I remember Rian Johnson also using the “it was done for the story” excuse to explain away his shitfuck movie plots.
Not impressed with Mando. Some nostalgia heavily padded with filler. Kind of funny to me seeing people claiming “Star Wars is back”. Yes they said it for TFA too.
Once upon a time I really enjoyed reading your posts, but for a while everything I read from you is shitting on something or hate. Don't go that route, mate.
on topic:
How is "done for the story" even relevant here?
I had no idea about what happened in Clone Wars or Rebels with the Mandalorians, and this show has given enough information to see what they were going for.
We see normal Mandalorians take their helmets off -> Din slowly realizes he was raised in a cult -> he starts taking the rule more lightly -> he breaks the rule for the child, showing how much the little one means to him but also that he starts changing his ways.
"Show, don't tell" worked for me here.
Then on your second point: what is even the point of a sequel of something that's 37 years old if it's not somehow nostalgic? Just create a new franchise/setting/universe then. If you want to "let the past die", then don't use it to sell tickets for your movie, assholes.