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Rumor Mill - Xbox 2 and PS3 are using same IBM processors


Evil Avatar

Alex Albrecht, the cohost of the Screensavers on G4TechTV has stumbled upon a rumor.

This person who shall remain nameless is working on the physical architecture of the CPU for the PSIII and the Xbox II. Wow I said what's that like? Then he drops the bomb... he says "Well I shouldn't be telling you this but the CPU's we are selling Sony and Microsoft are the SAME!!!" It turns out that what IBM is doing is moving around parts on the CPU to make them look different but the technology is the same!!!

It wouldn't suprise me one bit. Graphically, there won't be anything that seperates one console from another. Gamers will make their choice based on console features, console price, and exclusive games.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
err that would make no sense
jedimike said:
Evil Avatar

It wouldn't suprise me one bit. Graphically, there won't be anything that seperates one console from another. Gamers will make their choice based on console features, console price, and exclusive games.

Hasn't Microsoft already committed to the PowerPC. The designs between that and the cell are pretty markedly different. Why would they abandon the multicore PPC?


sonycowboy said:
Hasn't Microsoft already committed to the PowerPC. The designs between that and the cell are pretty markedly different. Why would they abandon the multicore PPC?

Just the chips are the same... not the architecture.

edit: Isn't cell more of a design philosophy, rather than a new breed of CPU? MS can still use whatever chipsets for the North and South bridges and Sony can still do whatever with cell while using the same CPU's.


lockii said:
I thought Sony had that whole Cell thing going on? Or am I out of the loop.
IBM = Cell, buddy.

Anyway, screw Cell, I'm betting on the Revolution being more of a beast, and outpowering the other two consoles, heh. And you know, what the hell not? The GameCube has the superior architecture this generation minus the harddrive....heh.


Fafracer forever


The Cell is a variation of the PowerPC architecture. It is not like IBM started from scratch. Of course there is a much bigger difference between the standard PowerPC and the Cell than just moving around some parts.


Technically, the Cell is a multicore PPC design. Still, it's a bit of a stretch to call it "moving around parts."
From Alex's Blog:

Everyone, this is a rumor...

A well placed source within IBM let something slip to me the other day... and he doesn't know I'm writing this... but I just can't keep this in. This person who shall remain nameless is working on the physical architecture of the CPU for the PSIII and the Xbox II. Wow I said what's that like? Then he drops the bomb... he says "Well I shouldn't be telling you this but the CPU's we are selling Sony and Microsoft are the SAME!!!" It turns out that what IBM is doing is moving around parts on the CPU to make them look different but the technology is the same!!! Also he said they are hoping that Sony and Microsoft don't figure it out...

Now again, this is a rumor... so no Slashdoting, this is just for you guys...

Stay tuned...

- Alex

The whole quote from the man himself. I hate middle men.


lockii said:
Boy, I hope SCE and MS don't read EvilAvatar.

The original source is Alex, but I found the article at Evil Avatar. I could have just quoted Alex's site, but didn't want to exclude Evil since I found the info there. Gotta give credit where it's due.


Both Cell and the Xbox2 processor are PowerPC derivated techonology.No surprise.
The source of Evil Avatar clearly isn't a tech guy and confused the fact they both share the PowerPc basis with the fact they are the same tech.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
And then IBM goes on to release a code to the public that can be entered on either console to allow it to play the other's games!!!! We're so tantalizingly close to a one console world and it's all thanks to IBM. By the time IBM is done working with all three console manufacturers this gen, they'll just step in around 2011 and say, "Yo, fucknuts, this how you make a game console..."


jedimike said:
Evil Avatar

It wouldn't suprise me one bit. Graphically, there won't be anything that seperates one console from another. Gamers will make their choice based on console features, console price, and exclusive games.

Fanboy warz will be very interesting during next-gen II.


bull fucking shit

PS3 - IBM-Sony-Toshiba Cell architecture - dozens of processors on-chip

Xbox 2 - IBM multicore POWER / PowerPC - 3 processors on-chip
also we don't know anything about the graphics card for PS3.

Since ATI is doing the graphic chip for Xenon, it could turn out to be superior than PS3.

I personally think Sony should have gone to nividia for the graphics card
Doom_Bringer said:
also we don't know anything about the graphics card for PS3.

Since ATI is doing the graphic chip for Xenon, it could turn out to be superior than PS3.

I personally think Sony should have gone to nividia for the graphics card

Didn't Sony actually go to Nvidia for graphics help? Not for the development of a card, but for design help? I thought I read that somewhere, but maybe it was just a rumor.


The Bookerman said:
I can say that Microsoft won't be using Cell processors in Xbox 2. that's for sure.

Sony already said it's gonna use Cell in Ps3.

Of course they won't.

What will matter is how IBM will be using the CELL design with their development of future processors. It's not really that much of a stretch to see IBM using part of their CELL joint designs for their other processors. I wouldn't expect to see the same thing, obviously, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was comparable.

In the end, IBM gets both processors done using some sort of common technology and some specific ones.

I'd actually be surprised if IBM developed both processors completely new without sharing technology.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Both use PowerPC but CELL uses it as a part of something larger. It isn't news that both have common tech to one degree or another (but it isn't to the degree than an uninformed person might think reading this "rumour").


Maybe they got PS3 and Revolution mixed up. I expect both Xenon and Revolution will be using fairly standard PowerPC chips.


Marconelly said:
Depending on when each console is getting released, and it's price, that may or may not be true.

As Sony just proved, price is not relative to it's capabilities.
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