I like Jasmine a lot. Her looks aren't anything, she's not winning material but I like her personality, frontrunner for Ms Congeniality based on ep1.
Miss Fame is polish, but that's all I'm getting at this point - already bored of her, she seemed like the easy call for winner, but now I've seen ep1 I kind of want her to go home before we get to the top 4. I'm much more interested by Katya (hilarious, great looks), Pearl and Violet. Loved all 3 of Violet's looks, her attitude stinks (but was entertaining) I hope it doesn't hold her back towards the end of the season because everything else is great.
Kandy Ho? Kandy No. Hate her style, hate her attitude, hate her make-up.
Sasha Belle, Kasha Davis seem kind of old fashioned, didn't get in to them at all.
Max - yes please, Milk 2.0.
Everyone else - I need to see more. Kennedy Davenport's Egyptian nude was my favourite runway look though.