the developers seem to be focusing on making it easy to pick up and play, which will be good for when friends are over. Except Sea Manky, his hatred of wrasslin' exceeds even massive mammaries.

Convince me to buy this over MGS3.

There's no hope for you. ^_^

I f@cking hate Metal Gear and the whole "stealth" genre. Unless someone can magically take Tenchu back to it's roots, sans rubbish new school controls, and put some action back into the stealth.

I dunno. I'd rather spend thirty minutes just observing enemies before I pounce in Tenchu than be bothered with MGS. Then there's the issue of the fixed camera angles in MGS. Shades of Mikami hatred!

What, they took out Phil Margera?

No, you just can't make a Phil sized skater. >:|


. . .

What's good for the goose, sir! TALK TO THE HAND! ^_^

Perhaps I could interest you in a copy of Super Galdelic Hour?! :p

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Give the latest Tenchu a try when it comes Stateside. MUCH better than Tenchu 2 and Tenchu Wrath of Heaven. AI is still dumb, but better than the previous versions at least. But the levels designs are a lot better.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Good god, Ruble Roses has some HORRIBLE OFF SYNCH voice acting. But it's so laughably bad it looks like it will add to the game's "charm." :lol

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Eh, The game's already $40.00. And DOAU is worth getting now to experience all the people playing online.


After watching the trailers the game looks meh. Fighting looks boring (least none of the trailers showed anything of interest). That and their breasts don't move.... like at all.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Ferrio said:
After watching the trailers the game looks meh. Fighting looks boring (least none of the trailers showed anything of interest). That and their breasts don't move.... like at all.

There's some nice IGN movies for insiders to download.

But it's not going to appeal to fighting game fans. This is a WRESTLING GAME. :)
That and their breasts don't move.... like at all.


What are you smoking sir?

Blim Blim hosted a torrent of a high quality video from Famitsu or some such recently. It weighs in at about 40MB, has CG, gameplay, and the breast animation demo mode. Some of the best breast animation to date. More of a natural bounce as opposed to the weird shit we've got currently.

Anyhow, that's enough. Trying to blast through R&C2 so I can get to the ultra awesome Bloodrayne 2, then spend some more time with THUG2 before I play Rumble Roses. :p TOO MANY GAMES! >:|

R&C2 has a serious case of Bloodrayne syndrome. Packing all sorts of awful stuff in the first levels and really dampening my interest in continuing. Fortunately I made it past that and it's all good afterward. Love that shotgun.

Oh yeah, more tit jokes at the expense of Bloodrayne. Tit, tit, tit. Boob, boob, boob. Tit, boob, tit. They did a really nice job on the visuals and the Juggy Dance Squad code is a bit bustier in the sequel, even if it's no longer Juggy Dance Squad.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Ferrio said:
Well I have yet to see much stuff play up the sexual theme besides a few crappy stretching intros.

It's all about the humiliation moves, so I'm told.
Hmmm I wonder if Konami is going to have a TV campaign for this one? That would rock!

Big ups to them for advertising it in Playboy. In addition to getting free publicity due to the content of the game.
The Take Out Bandit said:
adelgary: You should pick up THUG2. Create-A-Skater could be very accomodating for your tastes. :D Be warned - NO FAT CHICKS! >:|

You can't make fat ugly chicks and you can't make terribly fat ugly dudes. Kind of weak, but if you want a bulky male model skating around in briefs, you can do that. :p

Yeah I toyed around with Create-A-Skater mode in all Tony Hawk games that have it, including THUG, I don't think THUG2's mode is much different if at all?

Smackdown! Vs RAW gives you some nice wrestler making options too :p
Sho Nuff said:
You, sir, have convinced me. Away I go! :)

Seriously, though... I need a reason, or an excuse if you prefer. I'm pretty much done with Monster Hunter (125+ hours and counting, GOTY!), so it won't be long before I'm looking for something else to play with. But I honestly haven't been paying much attention to what's on the horizon for PS2. The only games that constitute a blip on my radar right now are:

- Metal Gear Solid 3
- Gran Turismo 4
- Devil May Cry 3
- Champions of Norrath: Return to Arms
- Wanda and the Colossus
- Berserk

Three of those aren't coming out until 2005, and one probably won't be coming to the US at all (damnit!). So that leaves MGS3 and GT4, but... those are both high-profile games expected to sell millions of copies; in other words, I can buy them at any time in the near future, and at a reduced cost to boot. After all, that's what I did with MGS2.

That leaves me relatively free to buy Rumble Roses, except... well, if past experience is any indication, I absolutely SUCK at wrestling games (and "extreme" sports games, too, but that's another story). I've never bought a wrestling game before, and every time I play a demo of one, I get my ass kicked repeatedly. WWe, Def Jam, Legends of Wrestling, etc. etc... it doesn't matter; I suck at all of them.

Maybe I just haven't spent enough time playing wrestling games. Maybe I need to approach them differently, instead of going at it like I would a fighting game. Or maybe I just haven't been... properly motivated... to learn the gameplay mechanics before. In any case, right now I suck at wrestling games, and am hesitant to purchase one for fear I won't be able to play it.

So that's where I stand. In one hand, I hold my gross inexperience and ineptitude with wrestling games in general. In the other, I heft the smooth, firm bounty that the luscious ladies of Rumble Roses have to offer. Somewhere in between rests my wallet, and the $40+tax that could quite probably be put to better use elsewhere. Decisions, decisions...

Through Rumble Roses, can I learn to play wrestling games, or should I save my money for something else?


Banstick Emeritus
The Take Out Bandit said:
The only comparison that can be made to this and DoA is the part in which Itagaki cries when Japanese sales charts are released. :p
Good to have you back, Polak.

Konami will show those DOA hacks exactly how fan service and gameplay can mix, instead of that button-mashing nonsense Tecmo insists on foisting upon an unwary public. RR rocked at E3 and I have no reason to believe that it hasn't actually increased the rockingness up until release. None whatsoever.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
When BishopTL is giving this game praise, you know it's worth a look at. :)

Found this skin for Tina at Ninjahacker. Pretty good:

bish: I hope you're right, because I'm still sore about DJV2. ;)

Koshiro: I stare at titties all day, what are your qualifications? :p

Rumble Roses has some lovely, realistic looking bust animation. Unless you prefer the silicon bounce of other games that will remain nameless.
Oh. My. God.

I just finished watching those clips at IGN, and... I have come to a decision on Rumble Roses, thanks in no small part to the shockingly bad English dub. That voice acting if f*cking HORRIBLE. I don't believe I've ever heard the like, and there's no way in hell I'm getting this game now. The only way I'd even consider it, is if there's a JPN language option.

Sho Nuff

Spike Spiegel said:
Oh. My. God.

I just finished watching those clips at IGN, and... I have come to a decision on Rumble Roses, thanks in no small part to the shockingly bad English dub. That voice acting if f*cking HORRIBLE. I don't believe I've ever heard the like, and there's no way in hell I'm getting this game now. The only way I'd even consider it, is if there's a JPN language option.

The one with the Judo Babe and Reiko actually makes me cringe.

"I have to get psyched up! Fight! Fight! Fight!"
"I'd better get psyched up too! Fight!"

Jesus fucking christ, whoever localized that needs to receive a spinning DDT onto a bed of florescent light bulbs.
Rowdy Reiko's ring speech was especially cringe-worthy. So flat and soulless. :lol

I almost can't believe it. This is actually worse than "porn star" bad; it's "stereotypical parody of porn star" bad, as seen on television.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Are you kidding me? The bad voice acting only adds to the game. :D When it's THIS bad, it's fun to hear these voices.
That voice acting if f*cking HORRIBLE.

Wait - they talk?!


Anyhow, just picked up my copy - good fun too.

Walk into EB.

"I'm here to pick up a pre-order."

"Halo 2?"

"NO! Rumble Roses."


Right now it's loading to my harddrive. I think I'll go "read" the manual while I doing some pooping on ye olde thinking seat. OH YEAH! OH YEAH!

If I do not post again after tonight, don't send a rescue party. I died happy. :lol

so i got a chance to play this game...

basically, it plays pretty similar to a smackdown game, except all the moves have a 1 second ass, tits or crotch shot... or a combination of them...

Well I'm really enjoying the game so far, aside from the lack of a kick button. I also need to reprogram my brain to work with wrestling game engines. I'm still trying to play it like a fighter, and at this point; it's putting up more a fight than most of the one-on-one games I've played. Then again, I'm still learning the game engine.

I'm also enjoying the old school unlock characters stuff as well.

The voice acting is also far from awful. I mean, this isn't King Lear folks! Unless you've got your head buried up the collective ass of the country of Japan.

Come for the boobies. Stay for the boobies. . . wait, I already have. :X

Kudos to whomever modelled Daisy's ass. Holy cow! That's a nice game bum. I thought this was the Emotion Engine, not the Switchin' Engine.

I can't wait to see the sequel on the PS3. @_@

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
The Faceless Master said:
so i got a chance to play this game...

basically, it plays pretty similar to a smackdown game, except all the moves have a 1 second ass, tits or crotch shot... or a combination of them...

Yeah, my co-worker thought it played like Smackdown! Just Bring It out of all the PS2 WWE games. I'm not sure about that; seemed to play bit smoother, but I barely had a chance to try it out. Will tonight though.

We were all laughing at the camera angles used during moves...it's so perverted it's funny. :) The game seems to be lacking flashy moves though, but I guess it's all about the boobs/butts.


Got it, haven't played it yet. Expect impressions followed up with a semi review. Will include pictures..... maybe movies if I'm fiesty.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Playing through story mode wiuth Reiko now. The voice acting is making me crack up...it really is THAT bad. :lol The story is also hilarious. Heel characters appear to have been BRAINWASHED, and despite being evil, seem to have no problem following the rules of standard wrestling bouts. The 3 count brings them back to the side of good. Right. This is no more absurd than having evil brainwashed women wrestlers in the first place, I suppose.

Boobs aside, the game play is pretty good. It's basically a simplified Smackdown! game, and it should be pretty easy for newcomers to get into. You have a set amount of strikes (using the same button, so forward and strike is a punch, back and strike is a kick, etc.), which can be chained together and interrupted with grapples, running attacks, submission holds, off-the-rope jumps, and more. Each girl also gets one lethal attack (a special pin) move and one humiliation attack which are earned during matches. These can be countered by using up one of the same attacks that have been stored up. The game also has a limb damage system for certain moves and for submissions.

Visually, RR looks pretty damn good for a wrestling game. The models are super-detailed and are quite possibly the best-looking wrestling game characters yet. And of course, all the girls bounce and jiggle like jello in the right places. ^_^; Long hair still looks like a mop head like in all the other Yuke's games though. Entrances are a mixed bag, but by that I mean that some actually look like *wrestling* entrances, and others just make the girls look like strippers. :) There are entirely different entrances for the mud wrestling mode as well.

The biggest problem RR has is the lack of modes, which means lack of replay value down the road. It's basically just 1-on-1 and that's it. No weapons in matches (EDIT- take this back...they're in there somewhere. One of the vows is to not use weapons), no ref...just two girls in the ring wrasslin'. You can extend the replay value by use of the VOW system, which is basically just fullfilling certain goals in the match that you choose beforehand (giving you points for unlocking heel/face personas), and every heel/face (including alternates) has a story mode available. Once you build up points with the VOW system, your character then becomes champion and you can have other wrestlers take them on in championship mode, which unlocks the characters in gallery mode to ogle.

This game could be fun with friends though...reminds me a lot of Def Jam Vendetta in how easy the game is to pick up and play. A four player mode would have really been a welcome addition.

I haven't seen any of the humiliation moves yet; are they perhaps the "flashy" moves that are missing from the game so far?

Overall, if you like wresting games and want something simpler that your non-wrestling fans will want to play, RR is a good choice. If you want teh boobs, this game most certainly also offers that. Just don't expect something as deep as Smackdown! Vs. RAW, and you're good to go.

EDIT: Just got to the boss, Lady X. I thought something was wrong when
she was fully-clothed. :lol You beat her and then you have to fight "Lady X Substance" (MGS?), a cyborg that can fully twist her upper body around...she's got some craxy moves including one where the screen flashes, a buzzer goes off, and she goes all over the ring doing something akin to Zangief's spinning lariat...only it's only the top half that's spinning! And her Killer move's a ROCKET PUNCH!! :lol I just lost to her nasty-looking submission.

EDIT 2: Beat the game with Reiko. You get
two swimsuits and an alternate costume for doing so, plus you can use her heel version in story mode.
It's been said already, but the heel or face versions you lock may as well be different characters. "Rowdy Reiko" rides a bike to the ring just like a certain WWE wrestler used to. ;) I read on Gamefaqs that you can only have a Heel or Face version of your character in use at one time in exhibition mode. Not sure how that works, but it's kind of stupid since it keeps the roster cut in half at all times if true.
No weapons in matches, no ref...just two girls in the ring wrasslin'.

Go to any of the four corners of the outer area and press circle.


Took me three hours to beat the damned thing with Reiko. I'm definitely getting my money's worth. Miss Spencer = DAVID LEE ROTH ERA VAN HALEN LEVEL HOTNESS! omg

The story is also the best thing ever™, although I don't think they intentionally meant for it to completely parody every shitty fighting game story cliche. Chances are they may have been trying to tack an engaging story on to the game. :p

OMG! P.Jack with a vagina?!

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
THREE hours?? Damn dude. You need practice. :)

I think I get why you can't have both the heel and face version of the characters in exhibition mode now....looks like if you decide to use more heel-style vows for a face, they turn into the heel once you get to 100%, and visa versa. That actually adds to the replay value IMO.
Man, this thread is fast becoming the poster child for RTFM. :p

I wonder what's up with that crazy frog save icon? Frog Prince gag at the expense of game nerds, or something else?! :D

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Hmm...now I'm reading that an unlocked heel character can have a face persona and visa versa. If that's true, then all the characters must be fully playable in exhibition mode, right?

Can anyone confirm yet? I need to go to sleep, but I guess I'll tomorrow anyway; I'll try beating the game with Rowdy Reiko in story and see if she gets unlocked in exhibition. I'd definitely prefer it that way.

Anyway, regardless, I think with the vow system and championship mode in addition to the story mode, there's enough to make 1P last a lot longer than IGN said it would in their review.


!Final post for the night...but guess what I just found in my archives!



I'll dig through more tomorrow, but that's what I knew to look for.
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